Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France.

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Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France.

Post by StMedard »

Twin-spot Fritillary (Brenthis hecate) Lot, France. 30/5/2014
Twin-spot Fritillary (Brenthis hecate) Lot, France. 30/5/2014
Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France. A selection of Butterfly photos taken in May 2014,featuring Swallowtail (Iphiclides feisthamelii) Large Copper, Chequered Skipper,Twin-spot Fritillary,and many others. Photos taken during July and September featuring Lesser Purple Emperor,Scarce Copper,Alcon Blue,and Striped Grayling.

Video. Featuring the Chequered Skipper.

Video. Lesser Purple Emperor and the Lizard.

Video. Black-veined White.

Video. Adonis Blue.

I do hope viewers enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taken them, please take a look at my photos of Somerset Birds at
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Charles Nicol
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Re: Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France.

Post by Charles Nicol »

A wonderful collection of pics & videos !

Were they all from the Lot ?


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Roger Gibbons
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Re: Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France.

Post by Roger Gibbons »

That’s a very impressive list of species, especially Esper’s Marbled White, Alcon Blue, Chequered Blue. I’m slightly surprised you didn’t have Glandon Blue or more Erebia, but maybe you had photos but didn’t post them.

A very quick look at your photos suggested that your first Turquoise Blue was Chapman’s or possibly Osiris. Also your Large Ringlets looked rather like Scotch Argus (no chequered fringe). I didn’t look in detail, so it’s just a suggestion. If you post the Large Ringlet photos on this thread, we can have a closer look and Guy might venture an opinion.

I would be interested in the date and location where you saw Pyrgus bellieri, if you could pm me I’d be most grateful and I’d be happy to reciprocate regarding any species you particularly would like to see. I would like to build up a data bank of images of bellieri so that the key identifying characteristics can be defined. I’m mildly surprised that you had bellieri, given its rarity, but not the more frequently encountered carlinae, cacaliae, even armoricanus. But that’s the charm of butterflying in France.

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David M
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Re: Photos and Video taken during recent visits to France.

Post by David M »

Thanks ever so much for posting those, James.

I really enjoyed looking through the images (some of which are outstanding, especially thumbnail 49 of the Sooty Copper in your July-September batch).

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