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Paul Wetton
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Wetton »

Hi Wurzel

Love the diary and the great shots. The background on your first ever Large Blue at Collard is wonderful.

I notice your Ringlet on the 24th is upside down and in the clutches of a dastardly Crab Spider.

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Cheers Paul
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

The confounded Smessex Skipper...how many times have we been there Wurz :roll: lets do our own new personal reclassification and 'lump' em' both together :lol:

Very enjoyable latest report.

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Paul :D I got lucky with that background, I thought I'd include the Ringlet like that too - if I could have found some eggs I could have had the whole circle of life going :D
Cheers Willrow :D I'm developing a crick in my neck trying to peer round and underneath the Smessex blighters to positively ID them :( Oh well they're worth it :D

Grovely Wood 29-06-2014

This is an area of woodland that I’ve seen a number of reports from on the County website and as it’s so close its somewhere I’ve been meaning to get too for a while now. Unfortunately there grid reference on the website always leads you to the very middle of the wood so I’ve never been sure where to park or even from which direction to approach it let alone where the ‘hotspots’ are. Also with my time so limited I’ve always preferred to head for a safe bet when looking to reacquaint myself with a particular species. However today I had barely two hours to play with so I took a gamble and went to Grovely more for a recede than with any great expectation.

Having driven through Wilton and approached the Wood from the Ditchampton end I set off up the hill through the Beech Avenue. A Red Admiral put in a tantalising appearance and kept me interested until the path split and I took the right hand one which was enclosed by two tall hedges. There were the occasional breaks in the green walls leading to fields on either side and here there were numerous Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites, Ringlets (slightly fewer) and the odd Small Skipper. What was really striking were the large numbers of Small Tortoiseshells. I counted 14 at one point but there were more around as they were behind me and hiding on the hedge tops.
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Once in the wood it was really dark with the mature trees, mainly conifers blocking out the sun from the canopy down. This particular area didn’t look promising so I crossed back across and joined up with the left hand track which had run into the wood from the Beech Avenue. This was more open and the paths were lined with deciduous trees and Brambles, Bracken and the odd Honeysuckle. I opted for the widest of the paths and set off further into the wood. Almost immediately something silvery caught my eye as it sliced its way through the air. As the white caught the sun it dazzled and then disappeared as it flew and the black melted it into the shadows. Excellent better than I’d hoped for so I pressed on further along the path stopping just once to work out how much time I had left before I needed to turn around and make my way back.

The path widened slightly more and an intersecting path at right angles to it made it more of a miniature clearing than woodland ride so I decided to spend some time here and see what would turn up. This turned out to be a great move as a few moments of stillness from me and the butterflies arrived carrying on as if I didn’t exist. Over the next 20 minutes or so I saw Large and Small Skippers, Green Veined Whites, Large White, two Small Torts, 7 Red Admirals and 3 White Admirals with of course Ringlets and Meadow Browns in ubiquity. The White Admirals were pains as they just didn’t want to stop and when they did they were always in the centre of the Brambles, partly obscured. One in particular was infuriating as it fed with both under wings face on though slightly cropped by the blessed Brambles it was feeding amongst.
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Eventually it left the confines of the middle of Bramble and after a few exploratory circuits it landed on some horse manure and started taking salts. It was so intent on feeding that it didn’t even mind when I knelt down and clicked away like mad. I love the subtly in the ‘black’ upper side with the markings towards the rear margin showing through and the odd little orangy red dots on the fore wings.
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On the way back I stopped to investigate the edge of one of the fields which had plenty of wildflowers growing on it. Here there were the usual grassland suspects but the Meadow Browns were actually basking with their wings open and were still in good nick.
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As I walked back to the car I reflected that this looks like a cracking site but next time I’ll approach it from Stoford and then I’ll be in the middle of the Wood and investigate some different areas.

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Mike Robinson »

Interesting Commentary and some super Pictures …..

