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Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:34 pm
by NickB
Hi Guys and Gals
Looks like I'm double booked for the weekend - I have spent all my time this summer out chasing butterflies and have been neglecting my grandchildren (I know; I do look too young and carefree to be THAT old, but there you go, you've either got it or you haven't!) - so I'll have to give this weekend a miss! Shame - as I wanted a ticket for the rumble in Oxfordshire from Rosy :evil: , and to meet the angry crew from UKB too :mrgreen: !
If it's Sunday, there may still be a chance I can make it....

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:36 pm
by Susie
Sussex Kipper wrote:Hi Rosy,
Better weather on Friday. I'm going out for Brown Hairstreak and Wall if you can get time off.
I am disappointed I can't join you this time. If it is anything like hunting Purple Emperors than it could not fail to be entertaining. Good luck! :D

BTW, I have found a very nice little site which should be good for Purple Emperors in BBH and I have been told by someone that they have been there in past years. I'm going to check it out next year, if you fancy a visit you are more than welcome.

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:38 am
by NickB
jackharr wrote:Just a thought - don't know what prompted it - but I was wondering if bald heads can be used for bounce flash? I am of course unable to test the idea myself.

I think this deserves developing further.....
With the various folically-challenged members of this forum we could have a full range of flash-diffusors:

Full (slap head) - to medium ("the Monk") - to low (Receeding) with all the stages in-between!

(I personally could fill "the Monk" quite well! Any other volunteers?)


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:09 am
by Jack Harrison
It wasn't primarily a butterfly outing to Titchwell, North Norfolk last Friday, but I did find this - rather distantly - apparently a rarity at Titchwell:

However, my day was somewhat spoilt (not exactly a hazard of butterflying) by a woman who had poop-scooped her dog's mess into a TRANSPARENT (food container type) bag and was carrying it swinging for all to see. That was utterly revolting.

I am reminded of the Billy Connelly observation: "Have you ever seen a dog step in human poo?"


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:23 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Jack,
Have you seen the TV advert for Senokot? Apparently some women carry the stuff around in their handbags! :shock:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:49 pm
by NickB
Jack - I am getting worried!
You seem to be developing a fixation with s**t!
Is this a sign that increasing years are turning you back to childhood pursuits :roll:

Just a thought.....

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:39 pm
by Jack Harrison
Cheeky b-gger.

May I remind all of you - here's Nick in action last month.


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:30 pm
by NickB
It's a fair cop, Guv! Though to be strictly accurate, it's fox, not dog!
PE_6a__low_Fermyn_13_07_2008_copy.jpg (218.82 KiB) Viewed 1084 times

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:31 pm
by Susie
Blimey, xray eyes!! You can see through your hat?!

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:34 pm
by NickB
Rosy Rustic wrote:Blimey, xray eyes!! You can see through your hat?!
Not only MY hat....!

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:38 am
by Annie
Rogerdodge wrote:Weirdly one of the worst photos I have ever seen of a battered butterfly in a boring composition, unsharp and dull got a vote - what the hell is going on there Annie?

Sorry, I have just started photographing - not just butterflies but anything. I didn't ask anyone to vote for me and I didn't vote for myself.

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:50 am
by Rogerdodge
I am really sorry if you took my post as any form of an insult.
I was merely surprised that your photograph, which, you must admit is not exactly "out of the top drawer", got a vote when some stunning images recieved none.
I did not mean to imply that you had voted for yourself, although on re-reading my post I can see how you could read that implication into it. I am sorry for that.
I also do not wish to do anything but fully encourage fledgling photographers, and have, in the past, spent much time offering help and advice to newcomers to our hobby. If you felt my remarks in anyway discouraging, I apologise for that too.
Interestingly, a friend has pointed out to me that voting for two images that are likely to attract few votes as well as your own is a way of increasing your chances of "winning" - if anyone is sad enough to do that!! If that does happen, it will explain your single vote.
To summarise - I am sorry if I said, or you percieved that I implied, anything personally derogatory.
I hope that you are not discouraged, and will continue to post images and accept my well meant, but possibly tactless, constructive criticism.

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:32 pm
by Annie
Roger, darling - no offence taken. I am a learner, with a great big L plate slapped on my (borrowed) camera. I am interested in learning how to take better photographs, so all constructive criticism is duly noted (and sometimes even followed :wink: )

Like I said when I posted the photo, I was interested in the critique. I was surprised when I got a vote, and I can see that the voting system may be open to abuse in the way you suggest. I would hope that no-one on here would vote tactically, but hey, it's the internet, weird things happen herein..., apparently there's this whole thing called "Net Rage" where people on forums take things out of context and blow them out of all proportion :oops: :wink:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:37 pm
by Jack Harrison
Roger et al

This is supposed to be Net Rage thread. Grumditcher got me would up and you annoyed Annie. If there had been no rows, it would have been a pretty poor thread.

Jack (the miserable old git)

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:55 am
by NickB
Re Eccles and July Competition Votes 2008...

I won't mention it, or mention in-body IS, again, if you don't too! Deal :oops:


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:30 pm
by eccles
or mention in-body IS, again, if you don't too! Deal
Nah, not a chance. I have to continually inform the Canonista of the error of their ways in case they lapse back into their complacent smugness, battling with huge tripods in order to get their photos. I have to admit though, their persistence and skill is undeniable despite such encumbrances.

Here's one I took on Friday using my image stabilised Sony A700:
iso3200, 1/15 second f8. 70-210 zoom at 180mm. No tripod. No flash. No problemo. :D
DSC01544.jpg (142 KiB) Viewed 933 times

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:50 pm
by NickB
Eccles said...
"......Here's one I took on Friday using my image stabilised Sony A700.........."

Sorry guys, I tried!

N :(

( I personally went for the Nikon because I liked the more natural colours that it produced. Canon were a bit, well....."too perfect " in their colour - a bit like the difference between Agfa and Kodak colour film I suppose, and that was always a personal call....for those with longer memories!)

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:36 pm
by NickB
From Sightings Brown Hairstreak thread:
"Polly"]Wow! I really see what you mean Susie...

Brown Hairstreaks are a real pest at the moment; they are everywhere in Sussex!!

Don't worry - help is on its way. Next year there won't many, if any at all!
I enclose an extract from a recent email:

" Dear Extinction Club members,
West Sussex needs us now! They're infested with Brown Hairstreaks. First phase of volunteers with nets and insecticide should be despatched as soon as possible. That should solve the immediate problem. And as I speak, one of our members (resident in West Sussex) is 'phoning and emailing the council to complain about the unkempt nature of the hedges in his area. In fact he nearly put his eye out on a nasty sharp blackthorn twig and the council will be hearing from his lawyers shortly.
You can bet that the council flails will be out in the next month, finishing off the eggs, and reducing their habitat to zero!
Job done!
The President"

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:55 pm
by Susie
You'll never get the ones in my garden, they are far too clever ....

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:48 am
by eccles
Sorry guys, I tried!

N :(
Water off a duck's back, Nick. :D
( I personally went for the Nikon because I liked the more natural colours that it produced. Canon were a bit, well....."too perfect " in their colour - a bit like the difference between Agfa and Kodak colour film I suppose, and that was always a personal call....for those with longer memories!)
It's ok, we understand.