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Re: Willrow

Post by MikeOxon »

Willrow wrote:Another take on the same DGF image...better?
Both have their merits but, in the end, I plumped for the tighter crop because it avoids a large 'blank' area on the RHS

You've been enjoying a lot of good trips recently - thanks for sharing! Rosalyn's Kodak pic made me feel quite nostalgic. Nothing wrong with that image quality - though the EXIF data gives the game away :)


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Nick Broomer
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Re: Willrow

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Bill,

a lot of lovely photos but, your cropped photo of the Dark Green Fritillary is just brilliant. :D

All the best, Nick.

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

MikeOxon wrote: Both have their merits but, in the end, I plumped for the tighter crop because it avoids a large 'blank' area on the RHS
Thanks Mike both for your interest and your 'tighter crop' choice...and I darned well forgot someone might check the EXIF data for Rosalyn's Kodak :roll: :lol:
hideandseek wrote: a lot of lovely photos but, your cropped photo of the Dark Green Fritillary is just brilliant. :D
Gee thanks Nick...I'm really chuffed about your nice comment :wink:

Best wishes to you gents!

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Willrow

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Hi Bill,
I just read your Fermyn Woods, Northamptonshire report. It just goes to show how fruitful a well planned "butterfly journey" can be with excellent local knowledge. Having travelled all that way, I am really pleased for you that it turned out so good,
best wishes,

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

PhilBWright wrote:Having travelled all that way, I am really pleased for you that it turned out so good
Many thanks Phil, Fermyn is on my annual trip rota now, quite simply a must visit for the magnificent Purple Emperor :wink:

Kind Regards,

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

On Saturday the 28th of June, myself and fellow UK Butterflies member David M devoted an entire day at Castlemartin, Pembrokeshire to 'survey' this beautiful World Heritage Site for southern Wales only colony of Silver-studded Blue. The information we had to go on was rather scant, David had been here just once before and then he had only an old 1998 report and map to work to :shock: on that occasion he saw just 8 butterflies!!! With this basic information we decided time was right to find out what the current status of this beautiful 'under recorded' butterfly actually is in Pembrokeshire (Dyfed).

Within minutes of leaving the car we had discovered our first male butterfly at the head of a gulley that meandered down to the shore, this positive start insigated further search alongside both sides of the gulley and our efforts were well rewarded with at least a dozen or so insects found including our first female :wink:
David inspecting the Trevellans gulley
David inspecting the Trevellans gulley
Female Silver-studded Blue
Female Silver-studded Blue
Our search above the gulley included bracken and gorse 'heathland' which appeared quite typical of the type of habitat that S-s B enjoys at this location, here we also counted many Dark Green Fritillary and had to repress our natural urges to try for photographs of this splendid species and concentrate our minds solely on our target species (hard ask :roll: ). Our count continued to produce a male to female ratio of approximately 8 to 1 - many of the specimens seen were in fresh condition and suggested a recent main emergence, by mid-day our count had exceeded the forty mark and we were both encouraged and pleased :)
Superbly conditioned male Silver-studded Blue
Superbly conditioned male Silver-studded Blue
Of particular interest was a small female that we originally thought was a Small Blue but closer inspection seemed to indicate it was probably a Silver-studded Blue I suggested trying to get a record photograph to indicate a better sense of scale and below you can see David holding a one pence piece coin (20mm diameter) within an inch or so of the obliging insect :) and note that blueish sheen!
The smallest female S-s B either of us has seen!!!
The smallest female S-s B either of us has seen!!!
Another of the female S-s B counted
Another of the female S-s B counted
Beautiful male Silver-studded Blue in closed wing pose
Beautiful male Silver-studded Blue in closed wing pose
Just one of the 80+ males added to our 'core area' count on Trevallens Down
Just one of the 80+ males added to our 'core area' count on Trevallens Down
After a brief respite for lunch we both remarked how kind the weather had turned out (in spite of a negative forecast :roll: ) and decided to spend some time on the coastal path above the spectacular cliffs, here we were rewarded with close up views of a young Chough (my favourite crow :P ) taking a bath in a puddle, the same bird was seen a little later preening and drying out on the safety of the cliff head and allowed close-up photography to commence, I've studied these lovely corvids on their coastal strongholds in Wales and inland in Snowdonia but I've not had any better views than the one this young (unringed :o ) bird allowed...a wonderful privilege :D
Just out of the puddle...
Just out of the puddle...
I'm chuffed to bits with this image...aagh!!!
I'm chuffed to bits with this image...aagh!!!
Our interlude complete we decided to move a about a mile further westward along the headland and investigate a likely looking 'banked' habitat, here we moved past our hundred mark for the day and it was grins all round :) I cannot remember doing any 'survey' in a more beautiful location, there was so much to take in and enjoy as well as the target species of butterfly :) 8)
The stunningly beautiful Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
The stunningly beautiful Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Around teatime we moved onto some other wonderful locations Bosherton Lily Ponds and Broad Haven where we 'discovered' a discrete colony of about 9/10 Silver-studded Blue this discovery is at least 2 or 3 miles away from the Trevallens Downs and perhaps 2 miles from Stackpole where we understand another colony has historically been recorded from (again no further info available as yet - but I will investigate :? )
Bosherton Lily Ponds
Bosherton Lily Ponds
In conclusion a very successful days 'survey' with at least 110 Silver-studded Blue recorded, the bonus was the superb scenery and an unexpectedly good days weather, we headed home very contented butterfly enthusiasts :wink:

