June 2014

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Re: June 2014

Post by Zoylander »

Hi Mike, Thanks for the comments on the Heath Fritillary pictures. We saw them around the big dead tree down over from the lay-by (SS979285) between Upton village and the Haddon Hill car park. Don't forget the B3190 along there will be closed between 8 & 1 next Sunday (15th).
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Re: June 2014

Post by jasonbirder »

I was wondering if I was in the best spot. Is there a particularly good place to see them at Haddon Hill ? I would be grateful to find out so I can see them on a return visit, hopefully next week if the weather holds.
When I visited last Thursday I had the devils own job finding Heath Fritillary...When you walk out of the main car park onto the heath no-where looks particularly promising and there's just the odd spike of cow wheat...

Go out of the Main Car Park onto the moorland and right for a good distance (400 -500 yards) along a wide track till an obvious path forks left off this down towards the woods at the bottom of the slope. In front of the woods to the right of this track is the area we saw them...you'll know it when you find it...it "feels right" its in a bit of a dell and has a nice warm sheltered micro climate and in contrast to the more open area's there are lots of obvious Cow Wheat plants...Heath Fritillaries all round this area...

Thanks to the guy on-site that pointed us in this direction!
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Re: June 2014

Post by Zoylander »

That's exactly the area I described Jason, except we always park in the lay-by rather than the main car-park :D There were at least six seen in the same place on Thursday lunchtime seen by a mate of mine, he said he bumped into people from Cardiff & Birmingham. Funnily enough I was expecting it to be busy there on Saturday afternoon but we didn't see another soul in the near two hours we were there!
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Re: June 2014

Post by adrian riley »

ayjay wrote:I paid a visit to Figsbury Ring today, I'd been told that it was a good site for Adonis blue (but that my informant hadn't checked the info he'd been given). A strong wind (slightly unexpected in view of my local forecast) meant that I'd be quite pleased to see anything having given up a days Dragon hunting to take the wife looking for butterflies. We found a couple of Adonis Blues but they were quite tatty, several Common blues and some Small Blues, good numbers of Dingy Skippers and Small Heath, one Brimstone seen and one pretty minty Small Tortoiseshell.

Small Tortoiseshell.
Small Blues.

Hi, Ayjay
If you need up-to-date information on what's flying where and how many, please take a look at http://www.bugalert.net. It may save you an unnecessary journey and the info's free!
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Re: June 2014

Post by False Apollo »

Many Thanks for the Heath Fritillary info Zoylander, I was in the right place but in the wrong weather conditions. I will take your advice when I next visit along with others comments. Unfortunately they were not out at East Blean woods when I visited 2 weeks ago, it is a very long way for me to get to, especially if the weather is a bit dodgy.

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Re: June 2014

Post by Testudo Man »

A good session was had here in Kent yesterday(8/6/14)...Location - Cliffe Pools, Kent.

At least 6 red admirals were seen, good numbers of holly blue, a few green hairstreak, several small tortoiseshells, my 1st painted lady of 2014 and also my 1st meadow brown sighting for the year too, and several small heaths.

The small heaths gave me the run around for sure!! they really tested my field skills, for trying to capture close up photos! But what did i expect, by the time i found them, it was around 2.00pm, so it was quite hot...so the little swines were very active. What made it more difficult for me, was the fact that i was using a raynox 250 macro lens, therefore i had to get within 6 inches of the subject, in order to make the shot...got there in the end though!

EDIT- i also sighted a painted lady in my garden today, which is only the 2nd time for a "garden painted lady".

Some photos, cheers Paul.
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Re: June 2014

Post by Matsukaze »

2014-06-09 13.01.24.jpg
Is this Small Copper ab.schmidtii? Seen on the hills near Bath, initially on 29 May, and then again today when I managed to photograph it. It gave chase to a typically-coloured Small Copper, the two of them pursuing at extreme speed in tight circles for almost a minute.
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Re: June 2014

Post by David M »

Matsukaze wrote:
Is this Small Copper ab.schmidtii? Seen on the hills near Bath, initially on 29 May, and then again today when I managed to photograph it. It gave chase to a typically-coloured Small Copper, the two of them pursuing at extreme speed in tight circles for almost a minute.
It certainly looks noteworthy, Matsukaze.

