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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D You're really lucky to have such a productive patch :mrgreen:
Cheers Neil :D Everything is kosher now I swear but if I try and pull a funny again liek that I'll use a three wink signal :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:
Cheers Pauline :D I just wish I could get out a bit more but the Lime Plasterers are due on Monday so the last few weekends have been sent hammering old plaster off the walls and riing off skirting boards. I just hope that everything waits for me :?

Easter Monday

The final proper day and it started well so I was hopeful of finding some butterflies when we visited Newquay. However as we drove the sea mist came in and settled over the beach It would break every now and again and then the temperatures would start to rise slightly but then the mist would roll in again, sleeves would be rolled back down and jumpers put back on. In the end I sat back and watched the girls build sand castles in between reading the paper and pouring coffee.

Once back at the Outlaws the mist cleared for a longer period and so I took my chance and headed off to see what I could find. At the Dog cottage I caught up with my first Ashy mining Bee of the year as well as the tiny green bee again.
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Up at the farmers track the resident Small Tort appeared briefly and then headed off but here there was also a Peacock that had taken up residence at the Small Torts favourite spot. I carried on further up to the Telephone tower and the track there held two more different Peacocks. All of a sudden I’d gone from no shots and sightings to an abundance of both.
Peacock number 1
Peacock number 1
Peacock number 2
Peacock number 2
Peacock number 3
Peacock number 3
As I strolled back a fourth Peacock buzzed me by the Dog cottage probably on its way to somewhere more sheltered as the sea mist rolled back in and up the hill. Back home tomorrow...
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

07-04-2015 The Journey Home...

We said our goodbyes and then with the car fully packed and the kids belted we set off. It was still cool as the sun was struggling to get p to full speed and the sea mist kept drifting in and building as we headed down the coast road. Once further inland and on the motorway we couldn’t really call it sea mist but every now and again the mist would roll over the road and we would be transported back in time to early February!

We were back on English soil and had only just crossed the border into Wiltshire (luckily) when I saw my first butterfly. As we were stop-starting through Brad-on Avon a small, light almost creamy orange butterfly was fluttering along a steep bank. As it got closer the creamy colour resolved into the striking orange and white of my first Orange-tip. I viewed it with mixed emotions – frustration as even though my camera was within reach I was unable to get out and take a shot as I the traffic had started moving but elation at seeing my first OT a sign that spring really is here. As it stands at the moment it was the first for the County and so I was doubly elated at seeing it! :D

As we continued south through the county it felt like the butterflies had waited for me to see the OT before coming out as now almost every available glance threw them up – almost all we Brimstones. The count ran as follows:
Cley Hill roundabout – 2 males
Heytesbury – 2 males
Codford 1 male, 1 female
Stapleford – 2 males
Langford Lakes – 1 male
Wilton – 2 males (and 1 Small Tortoiseshell)
Once we were in and unpacked we set out again to pick up Teddy and again there were Brimstones everywhere and all were males. With this in mind once Teddy was in, cuddled a plenty and left sleeping I went for a quick walk with my older daughter. We watched 2 Peacocks in two different gardens – the first was just in range from the footpath the other was much further in and also sitting at the top of a small Magnolia. We checked out the Town Path and the field there also had two Peacocks as well as an embattled Small Tortoiseshell.
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On the walk back we encountered 2 Peacocks again – probably the same ones as the later was on the same Magnolia. The first landed on a car and the reflection of the wings made for an interesting shot.
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Hopefully the weather will last a few more days and give me enough time to get out and catch up with plenty more butterflies!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Padfield »

Hi Wurzel. You are posting some fantastic pictures but that last one is really doing my head in. I just can't see how the reflections work!

I'm glad spring has finally sprung for you ...


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Mmm. You're right, Guy.

