are these?

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are these?

Post by richardjackie »

what a lovely evening

Here I hope are 2 images, (it all seems too easy).

The first one I think is a male Adonis Blue, but there were 2 on Denbies Hillside sparring but never really settling, and I couldn't get close.
The second I think is a Small Tort crawling across the kitchen wall, do they eat anything apart from nettles, as unfortunately we have none in our garden?

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Mark Colvin
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Re: are these?

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Richard,

The first image is certainly a male Adonis Blue, Polyommatus bellargus. The second, I'm fairly sure, appears to be the larva of the Scarlet Tiger moth, Callimorpha dominula.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards. Mark
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David M
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Re: are these?

Post by David M »

Absolutely an Adonis Blue male!! They've only just emerged so you did well to get an audience!
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Essex Bertie
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Re: are these?

Post by Essex Bertie »

I thought Scarlet Tiger too. UKmoths says they feed on Comfrey, amongst other plants. A friend saw them recently on Alkanet, also in the Borage family.
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Jack Harrison
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Re: are these?

Post by Jack Harrison »

Adonis Blue male is easily distinguished from Common Blue by the black veins that extend through the white fringes at the edges of the wings. The colour of Adonis is different but some Common Blues can be remarkably brilliant and less purple than usual. Female Adonis Blue is rather more tricky although not unduly so. Of course female blues hanging around with male Adonis are more than likely to be Adonis. (Yes, I know about hybrids with Chalkhill but that's not what we are talking about here).

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Re: are these?

Post by richardjackie »

Well I thought Scarlet Tiger too possibly, and now you say Alkanet I say "OK, as we have no Comfrey!"

Do any of you have a nice nettle patch in you garden for these winged flowers?

Oh, here is an picture from the 90's of one (or is it a Jersey Tiger) whispering in our eldest daughter's ear.

Last edited by richardjackie on Thu May 14, 2015 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Essex Bertie
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Re: are these?

Post by Essex Bertie »

Yes, it is a Jersey Tiger.
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