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Re: Philippines Blog

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:50 pm
by David M
And thanks to you, Tony. They've certainly brightened MY winter up a little!

Re: Philippines Blog

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:12 pm
by NickMorgan
You have certainly brightened up my winter as well Tony. It must have been a fantastic experience being able to spend so long in the country looking for butterflies. Thank you for sharing what you saw.
Good luck to your wife seeking a job in SE Asia. I look forward to seeing many more pictures of butterflies from the area!! :D

One last one...

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:28 am
by Tony Moore
Didn't post this before as it was such an overcropped, crap photo. There were quite a few of these around earlier, but I failed to get near another one :( .

Here is Dr Seow's take on it:

"This is a tough one .

The way the HW band continues on to the FW indicates it is Neptis.
I presume this is from Luzon.
The likely species are N. cymela, pampanga, cyra & mindorana.

N. cymela & pampanga can be eliminated.
N. cyra is the philippine representive of N. clinia which have the FW lower spots rounded & so is unlikely.

So that leaves Neptis mindorana ilocana.
In the forms of N. mindorana shown below the HW submarginal spots are quadrate,(vs more triangular in this pic.), but may be just subspecific difference."

I thought it was worth posting in full :) .

Thanks for all your kind comments and, as Guy says, roll on the first Orange Tips...
