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David M
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Re: Hoggers

Post by David M »

Agreed. Those are quite phenomenal images of this planet taken from so far away. Excellent stuff.

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Goldie M
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Re: Hoggers

Post by Goldie M »

Fantastic Shots Hoggers you must have a great camera Goldie :D

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

I took the dog up to the woods today. We came across a few clumps of Snowdrops but also a good number of brilliant Winter Aconite. I took a few photographs with my mobile phone
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the Aconite will only open its flowers if the temperature gets above 4C but even when closed they make for a lovely sight on a dull February day.

We also flushed a couple of Woodcocks. A most mysterious bird. Seldom seen (although a friend of mine swears that he saw one at London Bridge Station one morning!) Quiet and unobtrusive except during the mating season when the males go a-roding,flying in circles around woodland clearings whilst making the most comical,often rude noises. Those warm summer nights seem a long way off!

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Re: Hoggers

Post by bugboy »

Hoggers wrote:We also flushed a couple of Woodcocks. A most mysterious bird. Seldom seen (although a friend of mine swears that he saw one at London Bridge Station one morning!)
Not as unlikely as it may sound, they aren't very good with directions and apparently navigate at night using river courses. I've flushed the occasional one in my local patch, on the river Lea only 6 miles from where it meets the Thames. I think they may also get roads and rivers mixed up in wet weather ...(although I may also have just made this fact up in my head...)

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

I once found a Water Rail sitting outside of "Blockbusters" in Ashford. This was a good few years ago. It had probably flown into the window. It was stunned but otherwise none the worse for its experience so I picked it up and walked it down East Hill and put it on the river bank. It was a saturday night and I'd had a few and that's probably why some birdwatching friends of mine (who, I might add, have never managed to see one of these secretive birds) still disbelieve me to this day.

Jupiter was out and looking splendid tonight. I got a couple of photographs before the clouds rolled in
video0001 15-02-14 19-28-52.jpg
You can see a few of its moons
video0002 15-02-14 19-30-44.jpg
Plenty of my Crocuses are now in flower and I heard a Mistle Thrush singing this morning.

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

Today felt like Spring had sprung, the air was mild and there was plenty of warm sunshine. I walked up to the woods which have been rather quiet of late but this morning many of the birds were singing including Chaffinch, Song Thrush, Dunnock, Great Tit, Blue Tit, a drumming Greater Spotted Woodpecker, a cackling Green Woodpecker and on my route home across the fields I heard my first Skylark of the year.

As the sky was clear I took a look at the sun
video0007 15-02-15 12-44-29.jpg
(Colour added..!)

There were just a couple of sunspots
video0008 15-02-15 12-44-43.jpg
and as you can see, a number of filaments snaking across its face.

But there were also some dramatic prominences
video0035 15-02-15 13-43-55.jpg
Great fountains of plasma thrown out into space. Spectacular!
video0033 15-02-15 13-43-13.jpg
Back on Earth I saw some insect activity for the first time this year in the form of some tiny, near invisible Lacewing-type creatures one of which landed on my cheek.

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

I managed to add some colour to an image of the sun taken on sunday, and by adjusting it I was also able to bring out the prominences
video0008 15-02-15 12-44-66.jpg
I've a lot to learn.

Today I took a few snaps
video0019 15-02-17 12-28-33.jpg
Only a couple of sunspots
video0018 15-02-17 12-26-52.jpg
Here's a closer look
video0002 15-02-17 11-54-28.jpg
Last night I heard frogs croaking in my pond for the first time this year. If it stays mild I hope to see plenty of spawn.

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

It was so warm and sunny this morning that I thought I was in with a chance of seeing my first butterfly of 2015. I set off with the dog
and for the first time this year I took my camera with me.

Alas, no butterflies for me today (although I had a number of false sightings when mistaking small birds like Wrens and Goldcrests for awakened Peacocks and Red Admirals!)

We did see Common Snipe and a Jack Snipe much to the delight of Monty
And I enjoyed listening to a charm of Goldfinches twittering away in the bushes
In the wood we saw catkins
and then found the Winter Aconite
(I never manage to time my visits for when the petals are open!) I love the Elizabethan ruff below the flower
I read in today's paper that Lesser Celandines are out in flower in some areas but I've yet to see one.

Back home I got out my scope and took a look at our nearest star
video0043 15-02-18 11-22-30.jpg
What really caught my eye today was a dazzling white spot shining with diamond-like brilliance. I've tinkered with the colour of this photo to highlight it
video0038 15-02-18 11-18-26.jpg
And here it is after cropping
video0038 15-02-18 11-18-26.jpg
It really stood out. I seem to remember reading that these areas often change into sunspots over time
video0018 15-02-18 10-45-49.jpg

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Padfield »

Awesome pictures of mighty Phoebus, Hoggers! Please keep them coming.


