My first butterfly of the year

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My first butterfly of the year

Post by CFB »

After heavy rain all last night, including a thunder storm, and rain all day yesterday and the previous night, this afternoon the sun came out, so I went out to see if any Lang's Short-tailed Blues had survived. I wasn't at all optimistic because I hadn't seen any since December 17. But I did see three :D , including this male:
Even though there is still a lot of Rosemary in flower at this site, he seemed to prefer a dried up Gorse bush. Considering the weather these last few days, he looks to be in a very good condition. Another one was on a Rosemary bush, but didn't stay there long enough for me to take a photo.
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David M
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by David M »

Excellent stuff. What kind of temperature was it in your part of France?
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by CFB »

David M wrote:What kind of temperature was it in your part of France?
Hello David,

I think it was about 10 degrees in the shade, but in the sun taking this photo it was warm enough for me to take off my sweater.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi guys, and great sighting Colin. Good to see your checklist is off to a flying start then. Wow, three STBs ! I will be taking my camera to work this week and will be out in the garrigue every lunchtime. Keep us informed of your sightings Colin.
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by CFB »

Yesterday at 8 a.m. it was -2 degrees. This morning at 8 a.m. it was 15 degrees and sunny. So I thought I might see a butterfly or two, despite the very strong gusty wind which blew most of the night. I wasn't disappointed. The first was a male Brimstone.
He took off and flew around for some time before landing again in a bush, a foot or so away from this female.
She didn't move at all. Perhaps she had recently emerged from hibernation? Is there any significance in the two antennae being together?

Then a bit later on I found this Red Admiral, ab. bialbata?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by Chris Jackson »

Excellent find Colin,
Its a bit blustery here today but sunny and 13°C so I will be out this afternoon looking for Brimstones then!
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David M
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Re: My first butterfly of the year

Post by David M »

CFB wrote:Is there any significance in the two antennae being together?
I've seen plenty of butterflies do this when emerging from torpor. They tuck their antennae between their wings, have a sleep and as they're stirring the antennae remain together for a little while before the insect warms up.

In fact, Brimstone antennae seem to be held relatively close together most of the time. Looking at my images, whilst most species rest with antennae at the 'ten to two' position, Brimstones seem to prefer 'four minutes to one'!
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