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Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:26 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Thats a cracking photo Nick, by the comments I've recieved here it's not a common sight so you did very well. It's odd that I should see a mating pair of Long-taled Blues here in the UK before an Orange Tip, I must be doing it all wrong :D



Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:48 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Looking through some of my pictures from earlier this year I stumbled across a couple of 'Duke of Burgundy' photos from Noar Hill that I forgot to post in my diary.

I was lucky enough to see my first ever mating pair this year :D
Duke Pair.JPG
Thanks to all of the hard work done by the wonderful volunteers at Heyshott Down the habitat for Dukes will be even better! I can't wait to get over there and see some Dukes next spring.


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:52 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking shots Rex, the first one is gurt lush as some would say and the second is on my wish list for my "Butterflies Sex" book :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:56 pm
by David M
Wurzel wrote:the second is on my wish list for my "Butterflies Sex" book
Now there's an idea!

Whoever bags Red Admiral gets to do it! :D

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:33 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Wurzel wrote:Cracking shots Rex, the first one is gurt lush as some would say and the second is on my wish list for my "Butterflies Sex" book :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun

What's that then Wurzel? Are you writing a Kama Sutra for Butterflies :shock:

As ever your kind comments are very much appreciated :D

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:47 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
I can't help but wonder what kind of spring we will have next year, hopefully not a repeat of last spring, I'm a reasonable man but no warm weather until April AAAARRRRGGHHH!!!

With any luck it will be a little more "traditional" next time, Here's few photos (from seasons past) of the first Butterflies I see first every spring. They always manage to raise my spirits and put a smile back on my face.

Taken 27th of May 2010
Taken 25th of July 2011
Brimstone 25.07.2011.JPG
Taken 9th of April 2011
Peacock 09.04.2011.JPG
Of course there should also be some Comma's here too but they are reserved for my next post.

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:33 pm
by Wurzel
The long winter/slow spring was torturous and I heartily hope that we won't see one of those again :evil: That being said it did turn out all right in the end. I love the way the grasses are all 'action' and 'sway' whilst the Small Tort is so sharp you could almost cut yourself on it in the first shot, absolute cracker! :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:50 pm
by Nick Broomer
Lovely photos Rex. :D I especially like the female Brimstone, beautiful. :D Lets hope for a better spring next year. :D

All the best, Nick.

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:18 am
by Maximus
Nice postings B'Rex, spring is the greatest season of all :D roll on spring :D


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:13 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Thank you so much Wurzel, Nick and Mike :D at least we're almost half way through the winter ~ although January and February do tend to drag on for a bit.....roll on spring indeed.


As promised here are a couple of my Comma photos from years gone by to complete my round up of our resident hibernators.

This time (just for a change) I decided to post a couple of my more unusual Comma photos, the first one reminds me of Batman for some reason :D
The second one is of a Comma so worn that it's wings were almost transparent in places, there is something I like about the photo though, even in it's sorry state it still had a faded glory about it.

Taken on 2nd of ‎July ‎2011
Comma 1.JPG
Taken on 16th of August ‎2010
Comma 2.JPG
My next "Xmas" post will be of a little something I've been holding back, Sussex Kipper sort of gave me the idea so some of the credit must go to him.


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:43 am
by Butterflysaurus rex
Well here it is, I've been saving these up for quite a while intending to use them as my "Christmas entry" and last post of 2013.

Not long after taking them I showed this set to Sussex Kipper on my camera screen, he said "you should post them up at Christmas" or something along those lines, What a great idea I thought - thanks Niel :D
Of course I wasn't patient enough to save them all up until Christmas, it was all far too exciting at the time - so one of these photos has been posted before.

If you've been reading my diary up to this point you may remember that I had a very special encounter with some Long-tailed Blues this year, only a 5 minute walk from my front door! Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greeted me when I arrived, after weeks of looking for another sighting 'after my very brief one at Birling Gap' I SERIOUSLY HIT THE JACKPOT!

There were 'at least' 9 very active LTB's in one small area, as I'm sure you can imagine I did not know where to point my camera first!! :shock: I saw a female nectaring on a Pea flower and thought "I'll have a bit of that thank you very much" as I was busy taking a few photos of her something caught my eye just to the left hand side.... literally less than 1 foot away was a mating pair! :shock: :shock: (I have been told I am probably the first person to have seen this happen here on the British Isles!) Unaware of this at the time but knowing this was "pretty special" I tried hard not to mess it all up and get a half decent photo. By this point I was muttering a few expletives of disbelief under my breath :wink: Suddenly the pair took off and my heart sank, I thought the show was all over....... but I was wrong! They settled once more higher up on some Everlasting Pea, as they did so they attracted the attention of another male. What followed was a delightful display of jealousy as the interloper did his best to split the pair up. Thankfully I had my camera set on "rapid fire" and despite missing out on a few agonizing seconds (because my camera refused to focus AAGGHH) I managed to capture this little sequence of drama before they parted.