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"
Fine looking female S-s B
Fine looking female S-s B

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Re: Willrow

Post by Pauline »

Black creatures are notoriously difficult to photograph Bill but the detail on that Chough is great - and when you see that level of detail you realise it is not all black at all. Wish I could do that. Smashing shot :D .

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Re: Willrow

Post by Neil Freeman »

Excellent report and photos Bill, really great job of yourself and David with those Silver-studded Blues. I really enjoy reading reports such as this from more 'out of the way' locations.

It makes you wonder how many undiscovered or under recorded colonies are out there of some species.



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Re: Willrow

Post by Wurzel »

Congratulations on such a successful survey Willrow :D , that Silver Studded Blue was crazy small :shock: Brill shots of the Chough I haven't seen on for a few years so I'll have to head back to Llangranog again this summer.

Have a goodun


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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

Pauline wrote:Black creatures are notoriously difficult to photograph Bill but the detail on that Chough is great - and when you see that level of detail you realise it is not all black at all. Wish I could do that. Smashing shot :D
Thanks very much Pauline, I've read most of your posts and I'm aware that...you do do that...your just being modest and kind, two very nice human qualities :wink:
nfreem wrote: It makes you wonder how many undiscovered or under recorded colonies are out there of some species
Cheers Neil...you said it :shock: :?:
Wurzel wrote:Brill shots of the Chough I haven't seen on for a few years so I'll have to head back to Llangranog again this summer
Llangranog is a great Chough place :) my thanks for your nice comments Wurz :wink:

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

On Sunday 29th of June, myself and David M visited Daneway Banks, Near Sapperton, Gloucestershire to enjoy a day on this lovely Cotswold re-introduction site for Large Blue and our expectations were more than fulfilled with at least 15 individuals seen and photographed. It was a decided advantage to have the kindest of weather conditions with us, sunshine 8) with just the most moderate breeze that helped immensely with our efforts to attain good quality photographs, both sexes were very obliging posing for opened wings shots on several occasions :)
Large Blue displaying beautifully
Large Blue displaying beautifully
Daneway Banks has probably 'outshone' Somerset's Collard Hill this year, many fellow enthusiasts met on the banks that had also visited Collard reported better success at the banks, we couldn't disagree :o
The usually seen side on view of Large Blue
The usually seen side on view of Large Blue
Marjoram is occasionally used for egglaying
Marjoram is occasionally used for egglaying
During our LB search we stumbled upon a couple of rather late Green Hairstreak the species has had a very good prolonged season and the individual seen below is a natural survivor :shock:
Faded and tattered GH still hanging on in there
Faded and tattered GH still hanging on in there
P1140829Large Blue2 (Copy).jpg
The village of Sapperton is typically Cotswold both in atmosphere and character and the view from the banks is very picturesque with the mellow Cotswold stone cottages peeping out of the mature trees surrounding it.
The lovely Sapperton village view
The lovely Sapperton village view
Another side on view of Large Blue
Another side on view of Large Blue
Rather 'dusky' Large Blue
Rather 'dusky' Large Blue
Apart from concentrating our efforts on Large Blue it was impossible not to be overwhelmed with the incredible numbers of Marbled White found throughout the banks and we watched for many minutes as they matched up and got down to business in the course grasses and meadow flowers :oops:
Marbled White female 'on top' note colour differences
Marbled White female 'on top' note colour differences
Silver-washed Fritillary came out of the surrounding woodland to occasionally nectar on the bramble flowers that lined the hedges along the upper reaches of the banks and the one below allowed me the opportunity to get close enough to get a reasonable photo...kind critter :wink:
One of a few male Silver-washed Frits seen during our visiit
One of a few male Silver-washed Frits seen during our visiit
I can strongly recommend a visit to this beautiful and peaceful Large Blue site, it offers the space that is perhaps missing from Collards Hill, having said that I'm detracting nothing from the virtues of the latter, its just so nice to have choice :) and personally I've decided to add Daneway Banks to my annual 'pilgrimage list' :P

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Willrow

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic report Willrow rally envious of the open wing shots :mrgreen: One good thing about the lack of LBs at Collard is that next year everyone will hopefully head to Daneways and then I can have Collard to myself :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Willrow

Post by Neil Freeman »

Great report and photos of the Large Blues Bill :mrgreen: :D

On the way back from Weymouth last Saturday we passed not too far from Sapperton but with a car loaded with holiday stuff plus 2 women and a 3 year old we couldn't really stop off. Even so I might have been tempted if it wasn't for the fact that it was bucketing down with rain at that point :wink:



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Paul Harfield
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Re: Willrow

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Bill

I was just admiring your Large and Silver Studded Blues, they are superb :D That tiny one is very unusual. I have managed to completely miss the Silver Studded Blues so far this year and it will be a while before I see my first Large Blue :(

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

My first Personal Diary post of the year, last year was so busy I simply could not keep up with my trip reports and fell hopelessly behind, this year I'm going to be far more casual :P and only post when I have the luxury of time...like now...!!!

