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Re: April 2022

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:02 pm
by zigzag_wanderer
Charles Nicol wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:36 pm
zigzag_wanderer wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:26 pm By way of adding some contrast to Dave's Brimstones photo (not to mention all other snaps ever featured in these pages), I offer you a record shot where I was clearly focusing in the wrong place and yes it did fly off before I could get a closer shot.

Was still pleased to see a Grizzled Skipper and a Red Kite in my 45 minute work "lunch hour" though. And to prove good things come in threes, I was also pleasantly chuffed with my decision to add thinly sliced shallot to my marmite, cheese and tomato sandwich. A winner but definitely need to bring in the spearmint gum tomorrow.
thank you for providing several minutes of entertainment of the "Where's Grizzy" type :D
No problem Charles, glad you could find it ! For anyone who tried and failed, I've circled it below.

Today at lunch I got a slightly better record shot of it, and it was also joined by a Dingy (poor record shot below, but at least you can see where it is). Also in attendance were an Orange Tip, a pair of Small White, a Speckled Wood, a Peacock and a Green-veined White.

Love Andy's photo of the Festoons. They're so gloriously exotic, the abdomen decoration alone is pretty special.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:26 am
by Deborah
A good couple of days. A few Dingy Skippers, a brief fly by of the first Swallowtail, lots of Holly Blues in the garden. Speckled Woods, a Small Copper and of course Brimstones and Orange Tips. Plus a Red Admiral.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:45 pm
by Stevieb
Nice fresh Wall Brown on the hill this lunchtime plus Dingy Skippers, Speckled Wood, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Green-veined White and Small White.
Beacon Hill, Wiltshire
28th April
28th April
28th April
28th April
28th April
28th April
28th April
28th April

Re: April 2022

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:27 pm
by PhilBJohnson
Near Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Some things almost on hold.
Light, relatively colder wind from the Nort East
Light, relatively colder wind from the Nort East
No flight temperature, in local micro-climate
Light, colder wind remained from North East.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:35 pm
by millerd
Under very hazily sunny skies, and temperatures of only 12 or 13 degrees, I visited Chiddingfold this morning to see if the Wood Whites had emerged. In a walk from the Botany Bay entrance to Oaken Wood and back I spotted just two: in a moment of brighter sunshine, the first one took to the air to nectar on a dandelion, but otherwise they were immobile.
WW1 280422.JPG
WW2 280422.JPG
WW3 280422.JPG
The only other butterfly I saw was a solitary GVW.

I returned home via Noar Hill, and after a lengthy spell when a single roosting Orange Tip was all there was on offer, a bit of stronger sunshine brought out a few Dukes and a couple of Dingy Skippers. It didn't last, but the return to duller conditions allowed me to follow a couple of the former species to their roosting positions in the scrubby vegetation.
These two shots do show the difference in the leg arrangement of the sexes in this species. The female has the full six, using the front two to stand and hold on. The male however has just four usable legs: there is a vestigial third pair at the front but they are reduced to being useless for walking.


Re: April 2022

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:50 pm
by Stevieb
Decent morning at Cotley with my first Brown Argus of the year. Cotley Hill, Wiltshire

Grizzled Skipper 9
Large White 1
Green-veined White 5
Small White 3
Orange-tip 3
Green Hairstreak 3
Brown Argus 1
Holly Blue 1
Peacock 2
Wall Brown 1
Small Heath 5
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April
29th April

Re: April 2022

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:33 pm
by Bertl
At last some more variety to add to the meagre sightings thus far this year. I am in clackmannanshire for the weekend and took advantage of some sunshine today. 20 to 30 orange tips and around 10 green veined whites dancing around.....took a while to get some photos.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:49 pm
by zigzag_wanderer
Saw my first Common Blue damselfly of 2022 yesterday. Also some neatly coloured flies, but no butterflies.

Two Grizzlies (but no Dingies) flitting around me at lunch today. Also my two warring Speckled Woods and singles of Peacock, Orange Tip, Small White, Green-veined White.

I also had visits from two unidentified moths. A white/cream coloured one about 75% the size of an Orange Tip raced by me from the hedge to the weeds outside the greenhouse. Unlike the OT it flew in a very straight line and at much speed. Unfortunately I couldn't twist my neck round quite enough to see exactly where it landed - and I lost it. Shortly after, a smaller, bright red moth flew past me and landed on the ground less than two yards from me. It was definitely of the "underwing" variety as it wasn't bright red on the ground, although it did have a slightly reddish/purpleish hue. Before I could put my sandwich down and take the camera out though it flew off. Got to be quicker on the draw !