Puzzling. I can only assume the glass part is concave.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,

You discovered,on your trip home, the worst place from which to spot a desirable Butterfly........
through the windscreen of a moving car!!.
Many years ago the car in front of me flushed a huge ginger/brown Butterfly out of the hedgerow, i had
the briefest of glimpses of it as it was swept over the roof of my car. What it was i will never know, but
a Monarch would have fitted the bill!. :shock:

Best wishes,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Just checked your postings Wurzel, (Cheeky) :lol: pulling tricks like that, I fell for it as well :lol: :oops: Incidentally love the Peacock and reflection ( have you pulled another trick there? :lol:) Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Guy and David :D The butterfly was sitting on the edge of the spolier so perhaps it was acting like a parabolic mirror? :? Sorry to do your head in :oops: :wink:
Cheers Trevor :D I had another great sighting from the car yesterday - a Stone Curlew no less :shock: That goes on the list with Clouded Yellow, Ring Ouzel and Monty's Harrier 8)
Cheers Goldie :D I did leave the screwheads in the shot as a clue :wink: The Peacock on the car was just a coincidence, I took the shot of the butterfly and only noticed the reflections later 8)

08-04-2015 The Devenish and Five Rivers

Back home and into the familiar routine...jobs in the morning followed by a trip out over lunchtime with K. The jobs today were mainly tip runs (sorry – recycling centre visits) in readiness for the big clear out of our courtyard garden. Even while I was chucking wood into the appropriate skip I was checking the surrounding trees but nowt was about.

K (my older daughter) decided that we should try The Devenish so off we set stopping on the way briefly to check on the progress of the Cuckoo Flowers at the site I discovered last year. Sadly it was bereft of OTs and Cuckoo Flowers too so we carried on our way. The Devenish was hard work, and I don’t just mean the long slog up the side of the down. The little paddock housed only a single, edgy Peacock by the wood pile and the meadow only had a few Brimstones knocking about with another edgy Peacock. We checked the Down, more for the view than for butterflies and a Peacock played a brief game of Peek-a-boo with us. It would circle us really closely before sailing down the hill and dropping into the grass. Having relocated it and after a few shots it repeated the manoeuvres. We both agreed that Five Rivers might be more fruitful and K assured me that we would see a Comma there...

At Five Rivers it was a case of from one extreme to another; from edgy, flighty butterflies in single figures we observed butterflies all over the place! The bank leading to Comma Corner threw up a Peacock and 2 Small Tortoiseshells but the best thing was there was finally a grounded Comma at Comma Corner. Further along the banks there were two more Commas and the banks also held up to 8 ST’s and a Brimstone did a quick fly-by to represent the Whites. After noodling round here for a bit we then branched out and headed across the reserve to the far side.
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Further round the back it was a far bit quieter with another Comma and a further 6 Small Torts scattered about. But we stopped counting after that to prevent counting then butterflies twice and also so we could just enjoy them.
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On our final lap of the Banks we took a cut up the side of the Banks and as we did something blue went by. I thought at first that it was a very early Common Blue but the Hairstreak like flight soon had me re-identifying it as a Holly Blue which in terms of timing was much more expected but in terms of Five Rivers was even rarer than a Common Blue in March! To make it even more unusual it stopped fluttering round the tree-tops and landed on the grass a behaviour I’ve never seen before.
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After this we headed home stopping briefly for a final Comma at where else but Comma Corner. :D
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When I got home there were plenty of shots to sort through...not only my shots but also those taken by K...
K 1
K 1
K 2
K 2
K 3 She really got the hang of it, I wish I'd taken this one!
K 3 She really got the hang of it, I wish I'd taken this one!
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Interesting image of the Comma stretching its upperwings away from its hindwings. I've seen a few do that but I can't think what purpose it serves.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Great photo's Wurzel, love the Holly Blues on the grass, may be their fed-up of the trees wafting them about :D If it's as cold there as it is here they'd be more sheltered on the ground :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
Great set of images from your trip . The Peacock on the car makes a nice change to the
more usual background.