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Katrina »

Great marbled white photo!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D
Cheers Katrina :D Always the way - you spend ages with one species getting loads of shots and then the final grab shot on the way back turns out to be a real cracker :roll: :wink:

Five Rivers 30-06-2014

What seems like an age ago now but is actually only less than a fortnight I was supposed to head out to visit another school. They suggested I arrived at 10:25 which I was more than happy about as I could spend some time at Larkhill looking for my first Essex Skippers as they were about due.

Having got everything ready I had the joy of dropping the girls at school and then I stopped off at Five Rivers on the way to Laverstock. When I found my first proper Smessex Skippers here a few years back they were located in the longer grass in the central field so that was where I headed checking the large Thistle patch on the way which housed a couple of Small Torts and a few Meadow Browns. There seem to have been on the increase on the quiet recently and are now starting to outnumber the Ringlets and Marbled Whites that are on the wane though their numbers are still high. The Knapweed sprouting like islands amongst the sea of grass had Marbled Whites, more Meadow Browns and loads of Small Torts. There were also a few golden blurs so I set to checking their antennae. In fact I was in danger of developing ‘Smessex Crick’ and despite all my contortions all the Smessex where Small, indicator lights flashing cheekily at me
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I made my way up towards the banks and something made me wander in the tall Thistles on the near side where I don’t normally check. There buzzing in and around a little group of Smalls was my first Essex Skipper of the year the dabs meaning I had it bang to rights!
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Over on the banks there was more of the same. The odd Small Tort would put in an appearance, Marbled Whites, Meadow Browns and Ringlets would all erupt from the grass with each footfall and there were Skippers everywhere. They would buzz each other and then zip here, there and everywhere before landing on a blade of grass or flower for a quick drop of nectar before zipping off again to repeat the actions. Eventually on the middle bank I found a female Common Blue which was the first different species that I’d encountered since my foray into the long grass sea. I also found a male but he just wasn’t interested in letting me get any shots. Yet again there were the three browns and the Golden Skippers all over the place. So it was a case of even more of the same. I obviously missed something in the week or two since my last visit because the Skippers have been crazy busy in emerging.
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In amongst all these butterflies I somehow made my way back to the where I’d found my first Essex in a bit of a daze. I just didn’t know where to look next or what to train my lens on first as there was so much going on. Somehow I forced myself to focus just on the Essex that I’d come to find. So it was back to the neck wrenching and peering over the top of the butterflies to try and spot their antennae tips; indicator lights “thanks but no thanks”, ink pad dab “you’re nicked”.
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Eventually I had to head onto my away day meeting but it was fantastic and such a luxury to have so long for a stop off before work.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

The Devenish 30-06-2014

So work over I popped over to The Devenish – well I was on my way home so it was inevitable despite approaching it from the other direction. Once in the car park I decided to approach the down from other side which has more scrub and more of the tussock grasses. Butterflies were flying up at every footfall with Meadow Browns being the most numerous then Marbled Whites with Ringlets seemingly past their peak in terms of number. What was nice was that here seemed to be just as many Smessex Skippers here as at Five Rivers with the odd Large still hanging on in here and trying their best to bully the Johnny come lately Small and Essex Skippers.

For a while I just mooched around loving seeing the sheer number of butterflies on the wing. Suddenly something medium sized flitted up looking much more orange than the Ringlets and Meadow Browns. My first Hedge Brown of the year and an excessa to boot. Once I’d seen my first I found another and then another. In fact I pretty much kept seeing them all over the site.
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My meanderings had led me to the top of the hill and then over the stile. The goats had been grazing this and so the grasses were finer with more flowers interspersed amongst the stalks. The same species would flutter up and flit across the grass tops but there was still a distinct lack of Chalk Hill Blues.
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I then made my way down to the meadow but on the way I got way laid by the Brambles a long side the path and before the stile. All the browns were present on this one bush with some occupying the same buds. It was mesmerising to watch as a Hedge Brown would take off and be replaced by a Ringlet which would then be nudged off by a Meadow Brown and then another Hedge Brown would barge his way in. It was a lot like watching a soap opera.
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Whilst watching the Brown show I finally caught up with the Red Admiral that has been hanging around this part of the path. Normally when I arrive here the Red Admiral bombs away never to be seen again but this time I spied it trying to hide behind an old tree stump. It seemed to realize that the game of hide and seek was over and so it took off but instead of disappearing it landed on the Bramble and started nectaring.
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As I made my way home through the meadow I made plans to return here and keep a close eye out for the Chalk Hills...watch this space.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Great Gatekeeper shots Wurzel - I just can't seem to get close to them :(

