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Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:29 pm
by Susie
Blimey, you are a clever lot.

As for me I'm going to be watching Rome (series 1 & 2) on DVD on constant loop. Lots of sex, death and violence and nothing cerebral at all; hurrah!!. :D

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:38 pm
by Denise
Susie wrote:Blimey, you are a clever lot.

As for me I'm going to be watching Rome (series 1 & 2) on DVD on constant loop. Lots of sex, death and violence and nothing cerebral at all; hurrah!!. :D
I've watched it all TWICE. Hubby loves it! :shock: :lol:
As you say, lots of sex, sex and more sex, violence and death. Did I mention the sex?
Rock on Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo.


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:02 pm
by Susie
I fell madly in love with Titus Pullo the first time I set eyes on him. :lol: Good job he doesn't exist in real life.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:26 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn

Susie, Denise, I haven't seen Rome.... yet. :lol:

Here is anothe thing I will be doing in the winter, lots and lots of diving and gymnastics things.

Here is a Dive, it isn't perfect, but what you don't see at the end is the flip over to my feet. Just half of it, I pull my arms to the side and then over.
Plus it isn't perfect and is a rather bsic one due to a back injury, if not I would have shown you all kinds of things :lol: (I shouldn't have been doing this either, shh)
I can't see the hoop, but I use echo location, unfortunatly it doesn't pick up on the mic with back ground nosie etc. But if you listen carefully there is the last click before I land. The person speaking wasn't me, and no I didn't hurt him :lol: he was just fooling about! ... deo005.flv

Trampolining is far more complicated in terms of echo location, once and if my back is okay, I will show you a few stunts :wink:


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:37 pm
by Susie
That's great, Mouse. :D

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:22 am
by KeynvorLogosenn

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:09 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Annie wrote:
Nice M12 Martin, at last a personal plate that's applicable to the car it's on!
Here's another one:


Funny how several here share a very wide and varied range of common interests.

I have a small collection of cars acquired over the years and enjoy fettling them which can be both relaxing and therapeutic. They are my other escape.... I'm a keen transport enthusiast and the fine picture above of LNER A4 Pacific 60009 locomotive reminds me of my teenage days when I worked in the Metrollops not far from Kings Cross Main Line Railway Station. Killing time during my lunch breaks, that fine locomotive was sometimes seen there along with others in that class as well as other interesting stuff such as 'Deltics' including the prototype in its unique Blue livery ~ fine sights and sounds to a teenager's eyes. Things wiser youngsters of today have missed out on big time.... I still enjoy rail travel today but, it's not the same.

"Dad! Did you really travel to work on a steam train?"

"Yes son"

Great days sadly gorn forever.

Searching for the early stages of some of our more local butterfflies in the depths of winter can be very productive ~ turned up some nice 'new' localities doing that over the years. To discover something a bit rare in a new unrecorded locality on a clear sunshine January day is something that always gives me a thrill.
... but, the 'old minces'* aint what they used to be...

* Mince pies ~ rhyming slang ....

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:50 am
by Lynn
Conservation work conservation work and conservation work!

Winter is the time to pay back the butterflies for all the pleasure they give us in the warm sunny part of the year. Many habitats have declined but can be rescued by dedicated volunterers. As a person resonsible for running nature reserves I am really appreciative of the help given by volunteers. What we do does make a difference. We all meet new friends have a good time & eat cake!

BC, County Wildlife Trusts and the National Trust all have work parties as do some smaller community groups so there is bound to be one near you. If you have never done it I recommend giving it a try.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:44 pm
by Paul
There are always these to look for.... :)
