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Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:28 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
Firstly, many thanks to UKB's Polly for helping out at my exhibition today. Amongst the visitors was Nick Herbert, MP for Arundel and South Downs, and we spent quite some time talking about the difficulties facing butterflies today. After locking up I went on to a local site, finding my first Purple Emperor caterpillar of the year :D
Purple Emperor Cat.jpg

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:38 pm
by Jack Harrison
Well done Neil.


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:48 pm
by Pete Eeles
What a great day you've had Neil - wish I could have been there. Although I did find my first Orange-tip egg of the year!


- Pete

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:28 pm
by nick patel
Pennington flash today (Grtr Manchester) -

4 Brimstone, 30+ Orange tip, 5+ Small white, 2 Large white, 3 Comma, Holly blue, 20+ Peacock, c10 Speckled wood.

Best parts were a field of new orange tips, prancin around the meadow in the sun and a Bright male Brimstone - thought a tennis ball had flown past me!


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:31 pm
by nick patel
Only just seen your post Oy, how the eck did ya get that orange tip shot???????.


ps. did ya see the grebes?

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:30 am
by NickB
Hooray! Some sun and the Green Hairstreaks out on the Fleam Dyke (same bush, Charles :) )
Nikon D300 Tamron 90mm+Kenco 1.4xTC ISO 200 f/9 @1/200th, monopod

Securing the next generation...(there was a scrum of 3 males and 1 female)...

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:44 am
by Charles Nicol
NickB wrote:Hooray! Some sun and the Green Hairstreaks out on the Fleam Dyke (same bush, Charles :) )
Well done Nick... there was no sign of them last Monday !!

I went to Sharpenhoe & Totternhoe ( i was chilling with my 'hoes ) yesterday. No Green Hairstreaks or Dukes. Peacocks, Commas, whites & the season's first Speckled Wood.


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:37 am
by Gruditch
Nothing but Grizzled Skippers flying at Stockbridge Down this morning. And I'm really getting fed up looking for GHS. :(

Grizzled Skipper 900 19TH.jpg

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:18 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Glad you had a nice day Neil, also the weather was good to bring people out for the day.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:46 pm
by Gruditch
Forget what I just said, Got this one at Danebury Hill this afternoon. :D
No metallic paint used chitin, just got lucky.

Green Hairsreak 900.jpg

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:54 pm
by Dave McCormick
One green veined white I saw as I was coming out of my house, chased it and got a photo, I'll post later. Nice to know you got your Green hairstreak Gary. I remember last year when I went to look for them, they almost eluded me, but I eventually found one before I had to give up and go home.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:55 pm
by Denise
Nice photo's Gary. :)
I get very frustrated at weekends as I can't go out cos I have to do the family thing :evil:
However an hour in the garden produced many Speckled Wood, Small, Large and Green-veined Whites and my first fly through Holly Blue of the year.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:11 pm
by Jack Harrison
Thanks Sandra and Kevin for the tip off.

Waterford Heath Sunday 19th.
South pit at TL319147 five or six Grizzled Skippers
North pit at TL316150 three (all seen simultaneously)


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:50 pm
by Jack Harrison
I wrote yesterday:
There’s something “soulless” about Waterford. Hard to put my finger on it, but I find the place uninspiring.
This was the scene that greeted me today at the entrance to the northern pit.


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:27 pm
by Padfield
That is soul-destroying.

Often, though, things like this worry the butterflies a lot less than they worry us. My nearest rosy grizzled skipper site (Pyrgus onopordi) doubles in part as a rather filthy camp site. This photo was taken on a track where I have in the past photographed rosy grizzlies taking minerals:


That was on 13th April this year. The track was dry, but just a few hundred metres away, the same day:



Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:48 pm
by eccles
Councils have been given a ticking off from civil liberty groups for inappropriate use of CCTV cameras to catch people that do this. If they can catch them that way then bring it on. A hundred hours community service cleaning up other people's rubbish as well as their own would soon sort them out.

On a happier note, I went to Walton Common with Xmilehigh today with target species being grizzled skipper and green hairstreak. We had a fleeting glimpse of a single pristine grizzled that subsequently went to ground and stayed there as we didn't see it, or any others, again. We had more luck with GH with two separate colonies, one at the highest point of the common near hawthorn trees, and the other just above the tree line on the southern slope. Also seen were one or two GVWhite, lots of brimstone of both sexes, surprisingly more females than males, and an unidentified butterfly, possibly painted lady, heading north like a bat out of hell.
I caught this little lady ovipositing.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:44 pm
by Rogerdodge
P-b F at last!!!!!!!

Spent a very enjoyable time at Marsland on the Devon Cornwall border, and usually one of the earliest sites for P-b F.
We had high hopes as we slithered down into the valley - beautiful blue skies, little breeze, and lots of flora showing - but very little bugle, which is, as Gary so astutely observed, the favoured nectar source..
We patrolled a very reliable half mile "beat" for a couple of hours, with Peacock, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Orange Tip (will you sit still for just a few seconds - pleeeeease...) and suspected Small White.
Then, after at least two hours we spotted one individual. I managed one quick photo before we lost sight of him. Then, all of a sudden, we were surrounded by them. At least 20 individuals in an area well covered just 20 minutes ago!
Many were really fresh, and one poor female had been pounced on by an amorous male before she could unfurl her wings.
I reckon we witnessed a synchronous emergence at around 14:30 this afternoon. Has anyone else experienced this?

This is a very good omen for next wekend at Bentley.

Hope to see some of you there.

Roger Harding

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:50 pm
by Denise
Cracking shot Roger. Bl**dy well done.
I hope we see some next weekend. This would be a first for me.
See you there

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:34 pm
by Shirley Roulston
One or two came out to-day at last, Orange Tip, Holly Blues and Small White. :)
DSC01542.JPG (28.78 KiB) Viewed 469 times
S'White 19.4.09.jpg
h'blue.jpg (28.37 KiB) Viewed 471 times

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:29 pm
by geniculata
hi all,

had a great day at martin down, with good numbers of as follows.... dingy skipper 2, grizzled 5, brimstones 30, orange tips 13, large white 1, gv white 6,
red admiral 1, small torts 5, peacock 8, comma 6, speckwood 22, ruby tiger moths and common carpets. sadly no green hairstreak or holly blue, but both apparently seen there today, also painted lady. saw good veiws of adders, common lizards and slow worms.
