I had a dream

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Jack Harrison
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I had a dream

Post by Jack Harrison »

Adonis Blue, Small Blue, Grizzled Skipper and a Duke of Burgundy last night but in untypical situations – underneath leaves on bushes.

What have been your butterfly dreams? I don’t of course mean aspirations of what you would hope to see but those strange night-time fantasies.

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Re: I had a dream

Post by Padfield »

I started a similar thread back in 2007, Jack (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1808). I have had hundreds, if not thousands, of dreams about butterflies - and usually about photographing them. More than once I've woken up to realise it was only a dream and thought, 'Well, at least I've got the photos'. Then the dreadful reality has sunk in that I haven't even got those. The day can't be too far off when you can photograph things in your dreams and keep a copy to remind you of your nocturnal adventures ...

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Jack Harrison
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Re: I had a dream

Post by Jack Harrison »

I wasn't aware of that thread. Glad to know that I'm not all that odd. Odd. Odd. Odd.

Jack :idea:
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David M
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Re: I had a dream

Post by David M »

I tend to dream of locations, rather than the butterflies themselves. Quite often though I am confronted with species that I have coveted for a while - Large Tortoiseshells, Camberwell Beauties, Nettle Tree Butterflies, etc.
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Goldie M
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Re: I had a dream

Post by Goldie M »

I always dream I've left my Camera at home, I had this dreams quite a few times and then it happened back in November, I was walking in a park in Lytham when this Red Admiral flew down in front of me (no Camera) I could have kicked myself :( at least I broke the dream, I've made sure it's always with me since then. Goldie :D
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Jack Harrison
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Re: I had a dream

Post by Jack Harrison »

I'm not too sure that being able to photograph/record nocturnal adventures (as Guy thinks might one day be possible) is necessarily such a good idea.
You will need a pretty secure password to prevent unauthorised access..... :oops: :twisted:

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