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Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:15 pm
by Jack Harrison
Charles Nicol:
Went back to Burwell Cutting. This time there were plenty of Green Hairstreaks flying....
Nice picture Charles.

I braved the dogs and their calling cards at the Newmarket end of Devil's Dyke today. Met Guy Manners there. He had seen just one GH; I saw none :( I will probably give Burwell a try again over the weekend.

Can someone confirm that the seedling tree in this piccie is a Sycamore? Or is it an Elm? (near the car park)
I didn't in fact notice it at the time when photographing the butterfly.


Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:15 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Hi Jack,

I reckon that's Sycamore. We just pulled about 30 just like that out of one of our front flower borders!



Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:49 pm
by Bill S
Many Grizzled Skippers today on private land on the Hants/Wilts border, as well as a solitary (shy) Duke of Burgundy.



Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:54 am
by Zonda
Well - given that Clouded Yellow DO seem to overwinter on the South Coast as pupae (albeit in very small numbers) and that a lot came over last summer, it is not TOO much of a leap to accept the odd fresh CY in that area....?
That's right Nick. One has been seen at Bournemouth too, despite the bad winter. :)

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:34 am
by Elaine
Further south than you, but may help - I had Clouded Yellows (Souci) here in Southern Brittany last Sunday. Definitely not Brimstones (Citron)! So they most likely successfully overwintered here and we had a very cold one!

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:49 pm
by Zonda
Nice to know, all the same. Cheers Elaine. :)

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:29 pm
by 55bloke
Amazed to se a brimstone zip through our garden this afternoon! Never seen one round here before.

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:35 pm
by sandraandkevin
5 grizzled skippers at Waterford Heath South pit this afternoon.

Sandra and kevin

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:54 pm
by Jack Harrison
sandraandkevin wrote:
5 grizzled skippers at Waterford Heath South pit this afternoon. Sandra and kevin
I like the capital S for Sandra and the small k for kevin. Keep him in his place Sandra :)


Re: Green Hairstreak

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:00 pm
by sahikmet
Today a single Green Hairstreak at Mill Hill Sussex.



Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:22 pm
by felix123
6 speckled woods in are garden today even know there is the horrible hazy cloud here today (and we have had it quite alot this week) which blocks out half of the suns heat and light ARHHH!! Has any one esle had it? :?


Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:37 pm
by wavelea1
Sat 24th at Walton Common.

Weatherman predictions were off kilter (as usual) although it was warm.... the promised unbroken sunshine turned to be very hazy.

About 20 Green Hairstreaks seen over a two hour period and just the one Grizzled Skipper - which I found with a little help.


Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:02 am
by Jack Harrison
wavelea 1:
Weatherman predictions were off kilter (as usual) although it was warm.... the promised unbroken sunshine turned to be very hazy.
Short range weather forecasts these days are usually spot on. But don’t expect reliability though beyond about three days. The high cloud for Saturday was well forecast and it was no surprise to me at all. But – and this is simply a function of “trying” to simplify forecasts for Joe Public - the term “hazy sunshine” might mean haze at low level due to dust but equally the term is used to describe sunshine attenuated by cirrus cloud. Saturday combined both!

Weather forecasts need interpreting. In fact I don’t often listen to/watch media forecast but prefer to do my own from the raw data. Plenty of information available from my weather link site:


Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:06 am
by Charles Nicol
Jack Harrison wrote:
I braved the dogs and their calling cards at the Newmarket end of Devil's Dyke today.

I had heard a lot about the "Newmarket End Dog's Toilet" and was expecting the worst on my first visit recently. I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of dog deposits... perhaps they all wait for Jack to turn up !!


:) :)

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:25 pm
by Lee Hurrell
When the sun finally did show this afternoon, I was delighted to see a surburban male Orange Tip in our front garden today, the first one I've ever seen here.

Also present were 4 Speckled Woods and 2 Small or GV Whites.

A quick trip over to the cemetery yielded a further Specked Wood.



Re: April 2010 Sightings - A Lonely Cyclist

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:08 pm
by NickB
The Worlds Most Expensive Cycleway ....£140 million and counting
aka: The Cambridge mis-guided busway...
..Opening ??????
(when the lawyers have made enough money!)
...but as Trev says, it ain't over yet!

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:42 am
by NickB
At last - my local cemetery is waking up! At least 3 Speckled Wood this morning, an OT male which made the mistake of flying into Speckie territory and was roundly seen-off in turn, and 2 Holly Blue, which I was worried were going to have another bad year; encouraging but ......early days yet.

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:50 pm
by Jonathan Evans
Walton Common, Somerset 27/04/2010

5 Dingy Skipper seen today, also 9 Grizzled Skipper, 20+ Green Hairstreak, 4 Orange Tip & 12+ Brimstone. Images of Dingy Skippers are from today, other 2 are from same location on 22/04/2010.

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:08 pm
by Susie
Dozens of dingy and grizzled skippers, a dozen or so green hairstreaks, brimstones, green veined whites, peacocks, orange tips, a speckled wood and a cinnabar moth at Denbies Hillside today. Also there was something which was a dull orange, not sure if it could it be a small heath or a skipper or perhaps some type of moth as didn't get close enough to id.

Re: April 2010 Sightings

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:58 pm
by Danny
Saw an Orange Tip last Saturday flying in Redhill town Centre as I busked (sang in the street) lifted me and rescued me from my loneliness..for busking is a lonely wouldn't think it but it is..last time |I mentioned Orange tips on this site I was Ostrich sized for saying the P word...I shall never forget it! I reckon it's Woolies that was the factor that prevented Orange Tips from populating town centres across the Woolies has gone they will make their mark!
