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Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:28 pm
by ernie f
13th Aug 2019, 1-2 pm, St Catherine’s Hill, 50% sun, 19 degrees

I ventured here one day in late spring because I had a tip that Adonis Blues flew here and I didn’t know it up to that point. I went there and saw them and also a stray Marsh Frit. That was a great day. While I was there I met a guy who said that if I came back at the right time I would see Silver-spotted Skippers in precisely the same place. It was the right time so I went again today but sadly, in that location I saw none. Feeling a bit disappointed I trudged back to the car park but as I got there I met another guy on a transect and he told me there was another location further up the hill on the other side. He agreed to show me and sure enough as soon as we got to the place he described we saw two. I did not come here to get great pics, but one of them stayed around long enough for me to get a distance shot.
I am happy because this is the first time I have seen SSS’s at St Cat’s.

Also seen here today: S&L White, MB&GK, S Heath, S Copper, a fair number of Chalkhill Blues
4 P Ladies and 8 Brown Argus.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:22 pm
by Wurzel
Great shot of the Silver Spot Ernie - it's great when new species 'arrive' at a site :D :mrgreen: Still to see a Silver Spot but I got lucky (with Dave Miller) today at Shipton - double figures of Brostreaks with 6 or 7 down low enough for photos, if you're struggling for them then I recommend a visit to the back hedge :D

Have a goodun


Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:35 pm
by Goldie M
Lovely shot of the SSS ernie, some shots are better from a distance :mrgreen: Goldie :D

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 6:00 pm
by millerd
I've not visited St. Catherine's Hill for ages - it sounds like it would be worth a trip with SSS flying there too now. Nice shot as well - not easy to pin them down when nectaring like that, especially if it's in any way windy.



Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:11 pm
by David M
Very satisfying when you see an unexpected species at any location, ernie.

There's still plenty of life in the flight period of Silver Spotted Skippers so I'm sure if you return you'll be able to study them more closely.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:48 am
by CallumMac
Wurzel wrote:I got lucky (with Dave Miller) today at Shipton - double figures of Brostreaks with 6 or 7 down low enough for photos
I didn't miss you chaps by much - I was at Shipton on Monday afternoon! Not nearly so successful with the Brostreaks but plenty else to see. Full report coming on my PD once BT reconnect my internet... :x

Ernie, you've done amazingly to get such close-up shots of that SSSk - I always find them very unapproachable!

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:25 pm
by ernie f
Wurzel - glad you got close to Brostreaks - they are defeating me this year. Thanks for the tip but Shipton is just a little too far for me this year. I have never been there but heard it was an excellent spot.

Goldie - thanks - its often quite difficult to focus when such a small butterfly is so distant, but I got lucky that day.

Dave (Miller) - St Cats is a great place, there are so many aspects at so many times of year, it's always worth dropping in.

David - That is very prophetic - I did actually see more of them today.

Callum - thanks - I find the only way to get close is to be on location early (or at least when its not too warm).

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:36 pm
by ernie f
15th Aug 2019, 9.15-11am, Old Winchester Hill, Mostly Sunny, 16-17 degrees

A few days ago I reported how I witnessed about 3000 Chalkhill Blues at this location suddenly taking to the air when it got to around 17 degrees. It wasn’t a fluke. I got here just as it got up to 16 degrees today and whilst a few Chalkhills were flying about, you could not see many – until a few moments later when I guessed we must have reached 17 degrees because there they were again. OK, the numbers had declined over this period of bad weather we have had, and some were looking a bit ragged already – I estimated around 1000 remained, plus the strong breeze probably kept a few others down – but nevertheless, there they were. But while I was there it never climbed above 17 degrees and when clouds did come over many of the Chalkhills dropped back down again. Sun out – up they went, cloud out – down again. Now it isn’t the cloud per-se because if the temperature is up but its cloudy they still fly. They seemed to be flip-flopping around the 16-17 degree mark. It reminded me of this…

And when they were up they were up
And when they were down they were down
And when they were only half way up
They were neither up nor down

Next came the Silver-spotted Skippers. Last time I was here I saw none. Today, without leaving the path, I saw three. All three of them posed for me for varying lengths of time. One of them didn’t budge from the ground for some while allowing lots of photo opportunities.
However I did not see any Adonis, nor any Clouded Yellow and this is my “guaranteed” location for them at this time of year.