All the best,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Very nice pics in your diary recently, Wurzel :D Nice Comma and Holly Blue shots :D Hope your Orange-tip sightings improve SOON!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

That Holly Blue on the grass is reminiscent of a Small Blue - that's what they like to do. It doesn't look as comfortable, though, as a Small Blue would be. :)

A nice selection of Commas too, Wurzel - from both of you! :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David :D No idea why they do that either, perhaps they're limbering up or could it be to increase the surface area exposed heling them to warm up more quickly :?
Cheers Goldie :D I reckon they're getting less shy which can only be a good thing :D
Cheers Trevor :D That was a nice flukey shot :D
Cheers Mike :D As I'm slightly behind in my PD (who'd have thought it eh? :wink: ) I can reveal that I have caught up with a couple of OTs :D
Cheers Dave :D It does look a little out of sorts :?

May 2015
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

09-04-2015 Tutor Day

This turned into a bit of a Monster Day butterfly wise – not in terms of number of species but because of the number of places I visited. It all started off with dropping K off at her 11+ Tutor. She’s decided that she wants to go to our local Grammar and the only way of getting in is for her to pass the 11+ and as the schools don’t offer any assistance and we’re competing with Independents that do, we’ve had to pay for a Tutor for her. I don’t mind as it means that she’s flying ahead at school, I have somewhere to do an hour worth of work during the week or can use it as somewhere to park before heading off for an hour for some butterflying – which is what I did this morning.

I parked outside the local church and wandered down through the church yard, along the side of the river and across to the footpath that leads to Bishopdown. Just before the bridge I found a small area of nettles and there were three Small torts flitting around. I clambered over the bridge and hopped down onto the town path and carried on round. Those initial Small Torts were the only butterflies I saw but at least I’d done recce. On the way back the number of Small Torts had doubled to 6 and I headed straight back to pick up K after her first session, stopping only for a few Bee-flies on the way.
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As soon as K and I got back we picked up the others and visited the local garden centre. There were two Small Torts around, one by the Boules Mauve the other inside with the warmer plants. A Peacock did a fly by and there were a couple of male Brimstones but they didn’t stop. There was also a female that did.
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After this K and I didn’t stop as we took a lunch break over at Middle Street. We started at the other end of the reserve by the football pitch and we got bombarded by 12 Small Torts along with a couple of Peacocks. From the fields we then mooched along the river side and K stopped to do some fishing and while she did I found another Peacock and 3 Small Torts. The dried Pond proved to be great with a Small Tort, Brimstones flitting by, a Comma and 3 Peacocks in various stages of wear.
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Then it was back to the Tutor for K and back down the church route for me. I started with a Peacock and a Small Tort in the grave yard itself which was quickly followed by 6 Small Torts back by the nettles. Whereas before that was it now the path had a Brimstone and there were two good little patches. One was a spinney of May with 2 Small Torts and 3 Peacocks and the other was a massive dung heap with 2 Peacocks.
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Finally I raced back down the path, almost flew over the bridge and over the side, legged it through the Graveyard (as respectfully as possible) and back to pick up K before finally heading home – what a day!! :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
I'm pleased that you agree that the female OT is oviposting,in my image.
It wasn't until i viewed the image at home, that i realised what she was up to.

All the best,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

No worries Trevor :D It's often the way that you capture the moment and then work out what the moment actually was later :D

11-04-2015 Duke Site

As is usually the way the Law of Sod was in fine form today. My folks were having the girls and my wife was on a course so I had a free afternoon for some uninterrupted butterflying. So it was no surprise when I awoke to grey skies and rain. Even when it cleared up the wind was ferocious at times and ripped away any of the suns warmth.

