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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

July 2014

Seems to be a bit late now...
07 Jul 2014.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Woodhenge 19-06-2014

I decided to give the travellers a break from my prying lens and turned my attentions towards Woodhenge. The little field there next to the car park always holds good numbers of Marbled Whites and having seen them at Five Rivers and now a Larkhill they should have emerged at this site too. As I pulled off the main road I saw that the car park housed two large Camper vans so it seems that the travellers were here too although it was less populated and they hadn’t experienced a bow-tie wearing butterfly photographer yet so I had a few days before the novelty wore off and I became an annoyance.
I headed across the field and the first butterfly of the day was a Small Tortoiseshell which took off from the short grass and then glided across the tops of the taller grass which dominates the second half of the field. Once walking along the thin tracks previously trodden down there were butterflies everywhere with a conservative count of 30 Ringlets and Marbled Whites and about 20 Meadow Brown which don’t seem to be as numerous this year as last – or is it that they’re just getting going? Before I’d realised it time was almost up I’d been so busy just enjoying the experience. So I leant in took a few snaps to serve as a reminder of the morning.
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I also made a quick stop off on the way home after a Parents Consultation Evening to take advantage of the stunning evening light. Despite the later hour it was still pretty warm when I left the car and strolled across the cut grass to the longer grass on the second half of the field. The butterflies weren’t really flying and seemed to be settling down for the night. I’d spy one surprisingly well camouflaged amongst the stalks and approach cautiously only for 8 or 9 more Marbled Whites to take off from the same area a bit like a slow motion eruption. This happened two or three times and then I found a way to counter it. I searched my kneeling down on the edge of the path so that my line of sight was the same height as the grass heads, looking for a solitary roosting Marbled White. It was actually quite tricky as they seem to like to roost communally so I ‘changed up’ again and decided to try and pick off one of the Marbs that was on the edge of the roost. This plan paid off and so I bagged a lovely vanilla and cream female.
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Have a goodun

ST 1, R 30, MW 30, MB 20

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bentley Wood 21-06-2014

Somehow I managed to wangle a quick visit to Bentley Wood this afternoon and so I drove over wondering if I’d be able to pick up my first Silver Washed or White Admirals of the year. Once I’d parked a quick look around the car park area yielded nothing which was a bit worrying as before now I gotten out of the car, leaned against the door and seen Silver Washed Frits, White Admirals, Purple Hairstreaks and Purple Emperor. Yet today nothing so it was either too early or more likely, far too hot.

I decided to try my luck up at the Memorial for White Letters and so set off down the main drive. There were Ringlets, Large Skippers and Meadow Browns around but nothing larger. Down near the first hotspot by the Bramble Bush a Red Admiral put in an appearance but this area has been cleared and the Bracken field is no more, the Bramble bush lies under a fallen tree and the small Sallows that once held Hiss Nibbs have gone too. Slightly further along a White Admiral and Hummingbird Hawk Moth both put in an appearance and I couldn’t work out which moved faster? It was a bit like comparing a jet plane (the White Admiral soaring and gliding) with Airwolf. Whilst I didn’t get a photo it was nice to see my first WA of 2014.

Eventually I got up to the memorial, poured myself a coffee and sat and waited for the Whitters to play ball. I didn’t have to wait too long until I saw a few square winged little butterflies flitting around the top of the Wytch Elm but they only played ball very slightly, staying very high up in the tree. I had a bit of mooch around and the second Red Admiral did it’s best to put off a Silver Washed from landing so I saw a first but again didn’t get a photo.
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Time ticked away and apart from a few more sightings I just didn’t have the time to wait it out until the White Letters deemed to land on the surrounding Bramble so I headed back along the baking stone pathways. Ringlets and Meadow Browns and Large Skippers were everywhere and it was nice to have seen at least 6 Speckled Wood during the walk back to the car park. Due to the dearth of butterflies I actually arrived back at the car park early and so I checked the ride nearest the car park on the edge of the Eastern Clearing. There were actually butterflies flying here and I’d soon added Small Torts and another Red Admiral to the day tally as well as another White Admiral and a pair of Marbled Whites.
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Time was finally up and so I headed home happy with the haul of firsts (three more on the tally) but frustrated with the lack of photos. Still you have to leave something for next time...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

