Some Red Valerian Visitors...

Discussion forum for any overseas items (given that this is a "UK" butterflies forum!).
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:53 am

Some Red Valerian Visitors...

Post by jamesweightman »

The abundant Red Valerian at the Escragnolles site (23/6/2014) attracted many species apart from P.alexanor; the most common being Black-veined White:
and Cleopatra
Also seen was an Apollo/Small Apollo(?)
and rather worn specimens of Southern White Admiral and Scarce Swallowtail - not photogenic!
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Chris Jackson
Posts: 1929
Joined: Mon May 06, 2013 6:35 am
Location: Marseilles, France

Re: Some Red Valerian Visitors...

Post by Chris Jackson »

Decidedly, you are getting your treasures out of the box one by one.
I havn't seen a Black-vein White in Vitrolles (near Marseilles) for more than 1 month now.
What altitude did you find the "apollo" at ?
You seem to have an eye for specialities.
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:53 am

Re: Some Red Valerian Visitors...

Post by jamesweightman »

According to Google Earth the altitude was 1004m; in fact not far from or much above the main road.
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