Last Thursday I spent a few hours at the Kenfig National Nature Reserve, near Porthcawl, South Wales this lovely coastal reserve is a stronghold for Small Blue and naturally the species was my main target during my visit. I was a little disappointed to only see three or four, however the wind was a factor and this tiny insect is not built for such conditions and allowances have to be made.
One of just a few Small Blue seen during visit.
One of just a few Small Blue seen during visit.
Small Blue sheltering from stiff breeze!
Small Blue sheltering from stiff breeze!
My first Small Heath of the year was very unaccomadating and constanly flitted into positions where a reasonable photo was difficult, in the end I just clicked a record shot and told him (or her!) to please themself :roll:
This awkward critter was lucky to get shot!!!
This awkward critter was lucky to get shot!!!
A solitary Common Blue appeared on a banking above the area where I was concentrating on SB and this species was also a first for the year, earlier than I normally find them and it appeared to have been around for a few days or the poor recent weather had taken its toll :( ... nothing to brighten up the day like a CB though :) (but apologies for the poor quality image!).
My first Common Blue of the year...
My first Common Blue of the year...
During my butterfly forays I've always got my eyes peeled for my other passion Dragonflies, I was not disappointed to see loads of the blue species damselflies emerging and also Hairy Dragonfly and Four-spotted and Broad-bodied Chaser among the dragonfly species :)
Side view of immature male Broad-bodied Chaser
Side view of immature male Broad-bodied Chaser
I saw my first Small Copper in early April if memory serves, on this visit I had to content myself with enjoying the company of just two of these delightful little insects, but at least they had better manners than that ignorant Small Heath and allowed a decent enough photo to be taken :wink:
Small Copper posing on grassy stalk...
Small Copper posing on grassy stalk...
My visit produced a list of eleven species, which as well as those already mentioned above included; Brimstone, Large, Small & Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock.
Small Tortoiseshell were counted into double figures.
Small Tortoiseshell were counted into double figures.
Green-veined White on Cuckoo Flower
Green-veined White on Cuckoo Flower
On my way back to the car-park I came across this larval web of the Lackey (Macro Moth) which I'm sure many of you are familiar with, this one was on Blackthorn that was constantly whipped about in the wind, I don't know who was more shaken-up, me contorting while trying to get a record shot or the poor caterpillars bouncing up and down on the branch :lol:
The bouncing Lackey web!!!
The bouncing Lackey web!!!
Bill :D

"When in doubt - venture out"
Last edited by Willrow on Mon May 11, 2015 8:58 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Willrow

Post by David M »

Good stuff, Bill. Nice to see Common Blues are about in our part of the world. I spent half an hour in Kittle Quarry this afternoon looking for them but in spite of the birds foot trefoil being quite well advanced, none were seen.

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Re: Willrow

Post by Maximus »

Good to see you back, Bill :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Willrow

Post by Neil Freeman »

Willrow wrote:My first Personal Diary post of the year, last year was so busy I simply could not keep up with my trip reports and fell hopelessly behind, this year I'm going to be far more casual :P and only post when I have the luxury of time...like now...!!!
Hi Bill,

That is the beauty of these personal diaries, it is yours and you can post when you like. There are some who post a report every time they go out and some who only post once every once in a while, each to their own. I enjoy reading all of them and it is always interesting to read what is happening in other parts of the country :D

Great reports, both here in your PD and in the sightings thread.



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Goldie M
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Re: Willrow

Post by Goldie M »

Nice shots Willrow, no Common Blues here yet I think most things are a couple of weeks late here Goldie :D

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Re: Willrow

Post by Willrow »

David M wrote:Good stuff, Bill. Nice to see Common Blues are about in our part of the world...
Thanks David, agree...lets hope for lots more :)
Maximus wrote:Good to see you back, Bill :D
Thats very nice of you Mike :wink:
Neil Freeman wrote:Great reports, both here in your PD and in the sightings thread.
Neil, thank you, you'll remove what little modesty I possess with such well received comments... :lol:
Goldie M wrote:Nice shots Willrow, no Common Blues here yet I think most things are a couple of weeks late here Goldie :D
Common Blues are a delight at this time of year, thanks for taking time out to read and reply Goldie.

Bill :D

"When in doubt - venture out"

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