Your reports from Dorset/Wiltshire will make you a local legend Wurz...some really nice stuff :wink:

Bill :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Willrow :D I'm more of a 'foot' than a leg-end at the moment... :P :roll:

Collard Hill 22-06-2014
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I don’t know why but I’d not visited Collard Hill before. For some reason I’d gotten it into my head that it was quite a trek. Yet today Philzoid and I made the journey in just over an hour. This was more of a hopeful visit, taken before the Woodland specialities arrived in real numbers and divert my attentions. The reports weren’t brill but the hot weather meant that they would be down on the deck trying to keep cool. So we set off through the throng towards the site.

Once there we were surprised how quiet it was as we scanned the small pockets of Thyme on the terraced lower slopes. Practically our first butterfly of the day appeared – a female Clouded Yellow which sent us scrambling back up the hill after it. A great start usually but it was hard work getting a shot and I suspected that that was how the whole day was going to pan out...hard work. :?
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We carried on down to the lower slopes adding Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Ringlet, Marbled White and Meadow Brown to the day tally but everything was either hiding away or zipping out of sight. By now we’d reached the middle of the site where a group of people let us know that a female had been seen earlier and it felt like I would dip so I mooched moodily round the Gorse bushes and Philzoid found a blue. Unfortunately it was a tatty and worn female Common and so not was I was hoping for.

I was tempted to pour a coffee when a volunteer Ranger popped by; “They’ve got a Large Blue back there”. So we headed back to where we’d been 5 minutes previously and “Is it still here?” I asked as I rounded the Gorse bush. “What do think” was the reply as the gent indicated the group crowded round what seemed like a random patch of ground. But there was a small grey flag amongst the grass. I took some distant record shots and then queued up to wait my turn. I ended up getting a good position at the front and side on to the butterfly. That’s one of the advantages of youth; I might have work and family commitments restricting the amount of time spent butterflying but when I’m out I can still bend, scrunch and develop a posture so as to get in for the shots. :wink:
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After a few I crawled out to let someone else take my place and found a Painted Lady on the Gorse before heading back to the Large Blue from the other side. Then it was back to the queue and the Large Blue from the first side and back and back again etc so as to ensure that I had enough shots. During this whole time it hadn’t moved once so Jono the Ranger suspected that it was newly emerged. After a further chat with Jono about the reasons for the low numbers we said our thanks and headed over to the Eastern Glades.
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Once there Philzoid had one of my coffees and I was just about to pour myself one when another Large Blue turned up. This one was acting much more like expected and would fly and fly. Then it would dip down and land just long enough for me to approach and raise my camera. Then it would take flight again. A few brief shots suggested that it was egg laying. Also around this area was a Specklie. It made a slightly incongruous sight, a woodland butterfly in the middle of Chalk Down.
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By now the heat was really on. Up near the top of the hill in the wind it was cooler and here were a few Small Torts and a couple of Common Blues. But that was it for the Large Blues. For whatever reason they’ve had another bad year at Collard but at least we managed to see two. Mind you I did eventually get an open wing shot...
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

I believe that's a 'first' for you, Wurzel.

Well done!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Great Large Blue shots Wurzel and love the open wing pic :D :wink: Queuing to take photos of butterflies is ok, so long as the person before you doesn't scare it off :shock: :wink:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

Some real crackers among your Large Blue images Wurz :) and a tidy little bonus with that Clouded Yellow - bet that now you realise how close you are to Collard Hill annual visits will become the norm :wink:

Enjoy it all!

