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Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:36 am
by MikeOxon
This 'photographic proof' thing is becoming a disease - I suffer from it too. Don't worry - I believe you :D


Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:42 pm
by Susie
The council has been cutting back (no pun intended) on the amount of grass cutting they do and as a result the grass verge along the by-pass has lovely long grass and lots of wild flowers. A walk along this earlier today turned up two large skippers, lots of fresh small tortoiseshells, a green veined white, a meadow brown and a large white.

So much for the June drop - it feels like we're really in summer now.

Butterfly challenge

1. Peacock - 11/01/14
2. Red admiral - 05/03/14
3. Brimstone - 05/03/14
4. Small tortoiseshell - 09/03/14
5. Comma - 09/03/14
6. Small white - 01/04/14
7. Orange tip - 01/04/14
8. Holly blue - 09/04/14
9. Speckled wood - 09/04/14
10.Green veined white - 13/04/14
11.Dingy skipper - 21/04/14
12.Pearl Bordered Fritillary - 22/04/14
13.Duke of Burgundy - 24/04/14
14.Wood white - 26/04/14
15.Grizzled skipper - 28/04/14
16.Small copper - 28/04/14
17.Wall brown - 28/04/14
18.Small heath - 07/05/14
19.Brown argus - 10/05/14
20.Adonis blue - 11/05/14
21.Common blue - 11/05/14
22.Small blue - 12/05/14
23.Green hairstreak - 14/05/14
24. Marsh fritillary - 20/05/14
25. Glanville fritillary - 25/05/2014
26. Small pearl bordered fritillary - 31/05/2014
27. SWALLOWTAIL!! - 01/06/2014
28. Meadow brown - 08/06/2014
29. Large skipper - 08/06/2014
30. Large white - 08/06/2014

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:05 pm
by Susie
A visit to Iping this morning in far from ideal conditions turned up about 15 silver studded blues, including one female. Most were very worn, assume they emerged last week and weathered the storm, but there were a few in good condition.

Butterfly challenge

1. Peacock - 11/01/14
2. Red admiral - 05/03/14
3. Brimstone - 05/03/14
4. Small tortoiseshell - 09/03/14
5. Comma - 09/03/14
6. Small white - 01/04/14
7. Orange tip - 01/04/14
8. Holly blue - 09/04/14
9. Speckled wood - 09/04/14
10.Green veined white - 13/04/14
11.Dingy skipper - 21/04/14
12.Pearl Bordered Fritillary - 22/04/14
13.Duke of Burgundy - 24/04/14
14.Wood white - 26/04/14
15.Grizzled skipper - 28/04/14
16.Small copper - 28/04/14
17.Wall brown - 28/04/14
18.Small heath - 07/05/14
19.Brown argus - 10/05/14
20.Adonis blue - 11/05/14
21.Common blue - 11/05/14
22.Small blue - 12/05/14
23.Green hairstreak - 14/05/14
24. Marsh fritillary - 20/05/14
25. Glanville fritillary - 25/05/2014
26. Small pearl bordered fritillary - 31/05/2014
27. SWALLOWTAIL!! - 01/06/2014
28. Meadow brown - 08/06/2014
29. Large skipper - 08/06/2014
30. Large white - 08/06/2014
31. Silver studded blue - 16/06/2014

Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:45 pm
by Susie
Loads of butterflies on the wing at Cissbury Ring this afternoon, including four new ticks for me this year. Dark green fritillary, marbled white, ringlet and a clouded yellow. Unfortunately no photos.