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Re: Wurzel

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Hi Wurzel,
I am loving those skipper photos. Some of those I think are superb compositions.
Even I have seen a gatekeeper this year, now. :D
Best Wishes,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Excellent reports and photos from summer meadows Wurzel (and a good to see you’re got your Essex too 8) )

Love the open wing Ringlet and detail on the Red Admiral :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Some more great reports and photos Wurzel :D

Nice Red Admiral, I am seeing a fair few but most of them are a bit worn and faded if not downright tatty.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Wurzel

Just catching up. The Essex Skipper with the outstretched proboscis is great :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Pauline :D For every Hedge Brown shot I get at least 3 disappear before I get within 6 steps of them :shock: That's the great thing about digital click away and see what you got later:wink:
Cheers Phil :D Hedge Browns are coming on strong now 8)
Cheers Philzoid :D They were all over the place, I love it when my local patches deliver :D
Cheers Neil :D I reckon I'm seeing the second wave so they'll be in your neighbourhood soon 8)
Cheers Paul :D I was chuffed with that one :D

Larkhill 01-07-2014

So it was back to work proper and I was a bit worried that having so much time for my before and after work stop-offs yesterday would spoil me today. So I went about it in a much more frenetic manner today as if to make sure that I didn’t go over my budgeted time...

I checked the North path first and it’s still well trodden and the area where the French camper van was is still ruined whereas the areas that the Travellers used are bouncing back. Right by the start of the path I found a Common Blue balancing on the top of a grass head. There were still a few Marbled Whites and Ringlets about, probably more than I saw and also many more Meadow Browns now.
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On to the West path and I added a few more each of Marbled Whites and Ringlets and a single Small Heath. Is it just me or are they not having a very good year? I mean I’ve seen them at plenty of sites but in nowhere near the numbers that I have in previous years. However I did find good numbers of Smessex including a definite Essex.
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Larkhill 02-07-2014

I was late on this morning and so it became very, very brief run around with more of the same like yesterday.
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Mike Robinson »

Some absolutely super pictures. I do enjoy reading these Personal Diaries.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike for your kind comment :D They're fun to write and hopefully to read to :) .

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bentley Wood 06-07-2014

With reports coming in from further East about sightings of His Nibbs I thought it was about time to check out Bentley to see if there were any there. My visits here for Emperors have been a bit hit or miss over the years with nothing but brief sightings from my first two years, then a blinder with three on the deck plus an Empress on my third year and last year distant shots. Hopefully this year will be another blinder.

There seemed to be very little activity in the car park but it was still a little cool so I headed round to the ride just before the Eastern Clearing. A few others had had the same idea and while I was there things started to move with a Ringlet then a Hedge Brown and eventually a single Marbled White and a few Meadow Browns in amongst the Brambles. While I was investigating towards the top of the path I heard a whining noise which was really high pitched and was getting higher and higher. I looked round and round and eventually located it by closing my eyes and moving slowly towards the sound. It turned out to be a Hoverfly revving the engine and warming up the flight muscles. I just wish I’d had some way of recording the sound as it was awesome. :shock:
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Things were still quiet and cool so I made my way back to the car park and then down the main ride towards the hotspot Bramble bush. A few Ringlets fluttered up and a Red Admiral flew by but it was still quiet. The hotspot didn’t deliver as the fallen tree that crushed it has ruined it. The Oaks further on had some small grey looking butterflies which would fly across the path to neighbouring trees in the jinky zig-zag flight characteristic of Hairstreaks – my first Purps of the year. It’ll be worth checking this area another time and hopefully they’ll have come down to a lower level but they didn’t this time so I was glad I brought my bins.

