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Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:36 pm
by Reverdin
interesting views... I've seen Pierids nectaring on bluebells, but as a roost... sort of hari-kiri really. Maybe not the most genuine photos and of no scientific value whatsoever... Believe it or not I did think quite a long time about it before, decided to but sort of does detract from any value, so won't hurry to repeat the folly.
Also agreed, handling a rarity would be too risky under most circumstances to contemplate.... just not worth it.
Otherwise, thanks for some kind words all. :oops:

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:08 pm
by Neil Hulme
Orange Tips and Green-veined Whites both sit on bluebells with some regularity. On Sunday, while leaving Heyshott Escarpment via the sheltered lane at its base, I watched a male Orange Tip react immediately to the temperature drop as thick cloud covered the sun. Despite the availability of plants offering much better camouflage it dived straight onto a bluebell. I've seen two other Orange Tips (1m, 1f) and a GVW perched on bluebells this spring, and that's despite not being out nearly as much as usual! Perhaps this is a reflection of rapid shutdown, rather than the more leisurely selection of a bed for the night under more favourable weather conditions. It is certainly more common to find them at slumber on a plant affording a much better match.

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:28 pm
by Reverdin
That's very interesting, I've just never seen that naturally myself..... should have claimed genuine photos :roll: :D :wink: Hey ho... that's why I would be no good at Poker :lol:

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:00 pm
by David M
The only butterfly I've ever seen settled on bluebells is Marsh Fritillary (and even then it wasn't necatring).

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:18 pm
by Reverdin
Maybe they like blue.... reminds me of the Alps a couple of years ago, and another sort of blue...
09 E. aurinia  Route de Col de Joux Planes 0306 1 003.jpg
and I didn't stage that one :D

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:21 pm
by Wurzel
Visually stunning shots however they were obtained :D I've had female Orange-tips roosting on Bluebells this year but I don't know about other whites.

Have a goodun


Re: Reverdin

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:05 pm
by Reverdin
Today was the first hopeful day up here for a while, though cool, the sun was out. :D The decision was between late GHs nearby, or earlyish Dukes and PBFs a bit further afield.... well.... there was only ever one decision, and fingers x'd for the sparing of wall to wall cloud on arrival, I set out..

Dukes appeared immediately, first 2 spiralling males, but over the next 2-3 hours, there must have been up to 8 in the small area I patrolled. - no females though. Interestingly, my car told me it was 9.5c as I left it, but the transect lady had a thermometer reaching 16c in the habitat, a small sheltered hotspot... and long may it remain so for the Dukes to continue there :D
s1/100 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
s1/100 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
s1/80 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
s1/80 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
After a chat with fellow enthusiast Martin, I followed his suggested route to a PBF area I did not already know... there must have been at least half a dozen there, but they were really skittish, allowing me only one decent record shot. Nevertheless they are always a joy to behold, especially in the frozen North here. :D
s1/80 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
s1/80 f9.0 i100 100mm macro IS + tripod + remote release + PS CS5
:D :D :D

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:48 pm
by Reverdin
No butterflies today, but this chap popped in for tea.....
taken from about two feet away :roll:

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:35 pm
by Reverdin
Bit of a trial posting...



Re: Reverdin

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:39 am
by selbypaul
They are awsome photo's some of the best I've seen. Well taken!

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:49 pm
by Reverdin
Cheers Paul :D - I am ever trying to work out how much to sharpen etc etc for the best look on screen.... not necessarily the same as best print etc etc... and nowadays there are many stunning photos on this site, I'm still trying to find out how they do it!!! Are you a photographer? Hiding your light under a bushell?? I can't find any you have posted :D

Here is one from today.... I wanted a well marked GH, and this was among 7 at my local site, most fresh and including one mating pair :D :D

:D :D

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:13 am
by selbypaul
Another great photo!
I do take some photo's myself, but its only with a small compact camera. It's good enough to take the odd superb photo, but it doesn't guarantee it.
Where is "local" to you? Your profile just says "Northern England" - I'm Sheffield based myself.

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:03 pm
by Reverdin
There's only one thing to do when you have the day off, and wall to wall sunshine is promised... yay.... a long trip!.... Cumbria beckoned with two species I cannot see any closer, amid beautiful scenery and old fishing towns.
I was not to be disappointed, :D though a healthy breeze did make photography difficult :roll:

s1/80 f9.0 i100



s1/80 f9.0 i100

s1/80 f9.0 i100

s1/80 f9.0 i100
may add a few more yet :D :D

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:52 pm
by David M
Excellent array of photos.

I'm surprised Marsh Frits are already out in northern England though, as they've only very recently emerged in the south.

Perhaps 25c temperatures everywhere are some kind of generic leveller.

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:07 pm
by Reverdin
I guess so... looking back.. last week in May is when they have appeared for the last 5 years, so no different this year... although there were only 2 - so I suspect today or yesterday to be day1. The Small Blues were out in force!!! - up here at least, things seem to be arriving now on time! Interestingly, the OTs & GVWs are still going strong, possibly later than they usually last :?

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:37 pm
by David M
Marsh Frits were out in early May in S. Wales last year but have only just emerged now (a difference of almost 3 weeks). That said, Orange Tips and GVWs have practically disappeared down here, so if they're still going strong up north I suspect you're at least a week behind.

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:45 pm
by MikeOxon
Reverdin wrote:nowadays there are many stunning photos on this site, I'm still trying to find out how they do it!!!
I suspect that the problem with one's own photos is that they are viewed in competition with the memory of the real thing - which was always so much better! Other people's photos don't suffer from that competition.


Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:13 pm
by Reverdin
possibly so, yes!... I was musing why I take photos today.... it relates to what you just posted, in that I decided it was because I want that moment of beauty in front of me to last forever... and photos serve as a reminder of that fleeting view - but as you say.. a pale imitation ( tho' I do saturate a teensy bit :lol: )

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:08 pm
by Reverdin
Here's another minimus from last Friday....


It has to be one of my very favourite butterflies in this country :D

..... and another shot of the Marsh Frit...



A fresh female Speckled Wood in the garden this lunchtime. :?

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:56 pm
by Reverdin
After a late start this year, my contrived "Alpine meadow" looked a bit spartan in April,
but now at the start of June, is looking a bit more like it.
Hopefully there will be some other colours than yellow around soon!! :D

So... it's time to add another metre or so....
plenty of seed to come later!! :D