Bill :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by CJB »

Hi Wurzel!

Congrats on the Large Blue and as ever some great pictures. I love the open wing shot! :wink: :D

With all that taking it in turns malarky, I cannot recommend enough that you and Philzoid make a trip to Daneway Banks at Sapperton. I know I keep going on about it, but it really is an amazing place and you will never ever have to queue! :x

Speaking of Philzoid, I hope he is well and that he will post some more reports, as I always enjoyed his posts.

I am going to make a trip to Ashton Rowant tomorrow if the weather allows to try and get a DGF!

Flutter on!


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Very nice Large Blue shots, Wurzel, very nice indeed! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by William »

Wurzel wrote: I was tempted to pour a coffee when a volunteer Ranger popped by; “They’ve got a Large Blue back there”.
Think that was me - great stuff Wurzel :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Katrina »

Well done Wurzel - lovely large blue photos!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David :D Indeed it was a lifer, my first for two years and having seen how easy it was to get to Collard I can't for the life of me work out why I left it so long :shock: :roll:
Cheers Mike :D I know what you mean about scaring it off one of the people there suggested shading it with a hat so it opened it' wings - I think they're still looking for his body now :shock: :shock:
Cheers Willow :D Indeed I've already penciled it in for next year :wink:
Cheers CJB :D I'd like to check Daneways next year but I'll have to check with the boss :? Good luck with the DGFs :D
Cheers Pauline for your kind comment :D
Cheers William - and thanks again for the heads up :D
Cheers Katrina :D Those shots were four years in the making :roll:

Larkhill 23-06-2014

Solstice over I expected the Travellers to have moved on so I called in at Larkhill to inspect the site for any damage. Patches of the longer grass had been laid flat, there was a small fire pit but as for most of the previous years the site looked in fine fettle. In fact all the rubbish that had been scattered about the area had gone. Picked up I presume by the Travellers before they headed off. Only one area was really ‘trample damaged’ and that was because a French camper van was parked on it. :x

Inspection complete I spent a few minutes scanning round and seeing all the usual suspects. It seems that Small Heaths are on the way out to be replaced by Marbled Whites whose numbers are building nicely. Ringlets are very numerous an are having a really good year here but I’m still not seeing the masses of Meadow Browns so perhaps they’re having a gentle build this year? :?
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When I visited in the afternoon the heat was on and everything was turbo charged so wasn’t stopping along the edge of the car park or the Northbound path. During the course of the day there must have been an emergence of Small Torts as the Westbound path was alive with them. They were difficult to count as they were highly mobile and active and so would explode forth from the path, fly round you a couple of times and then possibly land a couple of metres ahead of you. Butterflies it seems would rather know where the threat was and watch it than fly behind you and then you strike them unawares. I persevered with the counting and in the end made a conservative count of 9 with one Red Admiral. I went for 9 as this was the most I could see a any one time in a single view.
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The following morning despite cooler temperatures there was no change in the level of activity of the butterflies and they were still motoring about like demons. I was worried that they might burn out too quickly and we’d experience a second dearth. It seems that the Small Torts has dispersed as now there appeared to be only three. They were joined by a couple of tired looking Large Skippers and Small Heath as well as my first Chimney Sweeper of the year. Ringlets and Marbled Whites were everywhere.
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Unfortunately I couldn’t stop for long as I was still driving the Go Kart...sorry Hire Car. In fact it was even more disappointing than that with a distinct lack of ‘go’ and not enough space for ‘cart’! :roll:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,

Congrats on your Large Blue, great report and photos :D

I have a similar thing with Black Hairstreak, still not seen one and yet they are only 90 minutes or so away from me, just always seem to be doing something else during their short flight period. Maybe next year I will make a special effort.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

Looks like Small Tortoiseshell are appearing in good numbers now Wurz, I noticed a bit of a slow start here in South Wales...nice images of them too...such beautiful insects :)


Bill :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pete Eeles »

Congrats on the Large Blue, Wurzel, especially given the paucity of sightings this year from Collard!


