Colias ID help please

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Gary Hulbert
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Colias ID help please

Post by Gary Hulbert »

Hi everyone,
I've just returned from southern Spain and would appreciate some id help with the attached butterfly if you could please. The butterfly was seen at Juviles, Granada area which is at an altitude of approx 1250mtrs. Both pictures are of the same butterfly. I feel that it is a Berger's Clouded Yellow 'Colias alfacariensis' not only because of the pale nature of the wings but for the limited dark borders to the wing edges (my feeling is that Colias croceus f. helice has more extensive darker wing borders and a greater dusting of dark scales to unhw?). The orange spot in the centre of the uphw was very noticeable. Any id explaination would be really appreciated thank you, Regards Gary 8)
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Re: Colias ID help please

Post by Padfield »

It's a tricky one, Gary. I'd veer towards helice myself, but not having seen it fly I'm not as well placed as you to judge. It is rare in Switzerland for the dark border of the forewing of alfacariensis to remain quite so parallel to the outer margin and, as yours seems to do, to enclose the white spot. The hint of yellow/cream colour under the forewing also suggests helice. I'm really not that confident just from a photo and hope others will chip in!

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Neil Hulme
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Re: Colias ID help please

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Gary,
On the basis that I think it does have sufficiently wide dark wing borders, I would say that's a helice.
BWs, Neil
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Neil Hulme
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Re: Colias ID help please

Post by Neil Hulme »

That's a relief. I almost added that Guy is the most qualified regular to comment!
BWs, Neil
Gary Hulbert
Posts: 31
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Re: Colias ID help please

Post by Gary Hulbert »

Hi Guy & Neil,
Thanks for your comments which are very interesting and give me a good bench mark for future reference. Very best Gary :D
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