I set off hopefully not expecting anything much but with the idea that often things turn up when you don’t expect them to. I checked the fields on the way to The Devenish but there were no OTs nor Cuckoo flowers. On the drive over to my Duke site I scanned the verges but there were no whites flying anywhere. Once at the Duke Site I walked all over the hill, traipsed every path that last year held Grizzlies and Greenstreaks but there was nothing small and greyish about. In the end I had to settle for two Small Torts and a Peacock.
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12-04-2015 Five Rivers

The following afternoon I took a brief trip to Five Rivers having taken my wife to her special place (Ikea) during the morning. The wind was still quite strong and at times ripped across the grass but at others the sun’s warmth started to build nicely. Instead of heading straight to the Banks I walked to the far side of the reserve along the main footpath as I thought the ditch might throw up some whites. In fact just as this thought had entered my head I spied one. As I tried to follow its manic fluttering I almost stepped on another, a female Small White hunkered down in the grass. This side of the reserve, which I seldom visit, proved to be quite productive throwing up another couple of Small Whites, 7 Small Tortoiseshells and a single Brimstone.
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I worked my way round the far side and approached the Banks from the end opposite from Comma Corner. Once here I did what I usually do which is stroll up and down along the Banks and wait for the butterflies to appear before my eyes. The next 20 minutes was cracking – 3 Small Whites, 4 Peacocks a further 9 Small Tortoiseshells and at least 4 Commas the last of which was very battle scarred and worn!
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I know that I only saw 5 different species but the numbers were quite heart warming so all in all not too shabby for a quick hour out!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

In a bid to catch up I'm trying to post more times than I make visits and as I made two yesterday I need to make a second post in quick succession ...

15-04-2015 Work and beyond...

Today at work we had a visit from Starchaser a rocket which has been to space and certainly helped to pique the interest of all the pupils that got to see it and hear about how it worked. As I headed out at lunch for a break to walk my usual route the rocket was still there and it provided a very different back drop to the start of my walk.
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Unfortunately the walk wasn’t as Earth shattering with only a couple of aged Small Torts and three Peacocks. Slightly disappointed I headed back and the rocket had either taken off or been driven away.
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On the way home I stopped off at my little “White site” near Enford. There is a long bungalow that lines the road and which is cut into the bank. On the other side of the building is a lay-by so I park here and then wander up and down the road searching for various species. Today I found a Comma nicely positioned at the tip of a branch and hanging out along the car park were a white and an Orange-tip. Both didn’t stop so I switched the camera to sports mode and tried for a few shots. They weren’t great but this could be the only OT shot I get this year as the warm weather is keeping them patrolling. I wasn’t sure what the white was either as it also wouldn’t stop (it was only when I got home that I discovered that it was my first Green-veined White).
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As I carried on bombing along the country lanes homewards I slammed the brakes on, grabbed the camera and hopped out. A couple of shots later I had my first Green-veined White in the bag (as it turned out it was actually my second one).
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
That's a stunning Peacock shot, a few images back, lovely capture. Any Dukes yet?.

All the best,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

I love the Peacock shot as well Wurzel, but the Green Veined is also a winner Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D No Dukes for me yet - I've visited my site twice now...so third time lucky this weekend :D
Cheers Goldie :D I was chuffed with that Green-veined, but even more so with the 180 handbrake turn I had to pull to stop and get it :wink: :lol:

Way home 17-04-2015

Having started my stop-off’s at the little pull-in at Enford I quickly followed u the first visit with a second. I was hoping for a slightly tired OT that would finally stop patrolling long enough for a couple of shots. Having pulled into the lay-by I popped out of the car and there was an OT but surprise, surprise it was on patrol. It did stop momentarily but right on the far side of the little garden and just out of reach of my lens. Slightly miffed I strolled up the road and a few shots of a female and then a male Green-veined White were some consolation.
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Back at the car an OT toyed with me by perching just long enough for a single shot! :evil:
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But as he took off I followed him and kept him in sight as he flew down the back of the house. When he came out on other side he must have thought that he’d lost me but I’d run on ahead and there waiting for him when he plumped down on a Bluebell for a quick pit-stop – gotcha!
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Have a goodun


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