This encounter was without doubt the highlight of my year, I doubt I will ever top it. I had arrived at the spot at 4pm and by 5pm I'd seen a frenzy of 'Long-tailed Blue action' that I will never forget, I even managed to see a couple as they started to roost and finish of the day with a photo of a roosting male bathed in golden sunlight.

01.LTB threesome.JPG
02.LTB threesome.JPG
03.LTB threesome.JPG
04.LTB threesome.JPG
05.LTB threesome.JPG
06.LTB threesome.JPG
07.LTB threesome.JPG
08.LTB threesome.JPG
LTB sunset.JPG
I would like to wish everyone on UKB a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A VERY HAPPY 'BUTTERFLY FILLED' NEW YEAR. With any luck I will bump into some of you out there somewhere in 2014 :D

Best Wishes


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:59 am
by David M
Stunning sequence, Rex. It's hard to imagine that particular 'find' ever being bettered but I'm sure you'll keep trying.

Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for sharing.

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:08 pm
by William
Fantastic shots Butterflysaurus - I thought I'd done pretty well with a field of Clouded Yellows on my doorstep - but Long - Tailed Blues - crikey! I particularly like the last female - a beautiful photo :D :D .

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:39 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
David M wrote:Stunning sequence, Rex. It's hard to imagine that particular 'find' ever being bettered but I'm sure you'll keep trying.

Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for sharing.
Thank you David, I've been really spoiled this year :D I agree with you - I doubt I will ever do any better than that.... but I will keep on trying :wink:

It's been a very long time since I last visited Wales, maybe one day I'll be able to see your beautiful part of the world again.

I hope you have a great Christmas :D



Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:18 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
William wrote:Fantastic shots Butterflysaurus - I thought I'd done pretty well with a field of Clouded Yellows on my doorstep - but Long - Tailed Blues - crikey! I particularly like the last female - a beautiful photo :D :D .
Hi William, Clouded Yellows are one of my favourites as well. I wasn't able to get down to Kent for the Long-tailed Blues, I thought I would miss out on seeing any so this made my local encounter extra special. I still can't believe my luck, if we get another invasion I hope you will be able to get down to the south coast and see some, they are lovely little butterflies and a very rare treat on our shores.
The Clouded Yellows were also a highlight, I really enjoyed seeing my first ever 'Helice' type of Clouded yellow this year, not just one but 6! most were in great condition too.

Thank you for pointing out that the last LTB photo is of a female, I said "male" :oops: if I go back quickly and change it do you think anyone will notice :lol:

I hope next season is another good one for migrants :D

A very Merry Christmas too you, and keep on taking those stunning photos.



Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:22 pm
by Pauline
Wow! You have left me speechless - doesn't often happen :lol: Be good to bump into you in 2014. Have a great Xmas.

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:28 pm
by William
Butterflysaurus rex wrote:Thank you for pointing out that the last LTB photo is of a female, I said "male" :oops: if I go back quickly and change it do you think anyone will notice :lol:
I was on auto-pilot there - and as I'm noe expert on LTBs, I could well be wrong - my apologies. :oops:

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:50 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
William wrote:
Butterflysaurus rex wrote:Thank you for pointing out that the last LTB photo is of a female, I said "male" :oops: if I go back quickly and change it do you think anyone will notice :lol:
I was on auto-pilot there - and as I'm noe expert on LTBs, I could well be wrong - my apologies. :oops:
That's OK William I'm no expert on LTB's either :D I could well be wrong but I thought it was a male when I took the photo. Be it Male or Female I still appreciate your very kind and generous commets.
Anyway absolutely no apologies neccessary, in fact if you or 'anyone eslse' notices that I've made a wrong ID then I would be most grateful if it's pointed out to me - it helps me to learn and get better at it. :D

Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:27 pm
by Maximus
Brilliant sequence of photos B'Rex, you certainly made the most of of the opportunity presented to you :D Have a great Christmas and I know you will have a fantastic 2014 :wink: :D


Re: Butterflysaurus rex

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:36 pm
by Wurzel
Thank you for our early Xmas pressie Rex :wink: :D

Mind you to quote 'man hanging in dungeon from Life of Brian': "You lucky, lucky Bast**d" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink:
Be good to meet up in the field next year, maybe some of your luck will rub off :wink: Now get back to the Mince Pies.

Have a goodun
