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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:05 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
Strongish wind from the west today which doesn't suit butterflies at my workplace.
These photos are from yesterday, showing what Meadow Brown females look like in the South of France.
Probably form hispulla (same individual in both photos):
jurtina28 female Vitrolles scrub 01Jun16 (4).JPG
jurtina28 female Vitrolles scrub 01Jun16 (3).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:33 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
Bit of a catch-up from the South of France.
Today, a trip into the west Var came up with the Clouded Apollo.
It was seen above 900 m ASL. This subspecies is Parnasius mnemosyne cassiensis.
It is an endangered species, on the verge of extinction and is protected.
SPECIES No. 90 : Clouded Apollo ssp. cassiensis
mnemosyne6_83 cassiensis 05Jun16 (112).JPG
mnemosyne4_83 cassiensis 05Jun16 (96).JPG
NB: I have subsequently withdrawn context photos for obvious reasons.

Also seen, a female Adonis Blue. Lysandra bellargus form ceronus (I think).
bellargus1_83 female form ceronus 05Jun16 (48).JPG
bellargus1_83 female form ceronus 05Jun16 (31).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:02 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
I'd like to share with you some photos from today, in the west Var, South of France.
A rather well marked Satyrium ilicis, female, form cerri:
ilicis2_83 female form cerri La Taurelle 11Jun16 (1).JPG
correct me if I'm wrong
ilicis2_83 female form cerri La Taurelle 11Jun16 (1a).JPG
ilicis2_83 female form cerri La Taurelle 11Jun16 (3).JPG
Plus Black-veined Whites in copula:
crataegi pair 11Jun16 (1).JPG
And here is an original shot of a courting couple of Small Coppers. The individual on the left may be female form elea:
phlaeas30 pair  Vallon du Cros 11Jun16 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:51 pm
by David M
Some lovely specimens there, Chris. Well done on your cassiensis by the way. Hope there's still a Marseille standing after the behaviour of Russian and English hooligans. :(

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:06 am
by Chris Jackson
Central Southern France

Hi Folks,
The most recent species this week is the Southern Gatekeeper which is right on time compared to previous years.
SPECIES No. 92 : Southern Gatekeeper (male)
cecilia16_13 male Vitrolles scrub 15Jun16 (2a).JPG
cecilia16_13 male Vitrolles scrub 15Jun16 (1a).JPG
I also saw my first Grayling yesterday.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:04 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
I hear weather is a bit naf back in Blighty at the moment. Down in the south east of France we seem to be protected by a pressure zone over the Med.
Morning temperatures are around 21°C, and between 29 and 32°C in the afternoon.
Here are my latest sightings from today, not far from my workplace in Vitrolles in the Bouches du Rhone.
I think I've got the very start of their flight periods because they are quite fresh individuals.
SPECIES No. 97 : Black Satyr
actaea21_13 Parc Magenta 30Jun16 (1a).JPG
SPECIES No. 98 : Striped Grayling
fidia17_13 Parc Magenta 30Jun16 (6a).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:47 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
End of June and a couple of new arrivals. In France, both these species are pretty much restricted to a limited area.
SPECIES No. 96 : Spanish Purple Hairstreak.
I am aiming for an open-wing shot this year.
roboris2 Vallon 01Jul16 (37).JPG
SPECIES No. 99 : Furry Blue (female) :
There seem to be many more females around than males.
dolus3 female Vallon 01Jul16 (20).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:02 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
Bit of an update from today in central southern France.
Furry Blue male uppers and unders:
dolus1 male Vallon 04Jul16 (55).JPG
dolus male uppers, early morning shot (one of this year's goals achieved :D plus flight period nailed down at this altitude):
dolus1 male Vallon 04Jul16 (20).JPG
I finally have evidence of a Queen of Spain colony within 40 km of Marseilles, at 650 m ASL.
lathonia6_83 Vallon 04Jul16 (2).JPG
Here is a bit of context in the west Var in the South of France. These bushes are 'Sumac' and attract many flying insects.
In the distance, the mountain of La Sainte Baume:
context - roboris Vallon 01Jul16 (1).JPG
A female? Grayling:
semele1 female Vallon 04Jul16 (8).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:16 pm
by Charles Nicol
just caught up with 10 weeks of your posts Chris :oops: !!

wonderful pics of our 6 legged friends & thier environment.

i have booked my Aude vacation & purchased some Euros ...


8) 8)

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:52 pm
by LancsRover
Hi Chris, I'm just catching up with your blog, great pic. of Striped Grayling, amongst others, well done. I'm after the "emperor" tomorrow at Fermyn Woods.


Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:12 pm
by Sylvie_h
Hi Chris,

Ah oui la Ste Baume, when I looked at your photograph, I recognized the place immediately having been there 13 years ago.... That was the summer of 2003 with high heatwave and fires (I remember the one in the Massif des Maures as one of my favourite spots had been badly hit) and some paths in the area were closed to the public. Beautiful place indeed steeming with butterflies and other creeping and flying insects.... makes me want to go back, thanks for sharing.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:58 am
by Chris Jackson
Hello Charles,
Looking forward to your reports from your gourmet butterflying holidays.
I dare not wonder about Sterling - Euro exchange rates at the moment ..... Brexit has no regard for a man and his appetite.

Hello Russ,
Striped Grayling do look good if you can catch them fresh. Good luck with the Emperor - that is still on my wish list.

Hello Sylvie,
Yes, the Ste Baume is an interesting place. There are two particular hotspots that have no less than 75 species of butterfly over the season.


Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:46 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
Back to work in the South of France, holidays over.
After having spent 2 weeks in the Hautes Alpes and in Savoie, I've come back down to the dried up South with temperatures reaching 33 or 34°C, and very few species of butterflies flying during my lunch break. The Southern Gatekeeper is flying but hides in the shade at the foot of the bushes.
Out in the scrub, Tree Grayling are predominant. This is the start of their flight period - they are truly a mid-July hot weather butterfly.
SPECIES No. 133 : Tree Grayling
statilinus25 Vitrolles scrub 25Jul16.JPG
A solitary Swallowtail braved the heat:
machaon23 Vitrolles scrub 25Jul16 (1).JPG
Context - dried up scrub
context Vitrolles scrub 25Jul16.JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:15 pm
by Charles Nicol
just arrived in Carcassonne... have seen one or two Walls & HBHMs....will set up a Flickr page soon

8) 8)


Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:24 pm
by Chris Jackson
Welcome to France, Charles.
Looking forward to your reports.
They say that with this heat-wave, you should drink at least one and a half litres per day.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:47 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
End of July, central southern France.
Here is a brief view of some different species one can see in my region at the end of July.
Weaver's Fritillary
dia7_83 Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (30).JPG
Furry Blue, female
dolus14 female Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (3).JPG
Rock Grayling (perhaps). H. hermione hermione
hermione hermione1_83 Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (3).JPG
Small Heath, form lyllus
pamphilus20_83 forme lyllus Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (9).JPG
Chalk-hill Blue, male
coridon16 male Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (4).JPG
Southern Marbled Skipper
baeticus11_83 male Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (8).JPG
Oberthür's Grizzled Skipper, female
armoricanus14_83 female Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (6).JPG
False Grayling
arethusa6_83 Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (2).JPG
Black Satyr, female
actaea23_83 female Vallon du Cros 30Jul16 (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:37 pm
by David M
None too shabby a list, Chris. I merely wish that we could see butterflies at all in the UK right now.

Things are bleak like never before! :(

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:05 pm
by Charles Nicol
the Papillons in the Aude are similar to last year but no Apatura spp yet.

i was dismayed to find that a large stand of poplars where they lived has been clear felled with only about 10% left :cry: :cry:

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:30 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hello David and Charles,

Today it took a 2-hour round trip to get my yearly fix of Lesser Purple Emperor, about 50 km north east of Marseilles.
I walked up the side of the river, stood next to the same tree as last year, waited 2 minutes, the butterfly came down (the same male clytie form as last year), I took a few photos, then went home. I didn't think it would be as predictable that :shock:
Difficult however to get close, and underwing shots nigh impossible.
Here is a bit of context as well.
SPECIES No. 138 : Lesser Purple Emperor, male, form clytie
ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (5).JPG
context - ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (4).JPG
context - ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (3).JPG
context - ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (2).JPG
context - ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:40 pm
by Charles Nicol
Chris Jackson wrote:Hello David and Charles,

Today it took a 2-hour round trip to get my yearly fix of Lesser Purple Emperor, about 50 km north east of Marseilles.
I walked up the side of the river, stood next to the same tree as last year, waited 2 minutes, the butterfly came down (the same male clytie form as last year), I took a few photos, then went home. I didn't think it would be as predictable that :shock:
Difficult however to get close, and underwing shots nigh impossible.
Here is a bit of context as well.
SPECIES No. 138 : Lesser Purple Emperor, male, form clytie
ilia5_83 male form clytie Gorges du Caramy 06Aug16 (5).JPG
Cheers, Chris
well done Chris !! i shall persevere... this après midi i shall walk through the remaining poplars to look for the Emperors 8)