Marseilles checklist 2014

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Colin,

The UK moths site agrees with summer and autumn occurrences.

This one is from last year :
Ecaille du myosotis_Crimson speckled2_13 (1).JPG
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

SPECIES No. 61: Berger's Clouded Yellow (Colias alfacariensis)
Discovered on my lunchtime stomping ground in Vitrolles in the South of France in September and October 2014 :

This is no doubt my last discovery of this year. This is a new species for me in 2014. It was probably around before, but this year my eye has only just managed to pick it out from other "Colias".
Below I have included a selection of male and female Colias alfacariensis, followed by a couple of Clouded Yellows (Colias crocea), male and female, just to identify the différences.
Photos taken with a Panasonic FZ150, good news: many calories spent running around !!
Let me know if I've made ID blunders :oops:
female Berger's - by transparence, notice the open spot in the submargin of S2 (whereas with female crocea it is closed in)
alfacariensis female underside.jpg
same individual
alfacariensis female upperside (1).JPG
same individual
alfacariensis female upperside (2).JPG
female crocea form helice (below) flirting with male alfacariensis (above)
alfacariensis male above plus crocea f helice female Vitrolles garrigue 17 Oct 2014 (2).JPG
female crocea form helice (right) flirting with male alfacariensis (left)
alfacariensis male on left plus crocea f helice female Vitrolles garrigue 17 Oct 2014 (1).JPG
male alfacariensis
alfacariensis male Vitrolles garrigue 16 Oct 2014 (2a).JPG
female crocea form helice underside
crocea female helice underside.JPG
female crocea form helice upperside with spot in submargin of S2 closed in
crocea female helice upperside.JPG
female crocea not form helice upperside with spot in submargin of S2 closed in
crocea female wings open Vitrolles garrigue 27 Aug 2014 (1).JPG
crocea male upperside
crocea male upperside.JPG
I've done what I could this year with an FZ150. I hope this posting provides some insight into "Colias" for others in a less priviledged situation than me.
So ..... Thanks to Guy and Roger for some ID clues I've gleaned from them - hope I've got it right. :D
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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David M
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by David M »

Nice, easy to understand tutorial there, Chris.

Is 61 a figure you expected?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thanks for your presence David and for the interest you always take.
Discounting holidays in other parts of France, I was expecting to spot a good 50-odd species locally this year, but found some new ones, so I'm pleased with 61.
My local sightings in my priviledged outpost pale into insignificance compared to the enthousiasm of 'UK butterflies' members with the difficulties they face in an uneasy climate, as is the British Isles. Let's hope that your winter will be short, and that 2015 will be clement.
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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David M
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by David M »

cjackson wrote:enthousiasm
You really have been in France for far too long!! :)
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Charles Nicol
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Charles Nicol »

David M wrote:
cjackson wrote:enthousiasm
You really have been in France for far too long!! :)

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