I carried on down the left hand track at the cross roads and kept on going towards the break and the small fields in the middle of the Wood on past Donkey Copse and New Berryfields. On the way I found my first Clouded Border, saw White Admiral, Silver Washed Fritillary plenty of Large Skippers and the odd Smessex. There were even more of the Skippers and Meadow Browns along with Marbled Whites alongside the cleared track near the “field”. But my target species were playing really hard to get.

Working my way back into the Wood I suddenly started coming across butterflies...First was a gliding White Admiral and then a couple of male Silver Washed taking nectar from the low Brambles along the track. They were also joined by another Red Admiral and a Comma.
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I continued back and had almost reached New Berryfield when I stopped on a corner by a single patch of Bramble. Some of it was in shade and when I saw my first female SWF on the bush I stopped with the hope of a valesina appearing. Chuckling at my optimism I set out trying to capture a shot of the whole range of species that used this little bush.
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The Green-veined White and Hedge Browns escaped my lens and I was just trying to capture the second HB when something darker caught my eye and I cautiously snook forward...it was a valesina in mint condition. I couldn’t believe my luck it was stunning. 8)
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I wandered back to the car park barely noticing any other butterflies and just scanning for his Nibbs. Everywhere I went people would ask if I’d seen one but luckily I wasn’t missing out as they hadn’t either. I wondered if I’d used up my luck quotient for the day on the Greenish Silver Washed? Mind you to be honest it was so spectacular that I think it was probably a better find than an Emperor. :D

The hotspot held another WA and I ended up back at the ride near the Eastern Clearing where I’d started the morning before I even knew it. Whilst here for the final ticking by of my time allowance a White Admiral played hard to get and an Emperor did the briefest of fly-bys from one tree to another. It was enough for the Tally but not really enough for me personally. So I’ll have to come back...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Hoggers »

Fantastic valesina, Wurzel! I've never seen one. Congratulations!!

Best Wishes,


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Have just 'caught up' on you PD Wurzel, stunning shots of the valesina :D :D :mrgreen: great SWF and Smessex shots too :D
Skippers seem to be doing really well this year and we are seeing them in amazing numbers at most locations.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Hoggers :D I'm lucky in that Bentley Wood has produced me one for the last three years now :D
Cheers Mike :D I know what you mean about the Skippers when I stop off at Larkhill they're buzzing all over the place :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

07-07-2014 Larkhill

So with the briefest of glimpses of His Nibbs still playing through my mind I grumpily set off for work grumbling to myself the whole way about how many Purple Emperors would be seen whilst I was tapped at work. It was suggested to me recently that when it comes to Purple Emperors “fortune favours the brave” – if only fortune favoured the hard working, family man with both time and financial constraints :roll: :wink: . Oh well only 30 more years until retirement and then I can send my days butterflying to my hearts’ content – grumble over.

This morning seemed to be the Smessex day as there seemed to be loads of them everywhere I went along the West path. They’d buzz around my feet and zip of as my shins brushed the longer grasses along the edge of the path. At one point they were even joined by an aged Large Skipper. In the end I forswore the neck wrecking manoeuvres for identifying female Smessex either way and instead settled for finding and photographing a few males instead. After previous Smessex identification adventures I’ve experienced cramp in the neck – I didn’t think that was possible :shock:
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I carried on down the track slightly further than usual with the sun warming me already even this early in the morning. I found a female Common Blue displaying herself nicely. For some reason I’ve not had much luck with female Common Blues this year as I’ve not seen a fresh one yet. Hopefully I’ll catch up with a fresh one in the final brood.
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The antics of all the butterflies, the sun and warmth had all cheered me from my earlier grumbles and the return journey saw me cheered even more as I discovered my first Larkhill Hedge Brown! :D
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Have a goodun


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