Marseilles checklist 2014

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

That was a quick response Guy, I didn't have time to breathe.
Mid May really is dynamic this year, as opposed to beginning of June usually.

The bets are on - will I see a Grayling before May is out? Incroyable!

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thursday May 22nd

SPECIES No. 47: Marbled Fritillary (daphne)

Another lunch-break sighting at work, and another new species for me (Thanks to Guy and Roger for the ID).
I had to fight through brambles to get these photos but fortunately a cloud came over and calmed it down.
fritt (1a).JPG
fritt (4).JPG
Context, with brambles in the foreground:
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Friday 23rd May
A day off work and a little trip out to the Island of Frioul off the port of Marseilles. A barren island but I was happy to accompany my wife (how noble of me) for a picnic on the off-chance there was something different butterfly-wise (no self-interest here!). Notably, I saw a Spanish Festoon (a bit worn) and two Clouded Yellows. The Cloudies were a surprise because I havn't seen a single one on the mainland for at least 3 months.

Island of Frioul - these photos are for Guy - the slopes are covered in Curry Plant (I read somewhere that Guy likes curries):
context (1).JPG
context (2).JPG
Spanish Festoon:
rumina4_13 Frioul 23 May 2014.JPG
Clouded Yellow:
crocea10_13 Frioul 23 May 2014.JPG
and just like Colin, I spotted my first Five-spot Burnet of the season:
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by NickMorgan »

Is that a faded Six Spot Burnet Moth?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

You may be right Nick, its difficult to tell where some of the spots start and stop.
Thanks, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Monday 26th May - the start of a week off work :D (the French are great for holidays - I've got so many I have to take time off just to use them up :roll: )

Today I saw my first fresh Large Tortoiseshell (usually I only get to see ex-hibernators in March). According to T&L, they should appear around the end of June. Are they early then this year?
polychloros in the Parc des Bruyères near home:
polychloros12_13 P Bruyères 26 May 2014 (4).JPG
polychloros12_13 P Bruyères 26 May 2014 (1).JPG
A male Spanish Gatekeeper today in the Parc des Bruyères:
bathseba12_13 male P Bruyères 26 May 2014.JPG
A 1st brood Two-tailed Pasha from last week, near my work in Vitrolles, on a Strawberry Tree:
jasius9_13 Vitrolles friche 22 May 2014.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Tuesday 27th May

SPECIES No. 48: Great Banded Grayling (circe)

I was expecting the next species to be the Grayling (semele) at least 1 week early compared to last year, but finally it was the Great Banded Grayling, 3 weeks earlier than last year's sightings. Perhaps this means the Grayling is out there, but I just havn't seen it yet. I hope there will be less wind tomorrow and will keep you posted.
circe, on the outskirts of urban Marseilles:
circe8_13 Marseille 27 May 2014 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Tuesday 27th May

SPECIES No. 49: Southern Small White (mannii)

Making the most of a week off work, I spotted this "small" white in my local scrubland park, and which turns out to be a Southern Small White - another new species for me this year. Thanks to Lee, Guy and Mike for the ID.
mannii (2).JPG
mannii (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Also spotted a Clouded Yellow for the first time today on the mainland since 17th February.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wednesday 28th May

SPECIES No. 50: Comma Butterfly (c-album)

My first sighting of the year - these are not very common around my way, but I have now noted their habitat. This individual was busy defending its tree against Specklies.
c-album (proof shot taken from a distance - not perched on its defended tree):
c-album6_13 P Bruyères 28 May 2014 (2).JPG
context for c-album (the tree in the centre of the photo):
context c-album.JPG
close-up of the leaves and fruit, if someone can identify the tree?:
plant c-album.JPG
Nearby, a courting pair of Silver-studded blues:
argus13_13 pair P Bruyères 28 May 2014.JPG
Then 2 photos of the 'bride' alone (same principle as for taking a series of wedding photos really (and she's even holding the bouquet of flowers :) )):
argus14_13 female P Bruyères 28 May 2014 (1).JPG
argus14_13 female P Bruyères 28 May 2014 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Monday 02 June, Vitrolles, South of France

Lunchbreak: At lunchtime I went into the scrub looking for my first Grayling of the year but didn't find one. However I spotted this chap who let himself be photoed quite easily - he was probably tired from hilltopping in a strong breeze.
My Panasonic FZ150 with pivoting screen allowed me to make minimum movements and to photograph at arm's length while standing in front of the butterfly (the photos are uncropped and without zoom)
jasius (1st brood) (these are photos of the same individual, all in the same place):
jasius10_13 Vitrolles garrigue 02 June 2014 top side.JPG
jasius10_13 Vitrolles garrigue 02 June 2014 right side.JPG
jasius10_13 Vitrolles garrigue 02 June 2014 left side (1).JPG
Context (pine tree on edge of plateau of Vitrolles)
Context (I don't know why the council are mowing the scrubland - its ridiculous!)
context (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Wow...what a beautiful butterfly they are, Chris. I look forward to my first day :D

