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Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:25 pm
by Chris Jackson
Nice set of male C. semiargus photos Trevor. Did you get a female ? I find they are more elusive.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:34 pm
by badgerbob
I stand to be corrected but I think the Orchid you have put as a Buffalo Orchid is a Woodcock Orchid.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:01 pm
by trevor
HI Chris, to the best of my knowledge no females were seen.

You may well be right, Bob. With so many Orchids seen that week for the first time,
it was difficult to keep up with their names.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:31 pm
by Padfield
Hi Trevor. I saw your Pyrgus pics while I was on the bus to school the other day, forgot to reply later, then couldn't remember what post they had appeared in. Sorry!

In the order you posted them, I think the first six are armoricanus, malvoides, armoricanus, malvoides, malvoides and sertorius (Spialia). I'm not confident with the last one without an underside but alveus is a possibility from the upperside.

Lovely mazarine blue shots.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:35 pm
by Wurzel
Stunning Mazarines Trevor - a species I'd love to see :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:59 pm
by trevor
On this grey and miserable day, I have been searching through my images from the summer.
Among them I have discovered another sequence of a Purple Emperor gradually revealing
full purple glory.
This particular Butterfly chose Horse dung in preference to my aromatic Tesco tuna in brine.
At least the brine was for the Emperors, and the meat for the Cat !.

Hope this sequence cheers everyone up !.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:22 pm
by Wurzel
Once I'd gotten over the Green-eyed monster they did cheer me up Trevor :wink: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: This is one of the one's you mentioned the other afternoon?

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:16 pm
by trevor
We were treated to a stunning sunrise, here, this morning. :D
Unfortunately it was all down hill after that !. :(

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:21 pm
by Goldie M
Stunning shot as well Trevor, Goldie :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:34 pm
by trevor

Many people have commented on how bad 2016 has been for Butterflies.
My own experience would only partially support the above. Two local sites, Abbots Wood,
and the Cuckoo Trail ( the proper name of the old railway ) were brilliant for Spring species.
One particular highlight was the Pearl Bordered Fritillary population in Abbots Wood, which had
really bounced back from the very poor years of 2014/5.
Most of the images I have chosen were taken locally, and only two outside of Sussex.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:37 pm
by Wurzel
Absolutely cracking shots Trevor :D They've certainly cheered me up on this dark and cold winters evening :D

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:41 pm
by David M
trevor wrote:One particular highlight was the Pearl Bordered Fritillary population in Abbots Wood, which had
really bounced back from the very poor years of 2014/5.
Must say, Trevor, that Pearl Bordered Frits were about in better numbers than normal in May at my local site for them. One of the few species to have had a decent year.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:16 pm
by trevor
Many thanks Wurzel and David.

Eagerly awaiting the new season, even though last season only ended about five weeks ago in Sussex.
There are a few landmarks to tick off coming up ie., shortest day tomorrow, new years day, then lighter evenings.
Still I do have other interests to stop me from going silly in the interim !.

Wishing you both, and everyone on here, a very good Christmas and a brilliant 2017, :D

PS. My FZ38 met with an accident on my last expedition, but the good news is I now have another one !. :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:55 pm
by trevor
On our way back to Montpellier airport after our fabulous week in the Cevennes
we stopped off for lunch at a very hot, dry piece of scrubland in the South of France.
We were assured that the unpromising terrain was a Butterfly hot spot.
As we ate our lunch we were entertained with flypasts of Great Banded Graylings and
Cleopatra's , a Southern White Admiral briefly joined us for lunch, and only one of our party
managed a shot of it.
A highlight find for me was a Blue spot Hairstreak, which refused to pose nicely. Unfortunately
we had too little time at this site, but I did manage shots of a Great Banded Grayling and
another Grayling which looks remarkably like our own Grayling.
Finally I managed a snatch shot of courting Cleopatra's. It was amazing how much larger
the Cleopatra is compared to the similar Brimstone.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:48 pm
by Wurzel
Some cracking species there Trevor :D :mrgreen: That Blue Spot Hairstreak is a cracker :D

Have a goodun (New Year that is)


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:28 am
by trevor


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:24 pm
by David M
Happy New Year to you too, Trevor. Hope to see more of your images and reports in 2017.

I can't think your Grayling is anything other than semele, although I'm surprised at your bad luck with Blue-Spot Hairstreak - they're normally pretty accommodating.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:18 pm
by trevor
HI David,
Perhaps I should have explained, the Blue Spot Hairstreak was one of many Butterflies flying
at the time, and we only had about 15 mins Butterflying after lunch before heading for the airport.
A little more time to get a better pose was not possible.

Have a great 2017,

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:18 pm
by trevor

Our trip to the Cevennes coincided nicely with the ' June gap ' over here.
On our return, my first outing was to Iping Common for the Silver Studded Blue, which were around
in reasonable numbers.
The next target was the Purple Emperor at Chiddingfold forest. Over the three days, out of five,
seven Emperors came down to ground, and all except one spent a considerable time imbibing either
on my bait or Horse dung. My real achievement in 2016 was ' all wings purple ' for the first time.
The Chiddingfold forest complex is also excellent for other Summer species, including the second brood
Wood White, which appear just after the Emperor has past his best. White Admirals proved a challenge
in 2016 being both lively, and choosing to land out of reach.
Also seen at Chiddingfold, Silver Washed Fritillary, Hedge Brown, Ringlet, Marbled White, Large/Small Skipper.

For the first time, I was able to witness all three Wall Brown broods, the images below are of the second brood.
Of course after July's Excitement, August must be devoted to the Brown Hairstreak. The image below
is of the first specimen to appear for me.

After the BH. the season starts to slowly wind down ( usually ), but 2016 still had some surprises in store !.
Best of which was a brief siting of a Long tailed Blue, when out with James ( B. Saurus ) and Katrina.
Next , but not last, was a fine showing of home bred Clouded Yellows, which took us right into November.
Most surprisingly it was a few fresh Common Blues, in November, that ended my season.

Here's to 2017, cheers.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:31 pm
by trevor
Now the images for the above posting.