What's flying in Marseilles 2015

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Saturday 4th April - South of France

First Orange Tip sighting of 2015
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Saturday 4th April - South of France

First Orange Tip sighting of 2015 :

On the wing - barely perceptible in the centre of this photo :lol: :
cardamines11 male P Bruyères 04 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
A cropped view 8) :
cardamines11 male P Bruyères 04 Apr 2015 (1a).JPG
The context (local scrubland park):
context cardamines 04 Apr 2015.JPG
That makes about 22 species so far :D
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

Joyeuses Pâques mon ami !

Thank you for the lovely pics. So far i have seen 2 Brimstones and 1 Small Tortoiseshell :cry:

I expect the Orange Tips will be out this week.


8) 8)
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Joyeuses Pâques to you as well, Charles. Its warming up now in Blighty, so you should be spotting more species soon :)

Monday 06 April - South of France - Lo of 6°C, Hi of 16°C
Flying today: Green Hairstreak, Cleopatra, Holly Blue, Nettle-tree BF, Red Admiral, Specklies, Orange Tip

Holly Blue:
argiolus11_13 P Bruyères 06 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
Nettle-tree BF (2 individuals):
celtis9_13 St Marcel 06 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
celtis8_13 St Marcel 06 Apr 2015 (3).JPG
Context - this budding oak tree was attracting these individuals, but I couldn't tell if they were females, laying:
celtis - context St Marcel 06 Apr 2015.JPG
Female Cleopatra:
cleopatra18_13 female P Bruyères 06 Apr 2015.JPG
Orange Tip:
cardamines12 male St Marcel 06 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
This plant, below, Biscutella laevigata, is one of the LHP of the Provence Orange Tip. The seed pods (the larval food) are starting to develop so they should attract the first butterflies within a week now:
Biscutelle lisse5 St Marcel 06 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Biscutelle lisse5 St Marcel 06 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thursday 09 April - South of France - Lo of 7°C, Hi of 17°C - Cool breeze

Flying at lunchtime today in the scrub up on the plateau of Vitrolles: Baton Blue, Green Hairstreak, Wall Brown, Scarce Swallowtail, Swallowtail, Western D White, Small White, Bath White.

Baton Blue (2 photos of the same individual):
This is when the swivel screen on the FZ150 comes into play:
baton7 Vitrolles scrub 09 Apr 2015 (3).JPG
baton7 Vitrolles scrub 09 Apr 2015 (5).JPG
Cloudie female (gave me a good run-around :) ):
crocea31 Vitrolles garrigue 07 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Rock rose:
Rock Rose Vitrolles scrub 07 Apr 2015.JPG
Yesterday down in the olive grove where it is much lusher:
Small Copper
phlaeas22_13 Vitrolles friche 08 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
phlaeas22_13 Vitrolles friche 08 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
megera12 female Vitrolles friche 08 Apr 2015.JPG
A small critter on Grape Hyacinth
context - Olive grove.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

great pics !!

i especially liked the Clouded Yellow... the Linford Christies of Butterfly Chasing :wink:
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi there Charles.

14th April, Vitrolles, South of France - at least 24°C, little wind

Today, 1st sighting of Glanville Fritillary this year, down in the Olive Grove.
This individual was very fresh and having a hard time:
cinxia11 Vitrolles friche 14 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
cinxia11 Vitrolles friche 14 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
This one was more relaxed:
cinxia12 Vitrolles friche 14 Apr 2015.JPG
This one was on its LHP:
cinxia13 Vitrolles friche 14 Apr 2015.JPG
Friday 10th, first sighting of Provence Orange Tip this year, here a male (they will just not settle for a photo early in their flight period):
euphenoides10_13 male P St Pons 11 Apr 2015 (4).JPG
1st Mallow skipper last Friday:
alceae9_13 Parc St Pons 11 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
And another Baton Blue from this week, on the plateau of Vitrolles, willing to pose:
baton8 Vitrolles scrub 13 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
baton8 Vitrolles scrub 13 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
baton8 Vitrolles scrub 13 Apr 2015 (4).JPG
Garlic Mustard, in Parc of St Pons, Gemenos, LHP waiting for Orange Tip females to arrive:
Garlic Mustard 11 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
Wood White seen but no photo :(
My tally so far this year is 26 species.
The next species to appear in the order of things should be Spotted Fritillary, or a Festoon if I'm really lucky :roll: .
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

very nice pics ! the weather is starting to warm up here... should reach 20º today. good luck with La Proserpine :wink:

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Charles - tell you about Festoons later :D

Friday 17th April - South of France - 21°C

The cloud cover broke just in time for my lunchtime stroll.

Up on the plateau of Vitrolles, I managed a decent upperside shot of a female Lang's Short-tailed blue:
pirithous24 female Vitrolles scrub 17 Apr 2015 (5).JPG
And a not-so-decent underside shot:
pirithous24 female Vitrolles scrub 17 Apr 2015 (3).JPG
Nearby, I saw presumably two male Baton Blues contending for a female:
baton10 three-some Vitrolles scrub 17 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
One gave up and scarpered:
baton10 three-some Vitrolles scrub 17 Apr 2015 (3).JPG
Leaving the couple alone:
baton11 two-some Vitrolles scrub 17 Apr 2015 (5).JPG
Context of the scrub on the plateau of Vitrolles:
context plateau Vitrolles 17 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
context plateau Vitrolles 17 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Tassle Hyacinth in flower:
Tassle Hyacinth plateau Vitrolles 17 Apr 2015.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by CFB »

Lovely Baton Blues, Chris. One of my favourite butterflies.
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

lovely pics of Blues cj :)

do any of the local French people look for butterflies ?

