essex buzzard

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by millerd »

All those SPBF are an even bigger incentive to spend some time in Cornwall, Essex. :) Great shots of lovely butterflies.


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Now you have all this time on your hands :lol: , no reason why not, Dave!

Lots of other butterflies were seen at Kynance. After having our fill of SPBF, attention turned elsewhere. Four Walls were seen.
We counted six Clouded Yellows.
Common Blues were indeed common, we estimate double figures.
Small Coppers were around in low numbers, they reach their peak later, in late September and October. About 6 seen.
Perhaps the most remarkable thing present today was this Peacock. We saw a fresh one earlier, but this one is over a year old! Never before have I seen one still alive in August.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Wurzel »

Six Clouded Yellows, you're just rubbing it in now, I've still not seen one this year and time's running out :shock: :mrgreen: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

You need to head back down to the old country, Wurzel! I believe Neil F is down there at the moment, be interesting to see what he had found. I'm willing to bet there are a few Clouded Yellows down there...

The Cornish Heath is found uniquely in south-west Cornwall, nowhere else. It is in full flower in August at Kynance.
The autumn squill is common here, too. The only place I have seen it.
The local Cornish choughs have bred successfully this year, and they showed well, giving close views.
Here is a view of the splendid scenery, no wonder it is one of my very favourite places, even before the wildlife is taken into account.
And lastly, here is the peaceful evening scene of Penzance harbour.

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Neil Hulme
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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Mark,
Great reports and images. I would rank an early/mid August visit to watch second brood SPBF on the Lizard Peninsula amongst the very best butterfly-watching experiences in the UK. On sunny days it's worth going just for those unique cliff-top colours alone. I may sell the children and a buy a cottage in Cadgwith Cove.
BWs, Neil

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Neil Freeman »

Great reports and photos from Cornwall Mark...bringing back the memories from our recent week down there :D
Neil Hulme wrote: ...I may sell the children and a buy a cottage in Cadgwith Cove...
Hmm! there's a thought :wink:
essexbuzzard wrote: ...You need to head back down to the old country, Wurzel! I believe Neil F is down there at the moment, be interesting to see what he had found. I'm willing to bet there are a few Clouded Yellows down there...
Just got back yesterday...there were indeed a couple of Clouded Yellows flying about :D not as many as I saw in Cornwall though.



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Re: essex buzzard

Post by David M »

Lovely sequence, Mark. That coastline reminds me of Pembrokeshire, although Clouded Yellows and Wall Browns are much thinner on the ground round that way! :(

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Thanks everyone. Neil, (H), with the Silver-spotted Skippers, Chalkhill and Adonis Blues, Brown Hairstreaks, etc., August is a packed month! But I wholeheartedly agree, with that scenery, flowers, butterflies and, not least cuisine, the Lizard experience is right up there with the very best.

Neil F, I thought you might see a few more Clouded Yellows in Dorset than that, though it might be between generations to some extent. Your report from Cornwall was excellent.

Thanks David. Clouded Yellows are about in The West Country almost every year, though the numbers are of course variable. So I'm a little surprised there are not more on that splendid Pembrokeshire coast.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

On our last day in Cornwall, low pressure was approaching again, so we had another walk in the morning on the coast path at Gwennap Head, taking advantage of the early sunshine.
Then we spent the afternoon at bustling St. Ives. As did a lot of other people!

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

9 August. It was now peak Silver-spotted Skipper time. Trouble is, persistent cloud and rain was forecast for practically the whole of the Midlands and south-east. The only area that would 'poke out' would be the far east of Kent. And so it proved! So a slightly enforced trip to Lydden Temple Ewell today. But it's not so bad down there. Silver-spotted Skippers, Adonis and Chalkhill Blues can't be wrong!

Arriving here, Adonis Blues, in mint condition, were soon found- they were just starting.
Here, at the Temple Ewell end, SSS , though present, are lower in numbers so after enjoying those lovely Adonis, I headed up, through the trees, then down the Lydden end. Here SSS are much higher in number, though yet to reach their peak. At this strong colony, male were plentiful, with fewer females. There must be many hundreds at this site.

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Goldie M
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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Adonis and SSS shots essex, looks like I just missed the Adonis by a week , I went home end of July :( last year I was in Kent in August and they didn't come out so soon , one of these years we'll click and I'll get them. :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Hi Goldie, if you are coming down here next year, mid to late August is, on average, best in Kent for SSS and Adonis Blue. I would be happy to show you the best areas at Lydden TE.

Other butterflies seen on this day included a second generation Dingy Skipper, plus Common Blue, Brown Argus, Chalkhill Blues, Clouded Yellow, Small and GV White, Peacock, Wall, Gatekeepers, Meadow Brown and Small Heath.

Next stop, Sussex!

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Wurzel »

Great set of Silver-spots Essex :D The final Adonis is featuring some fracking under wing markings too :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by David M »

Beautiful Adonis images, Mark. I look forward to reading about what you saw in Sussex.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! essex, We visit our Daughter every year in Kent, so we've to fit in with their plans, usually they go on Holiday towards the end of August so we visit before then, I did wonder about going to Dorset in May or June , I believe the Grizzled Skipper and the Adonis can be found there then, if we do manage to get to Kent late August it would be good to meet up :D Goldie :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

In August, many pictures of Brown Hairstreaks were coming onto the forums, and for some time it seemed I was going to miss out again this year. However, in late August an opportunity arose to visit Sussex. The weather was only borderline suitable for Britains laziest butterfly, warm but mostly cloudy- a theme that has become all too familiar since then. But fortune favours the brave!

We started with a morning at Anchor Bottom, where many hundreds of Adonis Blue were on the downland slopes-the warm, wet summer has clearly benefited this glorious species. I was also amazed at the numbers of autumn ladies tresses on site. One of the Adonis was feeding on round headed rampion, the pride of Sussex!
Then onto Steyning. As luck would have it, a short spell of sunshine was just enough, and I found what I was looking for within minutes of arrival-a Golden brown double Streak! I even managed to show it to a couple of visitors, from Kent. Just as well, for it soon clouded over again, and it was the only one I saw. A couple of Adonis Blue and Clouded Yellows were seen, too.
Although we later went back to Anchor Bottom, the weather was deteriorating, and nothing new was seen.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Saturday 2 September. Today we headed off to St. Margaret's Bay in east Kent. A new, autumn generation of Large Whites had emerged, and many were seen. Small Coppers were found, including one with blue spots, the common form caeruleo-punctata. In the short grass areas, Adonis Blues, while scarcer than in Sussex, were still resplendent against a few rather faded Common Blues. By now, it was clouding over, and time for lunch.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely looking Small Copper Essex and good to see that you didn't miss out on the Brostreaks :D I better get a wriggle on and sort my photos out :oops:

Have a goodun


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Just made it, Wurzel! It's been a couple of years, so I was double pleased to find my Brown Hairstreak. I was hoping she would lay some eggs, but it wasn't to be this time. My picture wasn't as good as many, but I'm certainly not complaining!

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

After St. Margaret's Bay, it was back to Lydden and Temple Ewell for afternoon. Still plenty of Adonis Blues there, in varying condition, but including some really nice ones. Lots of Meadow Browns were present, and I was pleased to still find a few early autumn Silver-spotted Skippers, including a nice male. Small Heaths were still in good numbers, and another Clouded Yellow flew past, though it evaded my camera. A very nice day.

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