Alpine flowers and butterflies

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Alpine flowers and butterflies

Post by Padfield »

A friend of mine - the head of biology at Aiglon College, in Villars-sur-Ollon in Switzerland - asked me to join him in offering an alpine flowers and butterflies course this July. The final details haven't been published officially but I've seen the drafts and thought I might give you advance warning. I'll let you know contact details &c. as soon as I have the go-ahead.

The course runs from Mon 7th to Fri 11th July and the proposed cost is CHF 1075 (about £450, depending on exchange rates and subject to change because the course hasn't been announced officially yet). The cost covers full board and lodging (at the college) for the duration of the course, plus all travel during that week (not travel to and from Aiglon at the beginning and end).

I have been contracted to give a presentation on alpine butterflies and act as guide on (probably) two of the days. If the weather is good I would obviously take advantage of any transport on the other days too. We haven't yet planned what we will do on which day - this will depend on the weather too - but I would hope to be able to give an insight into evolution and speciation by showing species from both ends of the Rhône Valley. For example, we have Coenonympha gardetta at the local end but C. darwiniana at the other end (with intermediary forms between). Similarly, the local brassy ringlet is cassioides but further along the Valley it is exclusively tyndarus.

If anyone wanted to hang around a little longer, specifically for butterflies, it would be a pleasure to do some more hunting with them, perhaps for more sensitive species (if I trust you!!). I could offer two or three people (very basic) lodging in return for being driven around the Rhône Valley... :)

EDIT: It is all official now and you can get full information here: ... page1.shtm

One caveat: the weather in high summer is very fickle in the moutains and good butterfly hunting could be entirely washed out if we are unlucky.

Finally, I will be heading south to the Pyrenees (the Val d'Aran) a few days after the end of the course and some people have expressed an interest in joining me for that. I normally go by bus (unless someone wants to drive there...) so I don't know yet exactly what date I would be leaving (it depends on the buses) but I expect it to be roughly 15th July, for about a week (perhaps more, not less).

Last edited by Padfield on Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Martin »

Have to discuss it with SHMBO but I'm a canditate for this. I might be able drive down (in my LHD car) so we'd have trasport.

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Post by Padfield »

Jolly good!!

I see the advantage in having a dog (SWMO) now, rather than a wife! :)

Let's keep in touch on this.

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Post by Martin »

99% certain this is a goer for me :D
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Post by Robin »


Pat and I are still up for this. We hope to go to Biaritz in our motorhome (subject to campsite availability) for a week and then join you in the Val d'Aran.

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Post by Padfield »

Isn't it great, thinking about the summer in the middle of winter?!

Robin, I will contact my regular campsite about the motorhome and let you know, but I'm pretty certain there will be no problem.

I really look forward to meeting people this summer. You won't be disappointed in the butterflies!

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Post by Paul »

Aaaaaaaaaagh... have just booked my holiday before reading this!! Please, please do it again next year!! :cry:
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Post by Padfield »

Thanks for the interest shown already. :)

Please see ... page1.shtm for further information and application forms.

Obviously, you can ask me any questions about the course, the region, &c., but official enquiries and applications must go through the school.

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