Ariundle Wood Sunart

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Jack Harrison
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Ariundle Wood Sunart

Post by Jack Harrison »

Chequered Skipper Ariundle Wood

I have the last of a book of pre-paid car ferry tickets Tobermory-Ardnamurchan that must be used by end of May. I drew a blank with Chequered Skippers last Friday at Ardery but that was early in the season so no great surprise. One possible PB.Frit in same place as last year seen in flight over bracken.

So I might try again for Ch.Skippers next week. If Ardery draws a blank, will move on the Ariundle. Car park is at NM826633. I would use my intuition when I get to Ariundle, but does anyone have a "heads up" as to best place to find CS at Ariundle? Bear in mind that my mobility isn’t what it was, so steep hills are not feasible.

Thanks in advance.

dave brown
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Re: Ariundle Wood Sunart

Post by dave brown »

First time we went there we drew a blank. The second time however was good. They started literally as you left the car park and walked the main track (hard gravel track). Our first was within a couple of metres of leaving the car park. It was so close we could probably have seen it from the parked car. Then we saw ones and twos as we walked the first 150 metres of the main track. All within about 5 metres of either side of the main track as we walked.
The next area we found a few was as follows, a footpath lead off right from the main track (possibly second right) and crossed the river by a small bridge. You were now on the right hand side of the river as you walked away from the car park. the path followed very closely to the river. We saw a few in this area on bugle ( and Bluebells if I remember correctly), usually very close to the path. Eventually the path reaches another bridge and crosses back over the river and returns to the car park. No steep hills to climb.
Hopefully you will see them close to the car park and save the old knees.

Best wishes
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Jack Harrison
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Re: Ariundle Wood Sunart

Post by Jack Harrison »

Thank and very helpful. Now for some helpful weather!

Can you recall the dates when you drew a blank and when you succeeded?

dave brown
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Re: Ariundle Wood Sunart

Post by dave brown »

We have made 3 visits actually. Scored on the 5th & 9th of June. The first visit many years ago was about a week later when we saw none. Feels like the closer to the end of May you can leave it, the better. Obviously weather dependent. Down here in Kent butterflies are in general a week or so early, but its very warm (25 degrees today).
We found Ariundle wood a nice spot to relax and watch nature. The whole of Ardnamurchan was stunning, although some of the roads were a little bit narrow in places. Plenty of passing places, but some people just drive too fast for the conditions (and try to look at the scenery too).

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Ariundle Wood Sunart

Post by Jack Harrison »

...some people just drive too fast for the conditions
I have the impression that I drive too SLOWLY for many people, certainly the White Van Brigade.

I'm pretty used to narrow roads with passing places. Very little else on Mull. Indeed, I'm also getting to know that road along north shore of Loch Sunart quite well now.

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