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:09 am
by OwenE
A lot of my wildlife watching is unfortunately on set days whatever the conditions so my trip out on Thursday was a lot better for birds than butterflies. Did pay a visit to Axbridge Hill near Cheddar and despite the cold overcast conditions saw my first Dingy Skipper of the year (also grizzled and speckled wood)

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:29 am
by PhilBJohnson
Orange-tip, a timing
Notes taken from BBC weather app, location near Lincoln
Friday 29th April
10:00am-2:00pm 9 to 11°C
Light winds from the North East
“OTeila” drying her wings,Friday 29th April. Pupal case on native honeysuckle, below her. 11:01am
“OTeila” drying her wings,Friday 29th April. Pupal case on native honeysuckle, below her. 11:01am
Two more male orange-tip butterflies (my last two) emerged from habitat cage. They had been outside undergoing full outdoor seasonal pupal changes, since last June.
Friday 29th April 2022 10:40am
Friday 29th April 2022 10:40am
Notes taken from weather app. Saturday April 30th 2022
12°C by 11:00am to16°C by 3:00pm
Full sun then part white cloud
16:51pm April 30th 2022, Red Campion
16:51pm April 30th 2022, Red Campion
It might have been a very good day today to witness a female Orange-tip being mated near or County north of Lincoln, as further south was, on average, warmer.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:39 am
by PhilBJohnson
Orange-tip, a timing
Notes from BBC weather app, location near Lincoln
Friday 29th April
Light winds from the North East
Two more male orange-tip butterflies (my last two) emerged from habitat cage. They had been outside undergoing full outdoor seasonal pupal changes, since last June

Saturday April 30th 2022
12°C by 11:00am -16°C by 3:00pm
Full sun then part white cloud

It might be a very good day today to witness a female Orange-tip being mated near Lincoln

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:01 pm
by Ian Pratt
Wall seen today at Havenstreet Isle of Wight. :D :D Is this a male or female as I am not sure if I can make out any scent glands?

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:07 pm
by Charles Nicol
went to Sundon chalk pits today for the first time this year.

the weather was very pleasant and i saw a dozen Dingy Skippers and a couple of Green Hairstreaks.

the GH in the photo sat on a twig a metre above the ground for at least 10 minutes... it did not seem to mind me

taking pictures of it.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:31 pm
by Allan.W.
Spent about two and a half hours today ,and enjoyed an excellent walk at Dungeness,we decided to do a first brood Small Copper count
I reckon the first brood is nearing its peak now ,and we counted a very respectable 389 ,they are now a very mixed bunch ,with some very tatty specimens but still high numbers of fresh individuals ,lots of Blue spotted s today ,and one very unusual pathological AB; with the wings on the right being very pale ,and faded ,also amongst the hoards was an AB;Radiata ,we found this one as we were almost back at the car ,and it was feeding on the first few Ragwort plants to come into flower at Dungeness .................they soon latch onto these blooms ,and the dozen or so that were in flower ,played host to probably 30 + Coppers ,excuse the picture ,this Copper flatly refused to fly over (or through ) the power station fence ,and i done the best i could through the mesh .
Also very pleased to have our highest count of Grizzled Skippers ..........9 in all ,our previous best at Dungeness was 3 ,other than that 2 Small Whites and 1 Peacock.
P1090210 (2).JPG
P1090231 (3).JPG

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:48 pm
by Chris L
Wow ! 389 ! :shock: Yes, a quite 'respectable' total. Wonderful to read that this lovely butterfly is thriving there.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:53 pm
by millerd
My first Small Blue of 2022, seen today in the old quarry near Pitstone. Just the one male - hopefully many more will follow.
SB1 300422.JPG
This came shortly after an early morning visit to Incombe Hole, where Dukes and Dingies battled it out, but the latter were more friendly to the other Skipper present... :)
DS+GS 300422.JPG

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:29 pm
by Testudo Man
Allan.W. wrote: Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:31 pm Spent about two and a half hours today ,and enjoyed an excellent walk at Dungeness,we decided to do a first brood Small Copper count
I reckon the first brood is nearing its peak now ,and we counted a very respectable 389 ,they are now a very mixed bunch ,with some very tatty specimens but still high numbers of fresh individuals ,lots of Blue spotted s today ,and one very unusual pathological AB; with the wings on the right being very pale ,and faded ,also amongst the hoards was an AB;Radiata ,we found this one as we were almost back at the car ,and it was feeding on the first few Ragwort plants to come into flower at Dungeness .................they soon latch onto these blooms ,and the dozen or so that were in flower ,played host to probably 30 + Coppers ,excuse the picture ,this Copper flatly refused to fly over (or through ) the power station fence ,and i done the best i could through the mesh .
Also very pleased to have our highest count of Grizzled Skippers ..........9 in all ,our previous best at Dungeness was 3 ,other than that 2 Small Whites and 1 Peacock.
P1090235.JPGP1090230.JPGP1090210 (2).JPG
P1090173.JPGP1090091.JPGP1090231 (3).JPG
Huge Small Copper numbers there Allan!!...and some fantastic looking beauties mate, well done.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:45 pm
by Testudo Man
Well Im certainly late to the party this season :oops: Ive not seen a lot of Butterfly action this year!!
To be fair, i spent quite some time observing Adders through March/April, so Butterflies had to take a "backseat" this Spring.
Had a great session yesterday though, an also put in some butterfly time last weekend. :D

Must have seen approx 50+ Dingy Skippers (with 2 mating pairs found) an at least 10 to 15 Grizzled Skippers an GH's.
Just the one fresh Brown Argus seen, but no chance of a pic!

Locations in Kent...Skipper images from this week, but the GH image is from last weekend.
No images have been cropped, cheers Paul.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 4:48 pm
by Chris L
Awesome photos Paul. I am very :mrgreen: about the adders. I really, really want to see a snake in the wild. One would think that I would stumble across one given my many butterfly adventures - but it has never happened.

Re: April 2022

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 8:36 pm
by David M
Otep wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 4:48 pmAwesome photos Paul.
Agreed. Top notch. :mrgreen: