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Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:30 pm
by David M
That's a beautiful Burnet moth, Russ. I'm sure I've never seen it before because if I had I would have taken a break from butterflies for a while.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:45 pm
by LancsRover
David M wrote:That's a beautiful Burnet moth, Russ. I'm sure I've never seen it before because if I had I would have taken a break from butterflies for a while.
Cheers David, yes it was nice to see a colourful Burnet among the butterflies, it was well worth the 45 degree climb up the dusty and slippery slope of the castle car park.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:25 pm
by LancsRover
Sunday 9th April 2017, sunny, very warm 24c.

We left ALCOSSEBRE for ZARAGOZA today, on our way to BILBAO and home for Easter. We took the shorter scenic route via MORELLA, a medieval fortress town, it rises from the plain around a small hill crowned by a tall, rocky spur and a virtually impregnable castle that dominates the surrounding countryside. A perfectly preserved ring of ancient walls defends its lower reaches, I must make time to stop here next year.

Bob, a friend from our campsite, told me about a church on a hill, about half way along the road to Zaragoza, here he had seen the odd butterfly on previous trips and its a safe place for a rest too.

I spotted the church, pulled over and parked my motorhome in the shade as the temperature had climb to about 24c now, early afternoon.

I had a look in the olive groves and the track running along side them first, here I saw Small Whites, Wall Browns, Clouded Yellows, a Red Admiral and a couple of Adonis Blues flying up and down the track, coming to rest on the warm stones actually on the track. Also a possible Latticed Heath moth??

A walk up the hill to the Ermita Santa Barbara church, here I was mesmerised by the aerobatics of 3 or 4 Scarce Swallowtails and a solitary Common Swallowtail, ducking and diving at pace all around and over the top of the church. I stood in the shade, watching for at least 30 minutes, I'd get a quick shot every now and then.
A great end to my winter trip :D .


Photo's to follow.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:39 pm
by LancsRover
Photo's from last report.


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:32 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Russ,
It has been enjoyable following your reports over the last months. That Adonis Blue reminds me that I should be seeing some in a couple of weeks from now at the latest.
Cheers, Chris


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:22 pm
by LancsRover
Cheers Chris, I was thinking about coming to France later in the year, but our second son and his wife are expecting their first child(our 4th grandchild) in September, so our plans maybe on hold.
I was going to ask you for a little advice on what could be seen in the Var & south of France later in the year eg. late August/early Sept.
I'll speak to you later in the year if that's ok with you.

Kind regards Russ.

I will be following you on UKB for the next few months as usual.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:57 pm
by Chris Jackson
LancsRover wrote: .... I was thinking about coming to France later in the year ....what could be seen in the Var & south of France later in the year eg. late August/early Sept. ....
A good idea, Russ. Don't leave it too late after August. I'll PM you.