Given how territorial this species is, it may well demand a return visit.
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Re: June 2014

Post by jasonbirder »

Black Hairstreak - Monks Wood Cambridgeshire

With big thanks to PhilB and others who supplied detailed directions and helped out on-site I managed to see half a dozen Black Hairstreak at Monks Wood today.
Most were very mobile in the tops of the Blackthorn trees in the warm sunshine...though I was rewarded with one co-operative individual who allowed me to get stunning views in my binoculars and even posed for a record shot!

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Re: June 2014

Post by nomad »

I am going to Exmoor, thursday and friday, to look for the Heath Fritillaries in Bin coombe, hopefully some will now be present with the warm weather this week, hopefully I will not be too early. Peter.
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Re: June 2014

Post by NickB »

Met Jason at Monk's Wood with PhilB today; saw plenty - up in the bushes - but eventually were rewarded with a good photo opportunity; unfortunately Jason has gone by then....
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Re: June 2014

Post by Hoggers »

My appointment with the Doctor yesterday yielded 5 Swallowtails
And stopping off at Westleton Common afterwards we saw 8 Silver Studded Blues
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Re: June 2014

Post by William »

nomad wrote:I am going to Exmoor, thursday and friday, to look for the Heath Fritillaries in Bin coombe, hopefully some will now be present with the warm weather this week, hopefully I will not be too early. Peter.
Hi Peter,

If Bin Combe does not deliver the goods, Haddon Hill is worth a try - I saw 8 there on Sunday along with Green Hairstreak, and no doubt numbers will have risen since then. PM me if you would like more details :)


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Re: June 2014

Post by Zoylander »

Several Heath Fritillaries still flying at Haddon Hill today despite the windy conditions, I know that they're on the wing at a couple of other Exmoor locations as well
Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
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Re: June 2014

Post by Neil Freeman »

I am up in Arnside for the next 3 days, drove up today and stopped off at Warton Crag for an hour on the way, just as the sun came out :D
Lots of Small Heaths and Chimney Sweeper Moths at the Crag plus half a dozen Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries, a few Common Blue and Dingy and Large Skippers. Also a couple of fresh male Northern Brown Argus, a life first for me :D

Later in the afternoon on Arnside Knott, more SPBFs plus half a dozen NBA in the Heathwaite meadows.

Reports and photos will be in my PD when I am back home and have time.

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Re: June 2014

Post by David M »

Good stuff, Neil. I'll look forward to the NBA images in particular.
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Re: June 2014

Post by IAC »

Northern Brown Argus have been up and about for a week or so in South east Scotland. All males so far, with the first females likely pretty soon. It looks like it will be quite a good season for the butterfly, as it was last season.

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Re: June 2014

Post by jasonbirder »

Very Jealous of the Black Hairstreak Pics! I obviously wasn't quite patient enough on Tuesday!
I will try again today...think I need to flip a coin tho' Monks Wood or Glapthorn?

IAC fabulous pictures of NBA! I shall be venturing north to ST Abbs to try for these next week (unless anyone has any other site recommendations)
Castle Eden/Bishop Middleham etc are all closer...but I want proper Scottish ones...with the lovely white forewing spot!
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Re: June 2014

Post by Hoggers »

I saw one White Admiral at Orlestone Forest this morning
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Re: June 2014

Post by Zoylander »

Both "Helice" Clouded & Clouded Yellow reported at WWT Steart reserve in Somerset this morning nearby in the village of Combwich there were plenty of Painted Lady & Hummingbird Hawk-moth on the wing.
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