Advice re Denmark please

Discussion forum for any overseas items (given that this is a "UK" butterflies forum!).
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Posts: 158
Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:29 pm

Advice re Denmark please

Post by Paulcrook »

We are planning a trip to Denmark and/or Southern Sweden next June/July and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on where Camberwell Beauty or Black Veined Whites may be found.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Paul Crook
Posts: 564
Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:36 pm
Location: Finland

Post by JKT »

Uh. As far as Camberwell Beauty goes, the answer is nowhere. There is one generation per year, but it overwinters as adult. Your timeframe would be good for caterpillars, though. :D
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