Best wishes,

To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by David M »

Chris, as someone who'd love to see this iconic species, could you tell me at which times they are on the wing in southern France? I alradyy know the type of habitat in which to look for them, but my trips to France always seem to fall between the two broods.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Lee and David,
If I remember rightly (I'm writing from work), Tolman & Lewington states that there are 2 broods: mid May to Mid June, then mid August to mid September, with a larger population in the second brood. I can confirm from my sightings last year and this year that those periods seem to be very accurate!
From two days ago, Sunday 1st June, here are two jasius ova (one empty) on a Strawberry Bush in my local scrubland. I will try and locate the caterpillar when it hatches and see if it makes it through to mid August:
jasius - ovum4 Parc Bruyères 01 June 2014.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Ian Pratt
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Ian Pratt »

I have just read through your diary from January 1 with great interest as I lived near Avignon in the mid 1970s when I was in my 20s. Great photographs and commentary. My wife and I returned to Provence a couple of years ago and saw over 50 species of butterfly in two weeks.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Ian,
Its true that down here I am quite spoilt by the weather and abundance of butterflies, although it is sobering for me when I see the enthousiasm of UK BFers and your hardships and efforts necessary to make your sightings in the UK. You are all very courageous. Bravo to you all back home. :)
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Tuesday 3rd of June - South of France, 27°C and blue skies

SPECIES No. 51: Southern Gatekeeper (cecilia)
SPECIES No. 52: Provence Chalkhill Blue (hispanus)

At lunchtime at work, in Vitrolles, I popped down into the abandoned olive grove and discovered that the Southern Gatekeeper had made an appearance, 3 weeks earlier than last year.
I also found a Provence Chalkhill Blue which is a new species for me (thanks Guy and Colin for the ID).
cecilia11_13 male Vitrolles friche 03 June 2014 (1).JPG
hispanus1_13 Vitrolles friche 03 June 2014 (4).JPG
A female Spanish Gatekeeper (bathseba) caught by a spider:
bathseba13_13 female and spider Vitrolles friche 03 June 2014.JPG
By the way, we don't see 'normal' Gatekeepers this far South.
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Friday 6th of June - South of France, 28°C overcast and muggy

SPECIES No. 53: Marbled White (galathea)
galathea9_13 male Vitrolles friche 06 June 2014.JPG
Alerted by Colin's report from the Alpes Maritimes that the Marbled White was starting to emerge, I went down to the olive grove again at lunchtime today and sure enough, there it was. I may have seen it a couple of days back in fact, but dismissed it, from a distance, as a Western Marbled White.
Context. View down into the olive grove from the Plateau of Vitrolles:
context olive grove.JPG
Plus a better shot of a Great Banded Grayling which has been out for 2 weeks now:
circe10_13 Vitrolles garrigue 04 June 2014.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi all ,
No new species for the moment. I'm still waiting on the Grayling (semele).
View of a female cleopatra in flight: I still have a few things to learn about my camera settings.
cleopatra14_13 female P Bruyères 07 June 2014.JPG
Plus, for the pleasure, a pair of Spotted Fritillaries.
didyma21_13 pair P Bruyères 07 June 2014 (1).JPG
These 2 photos are what I have kept out of about 150 taken today :roll: .
Regards from the South of France. 30°C today.
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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David M
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by David M »

Great image of the Cleopatra, Chris, but please don't feel the need to broadcast your temperatures. :evil:
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles checklist 2014

Post by Chris Jackson »

Sunday 8th June, 30°C + and its going to get worse in the coming days :shock: .
Living in paradise has its limits quand même!!

I'm still waiting on the Grayling, but meanwhile today:

A fresh Nettle-tree Butterfly near a puddle in a local park, the first since the ex-hibernator sightings of months ago:
celtis6_13 P J Moulin Aubagne 08 June 2014 (1).JPG
Painted Ladies are back in my garden on the buddleia:
cardui6_13 Marseilles urbain 08 June 2014.JPG
My buddleia are flowering 1 month early this year. I have 11 of them in a garden measuring 10m x 6 m:
context buddleia.JPG
My tomato patch in a 1.2 m x 1.2m box (which is why I don't have room in my garden for a pool like Colin I suppose :)
context toms.JPG
A Geranium Bronze which, much to my joy, attacks my noisy neighbour's geraniums. A kind of justice I suppose, rendered on my behalf by mother nature :) :
marshalli8_13 Marseilles urbain 08 June 2014.JPG

A Small Copper in Aubagne today:
phlaeas17_13 Aubagne 08 June 2014.JPG

Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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