we had a French market in Huntingdon aujourd'hui... i bought some savon.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Charles Nicol wrote: ... do any of the local French people look for butterflies ? ...
Hi Charles :) ,
I have not yet encountered a French butterfly enthusiast amongst the common people in France, but I live in hope :( .
There are some university researchers who, for different reasons, take a side-line interest in butterflies. One example is a town planning lecturer in Marseilles, studying the effect of urbanization on insect populations, and studying how to get butterflies to re-integrate an urban environment. I offered my aid in doing inventory work in the field, but was pooh-poohed, I think, for being a simple citoyen (and probably for being middle-aged and a foreigner to boot :roll: (not to mention being a Ginger)).
Many Brits. consider butterfly spotting as a scientific and ecological hobby, however not all French think that butterflying is a virile occupation, so, please excuse me for choking on my escargots and foie gras. However, France is a great place for gastronomes. They have an excellent selection of wines and cheeses 8) , and as I raise my glass of Château Piquette to you, Charles, I wish you a good week ahead, good butterflying and, à bientôt.
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France, 19th April - rather unstable weather this weekend.
Mild, windy, rainy - April showers indeed.

The following species were flying this weekend:
Western Dappled White (attracted by Buckler's mustard - Biscutella laevigata):
crameri14_13 St Marcel 18 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Green-veined White:
napi9_13 St Marcel 18 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Painted Lady - random down here, throughout the year:
cardui11_13 St Marcel 2015.JPG
Orange Tip female I think (correct me if I'm wrong), although quite worn already considering it is only the start of the flight period
cardamines14_13 female St Marcel 18 Apr 2015 (8).JPG
Mallow Skipper
alceae10_13 St Marcel 18 Apr 2015.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Tuesday 21st April - South of France - 22°C and blue skies

Today during my lunchbreak I counted 12 species on the wing.

First sighting for me this year, in the Bouches du Rhone, of the Common Blue (even earlier than last year) (3 plus males - no females) :D :
icarus27_13 male Vitrolles friche 21 Apr 2015.JPG
I had already spotted my first Glanville Frit last week:
I saw 2 today:
cinxia15 Vitrolles friche 21 Apr 2015.JPG
The Small Copper has been around for some weeks now, but here were two in cop 8) :
phlaeas23_13 pair Vitrolles friche 08 Apr 2015 (4).JPG
phlaeas23_13 pair Vitrolles friche 08 Apr 2015 (3).JPG
Context - the Olive Grove behind our offices:
context Olive grove Vitrolles 21 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
context Olive grove Vitrolles 21 Apr 2015.JPG
context Olive grove Vitrolles 21 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
The Spotted Fritillary is running late this year. :?:
Cheers, Chris
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by CFB »

Hello Chris,

Your Small Coppers seem to be on the same sort of Euphorbia as mine were a week or so ago.
I'm still waiting for Glanville Fritillaries and Common Blues.
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

cjackson wrote:
Charles Nicol wrote: ... do any of the local French people look for butterflies ? ...
Hi Charles :) ,
I have not yet encountered a French butterfly enthusiast amongst the common people in France, but I live in hope :( .
There are some university researchers who, for different reasons, take a side-line interest in butterflies. One example is a town planning lecturer in Marseilles, studying the effect of urbanization on insect populations, and studying how to get butterflies to re-integrate an urban environment. I offered my aid in doing inventory work in the field, but was pooh-poohed, I think, for being a simple citoyen (and probably for being middle-aged and a foreigner to boot :roll: (not to mention being a Ginger)).
Many Brits. consider butterfly spotting as a scientific and ecological hobby, however not all French think that butterflying is a virile occupation, so, please excuse me for choking on my escargots and foie gras. However, France is a great place for gastronomes. They have an excellent selection of wines and cheeses 8) , and as I raise my glass of Château Piquette to you, Charles, I wish you a good week ahead, good butterflying and, à bientôt.
ah les gingembres :lol:

i certainly concur with the gastronomie !

i enjoyed reading about your expedition to the Var.

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

CFB wrote: ... Your Small Coppers seem to be on the same sort of Euphorbia as mine were ...
You're right Colin. This variety of Spurge (Euphorbia) is around early in the year. I think the Spurge in our photos above may be Euphorbia serrata. My books put it between April and June. Spurge is tricky because we have at least 5 varieties in the Med.
You MUST be seeing Glanvilles soon. :?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Charles Nicol wrote: ... i enjoyed reading about your expedition to the Var ... Charles
Thanks for your comments Charles. In a couple of months I will be in the Pyrennees, bird spotting and butterfly spotting, I hope, and tasting local delicacies, bien sûr. I still have in mind your "Cassoulet factory" you published last summer, but doubt I will get that far North (upland). However, it has not fallen on deaf ears (pas tombé dans l'oreille d'un sourd).
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Yesterday, Wednesday 22nd April - Vitrolles, South of France - 21°C high cloud

Today on waste ground near work, there were tens and tens of Glanville Fritillary. Some were going crazy over clumps of thym.
Here is the waste ground:
context Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015.JPG
Glanville Frits:
Male Glanville:
cinxia17 male Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015.JPG
Female Glanville:
cinxia16 female Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015.JPG
Here is the underside of a Lang's Short-tailed Blue (the markings can be variable, not necessarily textbook here):
pirithous25 Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015.JPG
First sighting this year of a Red-underwing Skipper (on schedule).
This pair was courting (the male is behind and has a "tuffted" abdomen):
sertorius10 pair Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015.JPG
sertorius10 pair Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
sertorius10 pair Vitrolles 22 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Wishing everyone good weather back in the UK.
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

lovely pics on the "waste" ground...

the temperature here should reach 17° today
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