Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

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Essex Bertie
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Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by Essex Bertie »

Heath Fritillary 2015
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by DennisK »

I was sad to learn of the extinct colony of Heath Fritillaries at Thrift Wood. Was this because of lack of foodplant or lack of site management? Are there any plans to re-introduce this species into Thrift Wood?
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by essexbuzzard »

It is a great shame,as this was the first Essex re-introduction site way back in 1984 i believe. I have volunteered at the site with our BC group,but the amount of foodplant has gradually reduced,as has the amount of bare ground,leading to the remaining plants becoming to cool for the fritillaries' caterpillars. It has been struggling here for many years,and it was no surprise when no adults emerged last year.

There are no plans,as far as i know,to introduce the species again,as it is generally agreed that this site has become unsuitable and too overgrown for this very fussy butterfly. Instead,management should be focussed on the larger,more sustainable Essex woods, where a mistake or two in management might not end with extinction.
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Essex Bertie
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by Essex Bertie »

Fair summary, Essexbuzzard. It's always difficult to be certain, as we continued coppicing around the edges which produced some good cow wheat. But the main area was static and seemingly brushcut for too long. We switched to rotation cutting in the last few years, but ultimately on heavy soil, it was perfect meadow management, rather than replicating the coppice cycle. There is no desire to re-establish this isolated colony, so perhaps those concerned did well to keep this species in the same glade for 30 years. There has been a lot of work done at the other sites in recent years by EWT, BC and the Local Authorities who are all keen. We just need a response from the butterflies as all peak counts are below 50, and you start to think of genetic weakening, which could also have happened at Thrift in the final years.
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by peterc »

The Essex people,

Is the HF still thriving in Hockley Woods?


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Essex Bertie
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by Essex Bertie »

I think the transect count at Hockley Woods for the past 3 years has declined.
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Re: Heath Fritillary - Essex 2015

Post by peterc »

Thanks, Bertie. Keep our fingers crossed for the HF there then.

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