1. Peacock - 11/01/14
2. Red admiral - 05/03/14
3. Brimstone - 05/03/14
4. Small tortoiseshell - 09/03/14
5. Comma - 09/03/14
6. Small white - 01/04/14
7. Orange tip - 01/04/14
8. Holly blue - 09/04/14
9. Speckled wood - 09/04/14
10.Green veined white - 13/04/14
11.Dingy skipper - 21/04/14
12.Pearl Bordered Fritillary - 22/04/14
13.Duke of Burgundy - 24/04/14
14.Wood white - 26/04/14
15.Grizzled skipper - 28/04/14
16.Small copper - 28/04/14
17.Wall brown - 28/04/14
18.Small heath - 07/05/14
19.Brown argus - 10/05/14
20.Adonis blue - 11/05/14
21.Common blue - 11/05/14
22.Small blue - 12/05/14
23.Green hairstreak - 14/05/14
24. Marsh fritillary - 20/05/14
25. Glanville fritillary - 25/05/2014
26. Small pearl bordered fritillary - 31/05/2014
27. SWALLOWTAIL!! - 01/06/2014
28. Meadow brown - 08/06/2014
29. Large skipper - 08/06/2014
30. Large white - 08/06/2014
31. Silver studded blue - 16/06/2014
32. Clouded yellow - 17/06/2014
33. Dark green fritillary - 17/06/2014
34. Marbled white - 17/06/2014

Re: Susie

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:54 am
by Susie
A walk at Southwater Woods today with the hound turned up some more new butterflies for me, silver washed fritillary, white admiral and purple hairstreak.

The butterflies were very active and not stopping for photos. Good numbers out and about though.

1. Peacock - 11/01/14
2. Red admiral - 05/03/14
3. Brimstone - 05/03/14
4. Small tortoiseshell - 09/03/14
5. Comma - 09/03/14
6. Small white - 01/04/14
7. Orange tip - 01/04/14
8. Holly blue - 09/04/14
9. Speckled wood - 09/04/14
10.Green veined white - 13/04/14
11.Dingy skipper - 21/04/14
12.Pearl Bordered Fritillary - 22/04/14
13.Duke of Burgundy - 24/04/14
14.Wood white - 26/04/14
15.Grizzled skipper - 28/04/14
16.Small copper - 28/04/14
17.Wall brown - 28/04/14
18.Small heath - 07/05/14
19.Brown argus - 10/05/14
20.Adonis blue - 11/05/14
21.Common blue - 11/05/14
22.Small blue - 12/05/14
23.Green hairstreak - 14/05/14
24. Marsh fritillary - 20/05/14
25. Glanville fritillary - 25/05/2014
26. Small pearl bordered fritillary - 31/05/2014
27. SWALLOWTAIL!! - 01/06/2014
28. Meadow brown - 08/06/2014
29. Large skipper - 08/06/2014
30. Large white - 08/06/2014
31. Silver studded blue - 16/06/2014
32. Clouded yellow - 17/06/2014
33. Dark green fritillary - 17/06/2014
34. Marbled white - 17/06/2014
35. Silver washed fritillary - 21/06/2014
36. White admiral - 21/06/2014
37. Purple hairstreak - 21/06/2014

Re: Susie

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:18 am
by Susie
Just walking back from taking the dog out a few minutes ago and something fluttered in the grass in the verge which is next to my house. Picked it up to see what it was and it was a fresh male purple hairstreak :D

Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:34 pm
by Susie
I saw my first purple emperor of the year today, unfortunately I can't add it to my challenge list.
Perhaps we could have a UK Butterflies pin badge to raise funds for BC.

Re: Susie

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:53 pm
by Willrow
That's a great idea Susie :) it would also be a neat way of 'advertising' the fact your a member of this excellent resource :wink: :P

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:55 pm
by Susie
A visit to Botany Bay/Chiddingfold turned up the goods this morning. After crossing the concrete bridge I was greeted by His Imperial Majesty coming to greet me. It spent quite a long time in various spots taking minerals from the ground. After locating a rather tasty meal, and with the sun going in, it stayed grounded for quite some time so I thought I would seek the royal seal of approval for the marvellous purple emperor pin badge. I wouldn't expect any less but it is good to see how accurate a reflection it is of real life :)
It was great to meet up with PJ Underwood again and catch up, it was also lovely to meet BadgerBob. :)

A second purple emperor was also seen by other people on site. Also on the wing silver washed fritillary, white admiral, red admiral, comma, meadow brown, ringlet, and large skipper.

1. Peacock - 11/01/14
2. Red admiral - 05/03/14
3. Brimstone - 05/03/14
4. Small tortoiseshell - 09/03/14
5. Comma - 09/03/14
6. Small white - 01/04/14
7. Orange tip - 01/04/14
8. Holly blue - 09/04/14
9. Speckled wood - 09/04/14
10.Green veined white - 13/04/14
11.Dingy skipper - 21/04/14
12.Pearl Bordered Fritillary - 22/04/14
13.Duke of Burgundy - 24/04/14
14.Wood white - 26/04/14
15.Grizzled skipper - 28/04/14
16.Small copper - 28/04/14
17.Wall brown - 28/04/14
18.Small heath - 07/05/14
19.Brown argus - 10/05/14
20.Adonis blue - 11/05/14
21.Common blue - 11/05/14
22.Small blue - 12/05/14
23.Green hairstreak - 14/05/14
24. Marsh fritillary - 20/05/14
25. Glanville fritillary - 25/05/2014
26. Small pearl bordered fritillary - 31/05/2014
27. SWALLOWTAIL!! - 01/06/2014
28. Meadow brown - 08/06/2014
29. Large skipper - 08/06/2014
30. Large white - 08/06/2014
31. Silver studded blue - 16/06/2014
32. Clouded yellow - 17/06/2014
33. Dark green fritillary - 17/06/2014
34. Marbled white - 17/06/2014
35. Silver washed fritillary - 21/06/2014
36. White admiral - 21/06/2014
37. Purple hairstreak - 21/06/2014
38. Purple emperor - 30/06/2014

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:32 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Susie,
Wonderful image (one of the best this season) .... love it! Would it be OK for me to download and post to Purple Empire, unless you would like to do the honours?
BWs, Neil

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:44 pm
by Susie
Please do. I posted but was pressed for time and couldn't add a photo :)

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:04 pm
by badgerbob
Great to meet up with you too Susie and really like the photo!!

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:33 pm
by P.J.Underwood
I like your photo,Susie.My one lacks the little extra.Also pleased your daughter is now on course for her second year.It gets easier from now onwards.

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:39 pm
by Nick Broomer
Great photo Susie, and such a fresh beautiful specimen. The best photo of a P.E. i`ve seen this year. Well done. :D

All the best, Nick.

Re: Susie

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:56 pm
by millerd
What a glorious Emperor - as shiny and new as they get. :mrgreen:
Brilliant photo, Susie! :)
(And you have four on your species list I still haven't seen yet this year... :mrgreen: )


Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:22 pm
by Susie
Thank you for your kind comments, folks :)

Your photo is pretty darn good too, PJ :) We're very proud of Lizzie passing her first year's vet exams and I passed on your message that it will get easier after this. She's very pleased!

Unbeknown to me when I took the photo of the pin badge with the Emperor but there was a competition running on The Purple Empire (an excellent site if anyone here hasn't visited it). I must admit that I hadn't visited for a rather long time (possibly last year?!) but to my surprise when I did it looks as if I have bagged myself a prize. Now that is pure serendipity! ... wards.html

Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:51 pm
by P.J.Underwood
I am really pleased that your prize came from a Botany Bay P.E. as traditionally so many people have had so much fun chasing P.E.'s.A lot of the modern knowledge has come from N.H. and I don't think they had anyone like him in the past,and also dog's were fed on different diets that must have been boring to the butterflies.
Tomorrow looks like a good day!

Re: Susie

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:33 pm
by Wurzel
Fantastic shot of His Nibbs's Susie :lol: Congratulations on the serendipitous prize :D

Have a goodun


Re: Susie

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:35 pm
by Maximus
Stunning photo of a stunning Purple Emperor Suzie, your prize is well deserved :D


Re: Susie

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:52 pm
by Susie
Maximus wrote:Stunning photo of a stunning Purple Emperor Suzie, your prize is well deserved :D

Thank you, everyone :)

I think my confidence was ill placed though, there are others in the running :lol:

Can't take away the memory of getting up close and personal on my pin badges inaugural trip though.