Lee Hurrell

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

21st April 2014 - Part One

Easter Monday and warm sunshine resulted in a trip to Noar Hill to see his Grace. I hadn't been in his presence since 2011, so it was time we caught up.

A kestrel carrying a fresh kill followed me up the path and a pair of marsh tits were seen. Also heard were nightingale and skylarks. Despite the number of cars along the road there was no-one on site until I met a couple who had come looking for birds. We chatted for a bit, I explained I was here to see to see the Duke of Burgundy and the lady pulled out a small Collins guide and looked him up. Having found it in her book, it was gratifying a while later to show them both the real thing as here was my first Duke for a few years.
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Dingy Skipper were also about.
Dingy Skipper, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Dingy Skipper, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
A few more people were wandering about as the morning wore on and I got chatting a chap (I think called Mike, sorry if you read this), who knew who I was from this diary :shock: We were talking away with a couple of Dukes at our feet. They became grounded under a few clouds and were very photogenic.
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
This Duke was resting up against an anthill and gave me some lovely "Padfield picturesque" images.
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
It was a lovely picture from both sides.
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
One final image as I wound my way back down. I found lots of the site I didn't see last time I was here and pleasingly, Dukes were found all over.
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Duke of Burgundy, Noar Hill, Hampshire, 21st April 2014
Sightings for Noar Hill: 7 Duke of Burgundy, 2 Peacock, 8 male Orange Tip, 1 Green Veined White, 4 female Brimstone (1 ovipositing) and 2 Dingy Skipper.

A lovely way to spend a morning.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

21st April 2014 - Part Two

Heading back to Surrey I stopped at Chiddingfold Forest.

I walked from Botany Bay to Oaken Wood and back and saw 5 Wood White, 3 Green Veined White, 13 male and 2 female Brimstone, 4 male and 1 female Orange Tip, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 5 Peacock and 2 Speckled Wood.
Green Veined White, female, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Green Veined White, female, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
I hadn't appreciated just how long the proboscis is on a Brimstone.
Brimstone, male, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Brimstone, male, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
A few early purple orchids were out.
Early Purple Orchid, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Early Purple Orchid, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
It wasn't until I was back at the bridge that I finally found a Wood White staying still. Then I found another close by, making 7 in total for the visit. There was an artist on the bridge portraying the ride in a charcoal image and I sat in his view for a while watching the Wood Whites. He didn't mind though and we had a quick chat about how beautiful this forest is.
Wood White, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Wood White, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Wood White, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Wood White, Chiddingfold Forest, Surrey, 21st April 2014
Last edited by Lee Hurrell on Mon May 26, 2014 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

26th April 2014

A day of sunshine and showers and so I took the umbrella out with me today on a local walk around Howell Hill (and needed it). Consequently, not much was seen so I enjoyed the flowers of the field edges.
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
The larval nests of Small Tortoiseshells were doing well.
Small Tortoiseshell larval nest, Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Small Tortoiseshell larval nest, Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
1 (adult) Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small White and 1 male Brimstone the only sightings.
Brimstone, male, Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014
Brimstone, male, Ewell, Surrey, 26th April 2014

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

27th April 2014 - South of the Border

As I was in Tunbridge Wells overnight and therefore halfway to Sussex I headed south on Sunday to one of my favourite places, Windover Hill, with a plan to stop at Abbots Wood on the way. Unfortunately, the sun wasn't playing ball and it was resolutely grey and chilly upon arrival at Abbots Wood. Still, I walked round for two hours but didn't see a single butterfly. So much for Pearls. :roll:

This caterpillar posed nicely on a bluebell though.
Unknown caterpillar, Abbots Wood, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
Unknown caterpillar, Abbots Wood, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
While this one wasn't looking so well, having reached some grisly end.
Unknown caterpillar, Abbots Wood, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
Unknown caterpillar, Abbots Wood, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
By the time I reached Windover Hill, there was a little more blue in the sky which raised my hopes. The most bio-diverse/bumpiest car park in the world had changed somewhat since I last visited; the fence had gone and it seems people had been parking on a slope of at least 45 degrees. :shock:

Anyway, I set off up the hill and saw my first butterfly of the day, a Dingy Skipper. By the time I reached the top the sun was nearly there...
View looking north from Windover Hill, East Sussex, 27th April
View looking north from Windover Hill, East Sussex, 27th April
Then it broke and turned into a lovely afternoon. Enough to bring 5 Dingy Skippers and most excitingly, 2 Walls out to play :D
Wall, male, Windover Hill, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
Wall, male, Windover Hill, East Sussex, 27th April 2014
I still have no idea how I got so close :shock:

By the time I left around 16.00 it was full sun and as I had to pass Abbots Wood on the way home....

For my second trip round the wood (similar route in half the time) I saw 1 Speckled Wood, 1 male Orange Tip and 1 Speckled Yellow moth but no Pearls. I will be back.

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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

30th April 2014

Working from home, I walked to a nearby recreation ground at lunchtime. It had some lovely mature trees and hedges and importantly, some wild areas along a shady path, left alone by the council. I was delighted to see my first Large Whites of the year, a male and a female. A fresh Red Admiral, 3 Holly Blue and 3 Speckled Wood making up the other sightings. Two males were really going for each other, I've never seen such ferocity in butterflies! They were dog fighting for at least ten minutes, all the while I was watching them, seemingly oblivious to all else, including me as they flew into me.

