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Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:21 am
by Susie
New year's day.[/video]

4th January

A walk out in a forlorn hope to see the partial eclipse this morning gave me an opportunity to look for brown hairstreak eggs. I only found two, but that's a start.

I also heard waxwings and a small flock flew overhead and southwards, no chance to get a decent look at them though. Plenty of redwings, fieldfares, and other thrushes, a pair of greater spotted woodpeckers together, green woodpecker, three tree creepers, nuthatches, siskins, chaffinches, green and gold finches, etc.

Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:44 pm
by Jack Harrison
Not a bad list of birds Susie. I'm jealous. The cloud broke just enough here so I did see the eclipse but had seen plenty before although sadly never a total solar eclipse.


Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:53 pm
by Susie
Hi Jack, I managed to see a total solar a few years back. It was quite spooky as the birds went to roost and then as the sun came out again they started up the dawn chorus.

I have noticed today that the birds seem to be pairing up; the woodies this morning and then several pairs of birds (mainly great tits but also blackbirds) coming to the feeders plus there is interest in the bird boxes. The snowdrops have just broken the turf so looks like although it feels as if spring is a long way away it isn't that far off really. :)

Re: Susie

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:04 am
by Susie
Absolutely nothing to do with butterflies, just a little (very silly) something for all the pedants from Greenwing

Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:55 pm
by Susie
I went to Brighton this afternoon with two of my girls for a little bit of shopping but mainly so I could finally see the starling murmuration. It was worth waiting for; what an awesome experience!
sunset 2.jpg
We went to the old pier and the sunset was gorgeous and watched a small flock of starlings swooping until they finally settled, it was beautiful as the sun went down. Then I saw there was a huge flock over the other pier! I ran hell for leather along the prom, leaving the kids to catch up later :mrgreen: They know their mum is a tad excentric about things like this so are cool with it. This starling murmuration was incredible and we were able to get right up close to it as they flew over, under and around us.

Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:45 pm
by Padfield
Ah Susie! With one post you mock us pedants and with the next you use beautiful words like 'murmuration', which we live for.


Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:53 pm
by Susie
Shouldn't that be "we pedants", Guy?

<object%20width="400"%20height="224"%20><param%20name="allowfullscreen"%20value="true"%20/><param%20name="movie"%20value=" ... d></object>[/video]

Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:20 pm
by Paul
Oh joy.... The Green Wing... what a series tha\t was 8)

(edit) or pedantically "that"

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:27 am
by Jack Harrison
Ah Susie! With one post you mock us pedants. Shouldn't that be "we pedants", Guy?
Sorry Susie, Guy was perfectly correct. The simple rule about I/me and we/us is to break down the sentence. It would have been wrong had Guy said: "With one post you mock we" but perfectly correct to. say: "with one post you mock us"

I am reminded when newsreader Anna Ford who said: "It's goodnight from Nicholas and I" and apparently the BBC was inundated with complaints. Next night she correctly said: "It's goodnight from Nicholas and me". In other words, the rule was she she couldn't say: "It's goodnight from I" but fine to say "It's goodnight from me".

Ronnie Corbett: And now, it's goodnight from me... Ronnie Barker: ...and it's goodnight from him.


Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:57 am
by Susie
Jack Harrison wrote:Susie:
Ah Susie! With one post you mock us pedants. Shouldn't that be "we pedants", Guy?
Sorry Susie, Guy was perfectly correct. The simple rule about I/me and we/us is to break down the sentence. It would have been wrong had Guy said: "With one post you mock we" but perfectly correct to. say: "with one post you mock us"

I am reminded when newsreader Anna Ford who said: "It's goodnight from Nicholas and I" and apparently the BBC was inundated with complaints. Next night she correctly said: "It's goodnight from Nicholas and me". In other words, the rule was she she couldn't say: "It's goodnight from I" but fine to say "It's goodnight from me".

Ronnie Corbett: And now, it's goodnight from me... Ronnie Barker: ...and it's goodnight from him.

I know that, Jack, me was just being silly. :)

Green Wing was wonderful, Paul.

And finally, thanks to Pete for sorting out getting this to play for me, just a little bit of the murmuration![/video]

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:19 am
by Jack Harrison
I love that Starling video and the seaside noises. Was it with the FZ38?

I do know how to make a video but grind to a halt after that and don't know how to upload for others to see. Advice please.


Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:26 am
by Susie
Hi Jack,

I'm a real technophobe and needed Pete's help to upload that but I'll try to help.

Yes, it was taken with the FZ38. The quality of the HD video is very good on there as you will be able to see (at least after your op :wink: ). Transfer the video to any internet hosting site (Facebook, Photobucket, YouTube, etc) and from there you will get a link you can paste onto any forum or email to friends.

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:58 am
by Pete Eeles
Jack Harrison wrote:I do know how to make a video but grind to a halt after that and don't know how to upload for others to see. Advice please.
See faq.php#f2r13

Let me know of any problems.


- Pete

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:36 am
by Jack Harrison
Thanks for the tips Susie and Pete.


Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:21 pm
by Susie
Due to popular demand ... :wink:[/video]

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:36 pm
by Gibster
WOW...when the flock wheels their wings almost sound like waves breaking on a pebble-strewn beach!!! :wink:

Lovely stuff, glad to see you're into birds too.


PS - If ever you're close to a large Starling flock be VERY careful not to stand directly underneath...were a Peregrine to fly past, the entire flock could take off in a panic and (possibly to lose weight and therefore gain speed?) crap everywhere. And if that flock was 50,000 strong you'd definitely want to shed some clothing before returning to your car. Hypothetically, of course (ok, forget the hypothetically bit - hands up all those who've been as dumb as I once was...)

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:51 pm
by Susie
Gibster wrote:WOW...when the flock wheels their wings almost sound like waves breaking on a pebble-strewn beach!!! :wink:

Lovely stuff, glad to see you're into birds too.


PS - If ever you're close to a large Starling flock be VERY careful not to stand directly underneath...were a Peregrine to fly past, the entire flock could take off in a panic and (possibly to lose weight and therefore gain speed?) crap everywhere. And if that flock was 50,000 strong you'd definitely want to shed some clothing before returning to your car. Hypothetically, of course (ok, forget the hypothetically bit - hands up all those who've been as dumb as I once was...)
Lol. Brilliant. Thanks for the warning! :wink: :lol:

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:29 pm
by Susie
Went to see the butterflies at Wisley today and had a lovely time. It's a nice way of spending Blue Monday, although it's been nothing but happy in our household!
Happy birthday to me! 41 today and loving life :)

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:59 pm
by Pete Eeles
What a great way to spend a birthday - Happy Birthday Sooz!


- Pete

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:13 pm
by Jack Harrison
Susie made a typo:
Happy birthday to me! 41 today and loving life :)
It's very easy to make a silly error like that especially with the 3 being next to the 4 :)

Happy birthday.
