Sensor Problems.

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Sensor Problems.

Post by nomad »

Even though I never change my 105mm macro lens on my D7000 Nikon SLR camera, I have noticed that tiny round spots sometimes appear in my images after a trip in the field. I have had my sensors cleaned twice this year by T4 cameras. They say that these tiny spots are minute pollen grains, which have somehow managed to get in. They have told me my camera is not a sealed unit? Is this so, or do you think there is a fault with my camera. , perhaps where the lens joins. I have taken to using a converted rain cover but still need to lift this to see properly into the view finder. Even so, again after my last trip out have again found a few tiny spots again :( . Does anyone else have this problem. It is really bugging me, sensor cleaning is so expensive. Should I learn to do this myself. By the way the sensor cleaning facility on my camera is truly useless. :x Help would be most welcome.
Regards Peter.
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Re: Sensor Problems.

Post by dilettante »

Basic sensor cleaning is really easy. If it really is sticky pollen grains you may need to do (or pay for) a full wet sensor clean, but usually a good blow with a rocket blower (some examples from amazon) will do the job. Camera manuals are always full of dire warnings about damaging the sensor, but as long as you're sensible there's little risk. Just make sure the battery is well charged, take the lens off and find the menu option for sensor cleaning which will lock the mirror out of the way. Hold the camera upside down and blast the sensor with air a few times.

As to why you're picking up dust/pollen without changing the lens: Yes, the lens-to-body join won't be sealed, although I wouldn't expect much dust to get in through there in normal use. Even though it's not a zoom, does your lens extend/contract as you focus? If so, that can act as a pump to suck air and dust into the camera.
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Re: Sensor Problems.

Post by MikeOxon »

I show how I clean a sensor on my website at

I used to have to do it quite often on my D70 but have never had to on my D300s, which is supposed to be weather-sealed. If your macro lens is the current Nikon AFS version, I think there should be a gasket round the mount but I expect there are other routes into the camera.

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Re: Sensor Problems.

Post by nomad »

Hi dilettante and Mike thanks a lot for your good advice. No the macro does not extend, so I am surprised by the problem. It is the current VR 105mm Macro
Regards Peter
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