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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

3rd May 2014

A glorious sunny day. In my local fields, 1 male Large White, 10 Small White, 2 male and 1 ovipositing female Orange Tip, 1 ovipositing female Green-veined White, 2 male and 1 female Brimstone, 3 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Peacock gave a marvellous display. At one point, a courting Brimstone couple were buzzed by 2 Small Tortoiseshells, to which a Peacock then took exception and buzzed them all, at which point I had all 5 in front of me. :D
Orange Tip, female, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Orange Tip, female, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
The Small Tortoiseshell larval nests have dispersed and the nettle bed looks like this. You can just make out a few larger caterpillars.
Small Tortoiseshell Larvae, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Small Tortoiseshell Larvae, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Small Tortoiseshell Larva, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Small Tortoiseshell Larva, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Small Tortoiseshell Larva, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Small Tortoiseshell Larva, Ewell, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Once inside Howell Hill, it looked gorgeous in the spring sunshine.
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
The hawthorn was beautiful from a high vantage point.
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Brimstones were everywhere, omnipresent. I counted at least 25 males and 4 females. The most I had in view at any one point was 8. There was much courting going on.
Brimstone, male and female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Brimstone, male and female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Brimstone, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Brimstone, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
I watched this egg being laid and marked the twig it was on. (Embarrassing story for next time...).
Brimstone, ovum, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Brimstone, ovum, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Perhaps best of all though, were my first local Green Hairstreaks. :D
Green Hairstreak, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Green Hairstreak, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Green Hairstreak habitat, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Green Hairstreak habitat, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, Surrey, 3rd May 2014
Sightings: 2 Green Hairstreak, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Peacock, 25 male and 4 female Brimstone and 1 male Small White.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by millerd »

You can tell the rain has been persistent today - you've caught up a bit, Lee! That phone of yours really does take brilliant pictures - I'm not sure why I bother with a camera at all... :)


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by maverick »

well done on your green hairstreak , im still waiting for mine.
apparently they like mature oak trees, well they do'nt like mine at the bottom of my garden. :D

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thanks Dave. Yes although it's been raining, I've been surrounded by butterflies today!

Best wishes,


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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

It made my day, Maverick. You could try some scrubby hawthorn if you have any nearby, I'm not sure on oak for Green Hairstreak.

Best wishes,


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic shots Lee, love the Greenstreak :D Looking forward to the Wiltshire site photos :D Philzoid and I must have just missed you :roll:

Have a goodun


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thanks Wurzel. I'm looking forward to sorting through them!

It can't have been by much.

Best wishes,


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

May the 4th 2014 - Part One

A lovely sunny day today and I took a return trip to Warren Farm in Ewell this morning. The first creature I found was this charming little bee.
Unknown bee, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Unknown bee, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
The second creature I saw was a dead grass snake and the third was a fox. I also saw a pair of Blackcaps in a wooded area.
However, it wasn't long before I saw quite a few butterflies. Spurred on by early Small Blue sightings reported on UKB, I wanted to check my local sites. Not out yet in Surrey though. 3 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Speckled Wood, 1 male Large White, 2 male Orange Tips, 3 male Brimstone and 2 Small White were seen around the field that holds the Small Blues. They will be out here soon.
Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
But best of all was a flash of orange, which could only mean one thing :D
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Small Copper, male, Warren Farm, Ewell, Surrey, 4th May 2014
I saw two and he's there in the first picture of Warren Farm above.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Willrow »

Crickey Lee! I thought I was behind on my travels reports, but I'm feeling quite upto date compared to you :lol: lovely images to go with your interesting reportage.

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

I am a little behind, Bill. But I am enjoying reliving the days out and all the photos :lol:

Thanks for your kind comments, much appreciated.

Best wishes,


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Re: Lee Hurrell

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May the 4th 2014 - Part Two

This afternoon, I visited another new site not far from me - Tolworth Court Farm Fields, which I'd read about it in the Surrey BC magazine. It's a grassland site, bordered by the Hogsmill river on one side. It's huge, with lots of meadows and mature trees and hedges, like many other Surrey sites I've been to this year and which may repay a return visit!
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
I was hopeful of an early Common Blue or Brown Argus but I saw neither. I was too early for any grassland species but I would imagine it is teeming with browns and skippers later in the summer. There was also a long, thin, almost secret meadow (it reminded me of Bernwood). In this meadow was one of the most worn butterflies I have ever seen flying. But fly strongly he could!
Peacock, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Peacock, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
I love the way Peacocks seem to give out a "Lord of all they purvey" vibe.
Peacock, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Peacock, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Near the river, this female Holly Blue posed nicely.
Holly Blue, female, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
Holly Blue, female, Tolworth Court Farm Fields, Surrey, 4th May 2014
The highlight for me though was a flash of blue and red just around the corner from the Holly Blue; the first Kingfisher I have seen in about 30 years. It made my day.

Sightings to go with my Kingfisher: 8 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 female Holly Blue, 1 male Brimstone, 1 male Orange Tip, 3 Green-veined White.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by millerd »

That's a lovely Small Copper, Lee. I haven't seen many yet this year, but one like that would do nicely...


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

He certainly is, Dave. I seem to have found a little hot spot for them at Warren Farm. More photos to follow of course. :D

Best wishes,


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Wurzel »

I agree with Dave that is a lovely marked Small Copper, I've never seen a caeruleo-punctata that well marked myself :mrgreen: You're catching up now Lee, those Marshies must be getting closer :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Lee, just doing some catching up, great post and photos :D

I have to agree with Dave and Wurzel about that Small Copper, I don't think I have ever seen one with such well defined blue spots, a lovely individual.



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