- Pete

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Neil :D I'm sure you'll be able to fit them in next year :wink:
Cheers Willrow :D Their numbers seem to be building nicely as are the Red Admirals which is good news after their poor showing last year :D
Cheers Pete :D It was nice to get a lifer but I think I used up all my luck getting it... :?

It seems a bit odd posting this with all the fantastic shots of His Nibbs rolling in but I need to catch up so here goes anyway...

The Devenish 24-06-2014

This was just a quick stop on the way home and it was broiling. Usually it’s nice to get out of the car as it’s cooler but today I got out and the heat hit me like I was stepping into an oven – absolutely roasting! I sought refuge in the shade of the woods as I walked towards the meadow. As I looked over the gate it was busy with little golden blurs as a Smessex would stray in to the air space of a Large and then battle would ensue. It’s also getting to that time of the year when Browns dominate and today butterflies would fly up with every footfall. The side of the Down held more of the same with an additional pair each of Large and Smessex as well as a Small Tort and a Brimstone.

The most productive spot today was the Bramble that lines the edge of the path between the meadow and the side of the Down as it paid host to host of butterflies. I’ll have to check this more thoroughly the next time I’m here as I’m sure that the Red Admiral hides around this area. Once I’ve seen it off it darts and disappears around here somewhere.

I didn’t stay as long as usual as I couldn’t stand the heat it was really oppressive...
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Wurzel,

great reporting as usual, with lovely photos but, your fresh Small Tortoiseshell photo taken at Larkhill with the white wing edges is a beautiful specimen. I have never seen one quite like it. Excellent. :D

All the best, Nick.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by badgerbob »

Only just caught up!! Great pics of the Large Blue and well done on getting this one. You did have a good un!!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Nick :D That was one of my fave Small Tort shots of the year as it was in such good nick :D
Cheers Bob :D I did indeed :D

Lunch Small Field 25-06-2014

With the weather remaining hot and dry I decided to check out the small field in the housing estate near work. It generally produces a nice range of butterflies and hopefully I’d be able to track down a Smessex or two. As I approached the field up path I could see some activity on the Brambles at the edge of the field so I headed there first and there were Aristocrats to greet me. First was a lovely fresh H.Comma which was quickly replaced by a Red Admiral. This was a bit more skittish although it seemed to like playing hide and seek with me. A few Small Torts made up the trio of Aristocrats who were being ably served by numerous Ringlets and Marbled Whites.
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I then moved into the grass lands and there were Small Torts in each direction I looked but today I noticed that the Meadow Browns seemed to have arisen to dominance finally overtaking their Marbled and ringed cousins. There was also the occasional golden blur which usually transformed into a Large Skipper if I managed to follow it but was occasionally a Smessex. These never stayed still long enough to check for distinguishing features, not even the sex brand on the males.
One Ringlet really caught my eye as it didn’t appear to have any spots on the fore wing and the pair on the hind wings were really reduced. It also caught light to give a gorgeous purple sheen to the wing margins. I’ve seen this on Meadow Browns before but not on Ringlets and added yet another aspect to their subtle beauty.
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Nearer some of the thinner grass I finally managed to catch up with a Smessex for long enough to approach and have a closer look to try and make an ID one way or another. At first glance I thought it was an Essex but by tilting my head I could see the indicator lights so it went back to being a Small.
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Time was ticking by and I realized I’ve take hardly any Meadow Brown shots this year. As I was scanning round to try and find some to remedy this transgression one female really stood out. Over the few years I’ve been butterflying I’ve seen lots of darker Meadow Browns but this was a real blonde. She also had two ‘pupils’ on the fore wings but she was very coy about showing these.
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All too soon time was up and it was back to work, man it was good to get out for a little bit of 'R and B'.

Have a goodun


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