new video of marsh Fritillary

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Roger Gibbons
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new video of marsh Fritillary

Post by Roger Gibbons »

Just released from Filming VarWild is this video on the Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia):

This is the Provence subspecies provincialis, very orange in colour compared to higher altitude subspecies. It is found in hot dry locations and is widespread and sometimes very common in the south of Provence in May. I have recorded it from 40 separate locations in France. But then Glanville Fritillary is common (81 locations) and Heath even more so (126 locations).
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Vince Massimo
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Re: new video of marsh Fritillary

Post by Vince Massimo »

Another fantastic piece of film work by VarWild :D

Thanks, Roger for posting the link.

Afterwards, I also saw a VarWild link for the Two-tailed Pasha, which is well worth a viewing. There is an absolutely sublime image at time 14.50 which lasts for 6 seconds.

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Chris Jackson
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Re: new video of marsh Fritillary

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thanks for the link Roger,
A very interesting video about the Marsh Fritillary. The Two-tailed Pasha video is also impressive.
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David M
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Re: new video of marsh Fritillary

Post by David M »

Another stunning reportage from a wonderful series.

That said, I prefer our Marshies with the greater light and dark patterning!
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