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Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

Thanks Guy, I'm glad you enjoy them. It's giving me something to do while I wait for the butterflies to return.

Down here in Kent we're now under a thick blanket of grey cloud but the sky was clear earlier this morning so I took a couple of photos of the sun.

Here's one in mono
video0059 15-02-19 09-43-66.jpg
And another which I've coloured in
video0061 15-02-19 09-44-66.jpg
Rather galling to think of that lovely big warm Orange up there now glowing away while beneath this cloud all is cold and grey!

Anyone who's interested (and can get a clear sky above them) should look WSW shortly after sunset. They will see the most beautiful sight of Venus and Mars close together (closest on February 21st). On 20th they'll be joined by the crescent Moon.

It's a great way to end the day.

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

Looking out of my bedroom window this evening (and just before the clouds rolled in!) I could see the waxing crescent Moon, Venus and Mars
Venus is quite brilliant, the brightest of all the planets while Mars is for the time being much less obvious
You can just make Mars out in my poor photographs just above and slightly to the right of Venus.

A gorgeous sight

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David M
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Re: Hoggers

Post by David M »

I didn't realise these two planets were so close in the sky right now, Hoggers.

I must take a look the next time we get a clear night.

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Padfield »

Tonight and tomorrow they dance together but they will start pulling apart again by 23rd Feb.

Snow-filled skies ruled out my seeing any planets today and will probably do so again tomorrow. :(


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Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

Venus and Mars made for an interesting combination! It was a beautiful sight, David, and no need for any optical equipment other than the naked eye. Unfortunately I didn't have long to enjoy it as it clouded over. By the time the sky had cleared both planets had dropped out of view. If you get a clear sky look WSW shortly after sunset.

We had sunshine earlier today. Very little in the way of sunspots, just a few very small ones, and some filaments
video0043 15-02-22 11-24-33.jpg
But nonetheless some spectacular prominences to be seen
video0019 15-02-22 09-37-181.jpg

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

My first Lepidopteran of the Year!
He was rather drowsily making his way across my garden. I took a photo then set him down roughly where I guessed he was heading. Some variety of moth?

My Crocuses are coming out
A cheery sight.

I took a quick look at the sun
video0005 15-02-24 09-17-10.jpg
Very quiet at the moment.

Mind you, the fact that I could actually SEE the sun must be a good thing!

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Re: Hoggers

Post by bugboy »

Hoggers wrote:My first Lepidopteran of the Year!
He was rather drowsily making his way across my garden. I took a photo then set him down roughly where I guessed he was heading. Some variety of moth?
I believe what you have there is a Ruby Tiger moth cat. which coincidentally was also my first Lepidopteran of the year only the other day! (pic in my pd). Rather enjoying your sun pictures as well, fascinating details you are getting :)

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

Cheers Buggy and thanks for the ID - it wasn't a warm day so I was very surprised to see it walking across the garden!

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Re: Hoggers

Post by Hoggers »

I saw my first butterfly of the season today! A Peacock. It flew quickly past me as I worked in the garden this afternoon then disappeared on the strong breeze.

Off the ground at last!

I then went for a walk by the river hoping to see more butterflies but had no luck.

On thursday I heard a Chiffchaff singing in Canterbury. I'd guess it wasn't a Spring migrant but rather an over-wintering bird.

It was good to hear its cheery song. Our great poet Edward Thomas once wrote that "every note of a Chiffchaff's song is a nail in Winter's coffin".

I'll drink to that!

The sun was very active today
Many filaments and some growing sunspots. Here's a photo I've added colour to
And here's a closer look at some of the activity going on up there
It certainly looks very turbulent. Perhaps brewing up for a nice hot Summer?!

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Re: Hoggers

Post by trevor »

HI Hoggers,

I have been experimenting with my latest camera,and partially inspired by your stunning celestial images,
I zoomed in on the Moon on a bright afternoon last week. With no extra lenses or tripod,I was completely
taken aback when one of the images was clear enough to show some of the Moon's impact craters. :D .
I hope you have not started me off with another hobby,i have too many already :lol: .

Very best wishes ,

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David M
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Re: Hoggers

Post by David M »

Hoggers wrote: It certainly looks very turbulent. Perhaps brewing up for a nice hot Summer?!
The effects may arrive sooner than that, Hoggers!

According to the weekly weather forecast, we're all in for a dose of mid to high teen temperatures by the end of this coming week!

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