Did see 3 Painted Lady, S&L White, MB&GK, Small Heath, 2 Red AD, and what I think was a faded DG Frit zooming by.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:04 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking Silver-spots Ernie :D especially the close ups and the last but one i particular :mrgreen: - there is a cartoon character/muppet whose name is at present eluding me that is the dead spit of that one :D 8)

Have a goodun


Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:29 pm
by David M
Those are still notable numbers of Chalkhill Blues, ernie. Must have been quite a spectacle.

Well done with the Silver Spotted Skippers as well. Nice that you got one so well behaved. :D

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:17 pm
by ernie f
Wurzel, Dave - Thanks, guys. It's been great with the Silver-spotted Skippers this year, both in numbers and getting in close.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:31 pm
by ernie f
21st Aug 2019, 9-11 am, St Catherine’s Hill, Misty sun clearing to 80% sun, 14-19 degrees

For one reason or another I haven’t been able to get out butterflying over the last few days but I have rectified that today.

Seen today: S&L White, MB&Gkeeper, CH&Com Blue, 1 Red Ad, 2 Plady, S Heath and…
11 SSSkip, 8 B Argus, 3 Adonis Blue

I have today broken two personal annual record counts. I now have seen 101 Brown Argus this year and 22 Silver-spotted Skippers and it is this location that has enabled me to do this. It has been excellent for these two species this year.

Also a Green Woodpecker perched in a tree.
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Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:34 pm
by Wurzel
Congrats on your record breaking Ernie :D 8) Those Adonis and in 'mint condish' :D and the Silver-spots seem to be holding up well and still in good nick :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:10 pm
by David M
Great that you've notched a century of Brown Argus, ernie. I consider myself lucky to see more than a dozen in a normal year.

Your first Adonis Blue is particularly attractive. Perfect use of the light.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:15 am
by ernie f
Dave, Wurzel - Thanks. I was pleased to find the Adonis here. I only learnt last year they were at this location, now I have seen them here in both their early and late broods although only in low numbers. Also, even though they were on the same side of the hill, it's a big hill and the early and late broods were not co-located.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:23 am
by ernie f
22nd Aug 2019, 9.15-10.30 am, Magdalen Hill, Full Sun, 16-18 degrees

Seen today, Ch Blue, Com Blue (6m, 2f), 4 PLady, S Heath, 4 Brown Argus, S&L White, M Brown

The Chalkhills were very much down in number now - certainly past their peak but with many females still about. The Brown Argus were in fine fettle. Not very much going on at the top of the hill, mostly the action was down at the bottom.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:03 pm
by Neil Freeman
Just been doing some catching up on your diary Ernie, some interesting reports and great photos of a cracking selection of species :D



Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:02 pm
by ernie f
Thanks, Neil - I've had a few highlights this year so I am well pleased in the run down toward the end of the season. Don't laugh but I visited a garden centre the other day - they were packing away the garden furniture and barbeque stuff and starting to put out Christmas decorations!?! :shock:

Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:04 pm
by ernie f
23rd Aug 2019, 9.30-11.15 am, Noar Hill, Full Sun 19-22 degrees

1 BArg, 2 SWFrit, 3 RAd, 3 PLady, 3 Brim, many SHeath, Com Blue, M Brown, S&L White

A Tawny Owl hooted.
3 Spotted Flycatchers in a family group.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:15 pm
by ernie f
24th Aug 2019, 9.30-11 am, 15-19 degrees, Full Sun

1 Sp Wd, 2 PLady, 3 BArg, 1 S Heath, MB&G, L White, Yellow Shell very faded and tatty - it looked more like a Pug Moth of some kind.
No S Coppers though and this is a late brood site usually. Maybe they will show soon.

But the highlight was the Brown Argus.
Sleaford (just round the corner from Broxhead)

Usually at this time of year if there are BArgs at Broxhead you get 2 or 3 here too but not today. Did see this very fine Common Footman Moth though.
Common Footman 1.JPG
Common Footman 2.JPG