Large Copper

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Large Copper

Post by roundwood123 »

I watched last nights episode of Nature of Britain a users guide on BBC4 which included a bit on why the Large Copper failed to establish a viable colony at Woodwalton Fen, Chris Packham seemed to suggest that because the fen is a small wildlife haven surrounded by arable fields the project was dooomed from the start, i would be interested in other opinions on why the attempts failed and if any other re-colonisation projects are currently being made.
p.s the film of the Large Copper in all its life cycle was very interesting.
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Dave Mac
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Post by Dave Mac »

I also watched the program but unfortunately I don't have an opinion on why the large copper project failed. However what I found striking is the number of programs this year (at least six) that have some butterfly conservation content. This would appear to be a good thing no matter which way you look at it, or perhaps its its always been like this and my newly awakened interest is exaggerating the situation
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Post by Matsukaze »

After the Woodwalton Fen reintroduction was abandoned, there was talk of a reintroduction in the Norfolk Broads, but I do not know if that got as far as actual flying butterflies - at any rate I can find very little information on it.

The Large Copper may yet return to Woodwalton one day, as there is a very large habitat creation project going on next door:
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