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Re: traplican

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:10 pm
by traplican
I just have snapped (during the grass mowing) this Chequered Skipper in our garden!

This is why I have left out places with the nectaring plants, above all Ajuga.

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:16 am
by traplican
On Saturday 7th May I have snapped these butterflies:
On this cart-road Map

On this meadow:
- Eastern Short-tailed Blue - Everes decoloratus male
- Wood Whites or Réal's Wood Whites
- Comma
- Sooty Copper female
- Eastern Short-tailed Blue - Everes decoloratus female
- Grizzled Skipper
I have snapped also a Broad-Bodied Chaser.

On this cart-road along the stream
- there were 2 Camberwell Beauties and I have snapped this (fairly swarm) one
- Hornet - Vespa crabro
- Map

On these meadows :
- Weaver's Fritillary - Boloria dia
- Chequered Skipper
- Comma
- Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Clossiana selene
- Map
- Wood Whites or Réal's Wood Whites
- Grizzled Skipper

Here is complete album.

On 10th May I have snapped
- on this meadow
- Wood Whites or Réal's Wood White couplet and recorded one to the video:[/video]
- Grizzled Skipper
This Cepaea vindobonensis was snapped on this place and this one here.

- on these meadows
- Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
- Grizzled Skipper

On 11th May I have visited this forest road behind the upper end of Jankovice and I have snapped there:
- Pearl-Bordered Fritillaries
- Speckled Wood
- Camberwell Beauty
- Chequered Skippers
- Orange Tip (they aren't rare but fidgety)
- Small Copper

Here is complete album. I have taken also other interesting animals: Grass Snakes, Yellow-bellied Toads, Large Red Damselflies, Cardinal click beetle - Ampedus cardinalis, and (probably) Cicindela sylvicola.

This Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly - Ischnura pumilio male was taken in our garden on 2th May and this female on 16th May.

Re: traplican

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:45 pm
by traplican
My first this year butterflies today!

A Small Tortoiseshell in my garden and a Comma here.

Re: traplican

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:54 pm
by traplican
Today I have seen:
- a Brimstone (but one hasn't posed for a photo) :(
- Commas
- a Large Tortoiseshell sucking the sap of the tree (probably damaged by the frost)
- Small Tortoiseshells
- Peacocks
- and Map Butterflies (regrettably without the photos).

P.S.: I month ago a rare Bicolored Shrew -Crocidura leucodon was snatched to the mousetrap in the projecting roof which I use as a glove storage of the straw and hay.

Re: traplican

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:17 pm
by traplican
Correction: It were not Map Butterflies but Orange Underwings - Archiearis parthenias :oops: :[/video]

... and today I have succeeded in snapping of the Brimstones.

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:40 pm
by traplican
Hi, last Saturday I have recorded a Chapman's Blue to a video:[/video]