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Paul Harfield
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Wurzel

I have to agree with Neil, your Small Coppers on Goldenrod are superb :D I am glad you have enough material to keep us going through the darker months, you must have a good memory and full notebook :wink:

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Great Coppers Wurzal, Please keep the Photo's coming Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Pauline :D I don't know about great minds, I'm not sure I'd qualify for that grouping :lol: - it's purely a fluke :)
Cheers Susie :D Looking forward to the Social :D
Cheers for the ID confirmation Nick as well as the kind comments - I've got a few more posts left before the well runs dry :wink:
Cheers Neil with no November butterflies :( it was a good job I got behind on my PD :D
Cheers Jack :D - luckily reading a few scribbled notes seems to bring the memories flooding back mind you it's more difficult after a Hen or two :shock: :lol:
Cheers Goldie I'll try :D

Larkhill 07-10-2013

Having had good luck on the Sunday I set off to work hoping it would continue at Larkhill but the day started much greyer than before and so the stop off on the way to work yielded nothing. So the day passed and it seemed to pick up weather wise so on the return journey I’d pulled into the car park without even realizing.
Not wanting to muck around I checked out all the patches of Golden Rod that still had viable florets and lower down among the leaves was a White faded and tired and hiding away.
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Thinking that would be all I’d see and with time ticking away I made my way back to the car when a little orange blur shot across the path. A Small Copper, possibly one of the pair from the previous week, still hanging in there and still looking in pretty good nick. A few rapid shots were all that I had time for but luckily it sat quite nicely on a dead grass blade even opening its wings once I’d gotten a few closed wing shots.
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Shots done I set off homewards. There’s a definite feel of things winding down now...
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Although its winding down, some nice Small Copper shots again Wurzel :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

A lovely shot of the closed wing SC Wurzel - the background really sets it off too.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike and Pauline for your kind comments :D
I'll catch up eventually...

Larkhill Thurs 10-10-2013

On a gorgeous Thursday morning I thought it might be worthwhile making a quick stop-off at Larkhill. The weather forecast was for it to get even better but as I was having someone round to look at reversing my stairs I wouldn’t be able to stop.
I headed straight to the patch of Golden Rod but there was nothing there so then worked my way along the Golden Rod that lined the car park. I walked backwards and forwards a long it checking and on the third pass something didn’t look right. As I leant in I realised that it was a roosting Small Copper and the reason why I hadn’t spotted it was its unusual posture. I’m used to seeing them side on head facing down or sticking up like a shark fin but this one was roosting on the horizontal. When I went to take a photo of it I could stand directly over it rather than having to kneel to get to the same level. As well as the usual closed wing shots I also managed to take a few close up and face on and it reminds me of the bug character voiced by Hugh Laurie in “Monsters vs Aliens”.
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After a little time with this individual I looked up from the viewfinder and there less than a metre to my right was another. It must have moved out from where it was hiding behind a leaf as it definitely wasn’t there on my first few walk-bys. As I took my shots it looked like it was completing its morning stretches. Ablutions over it sat warming in the early morning sun and I couldn’t help wondering if either of these were the same individuals that I’d seen on Friday? They certainly seemed more worn than the Coppers from Friday which were pretty fresh and I’m not sure they could get that tired looking over a matter of days?
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Checking my watch I realized that I’d already been here for five minutes so shots on the card I took the 6 steps back to the car and then carried on to work. So far it’s been a cracker of a year at Larkhill and it’s been like the gift that keeps on giving.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Millbrook 22-10-2013

For almost a fortnight I didn’t get a chance to stop off at Larkhill or indeed check out anywhere for butterflies. The weather conspired against me as did work but the main reason was the fact that my niece was rushed to hospital on the day of her 6 week scan as she had serious heart complications. This meant that butterflying went out of the window while we rallied round and supported their family. While my niece was in Southampton Hospital recovering from open heart surgery I dropped my wife off so she could visit her twin and niece but I couldn’t go in as the hospital was restricting the number of visitors. Instead I parked close by and took walk around the local area.

Unfortunately the nearest “wild” area was Millbrook Cemetry but not really being superstitious (apart from having a lucky hat) I didn’t read anything into it and set off to examine the dead centre of Southampton. As I wandered through the gate a Sparrowhawk circled above so I headed into the cemetery glad to be back in touch with nature as it were.
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Then the rain hit and hit hard! Luckily I found a large tree to stand beneath and it kept all the rain away so I could watch as the rain lashed down like a sheet of water, it felt a little like hiding behind a waterfall. As I continued to shelter under a tree a few orangey Moths flitted about avoiding the raindrops and staying even out of Hideandseek stilt range. As the rain eased and the sun came out for a time I carried on round on my way hoping that I might catch a butterfly basking but it wasn’t to be until I had almost reached the end of a circuit. Then a Speckled Wood made my day; fluttering by and settling just for me. It was quite pale and faded most noticeably round the creams spots. However it still had a good covering of hair on the thorax giving it the look of being wrapped up ready for winter.
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It was soon joined by a Buff-tailed Bumble bee and then various Hoverflies and Wasps by the bucket load as well as a new species of Hoverfly for me. All were hanging around the large Ivy bushes that were dotted around the stones near the entrance of the cemetery. A larger dark butterfly flew by which I guessed was a Peacock.
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As I headed back to pick my wife up I reached the car and the heavens opened in another torrential downpour and as I was early I sat in the car with a coffee musing how the rain showers aside it could almost have been early spring with Bees and very few butterflies. It’ll be a long time until the spring proper...

Have a goodun


P.S. - my niece is now out of hospital and is back home, screaming and crying like any other 2 month old :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Glad your niece is ok Wurzel :D Like your last shot of the raindrop on the ivy and the lone Specklie.


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Paul Wetton
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Wetton »

Hi Wurzel

The fly looks like a Conopid Fly, not sure of the species but the antennae are joined together indicating a Conopid.

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Cheers Paul
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D It's getting to that time if year when you've got to advantage of any photo opportunity that arises :wink:

Cheers for the ID tip Paul I'll have to take a closer look :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Stourhead 29-10-2013

Back at the end of September we were visited by all my sisters in law and their children. So on one of the days, after The Storm, some of us rendezvoused at Stourhead to enjoy the autumnal glow. I wasn’t expecting to see any butterflies but I was looking forward to perhaps a few fungi and the stunning gold, red and orange colours.

We started with the standard circular walk around the lake, past ‘Kieras’ bridge’ and towards the grotto. On the way amongst conversation and watching the kids playing together I found a few things to photograph. A Common Darter was holding territory still by the slow waterfall. We had to abandon the woodland walk as some of the trees had come down across the path. My suggestion of lifting my niece’s buggy and climbing over them didn’t go down too well mind you she’d only been out of hospital for two days. However, I found a few fungi to photograph including one which looks remarkably like something else :shock: . Down nearer to the lake a few more Darters were around but most stayed too far away to get any decent shots. I was just turning to catch up with the others when a gent sitting on the bench asked me if I was trying to photograph the dragonflies, he then pointed to his jeans and there was another Darter resting on his shin. After a few photos I thanked him and caught the rest of the hoard up before they entered the grotto.
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What the hell!
What the hell!
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As we were walking the second half of the circle a dark butterfly took off from the top of the hedge where it must have been basking for all it was worth in the weak sun and flew across the lake. I couldn’t relocate it so wasn’t able to get a photo but it served as a reminder to keep my eyes open. And almost immediately I found a caterpillar crawling across the path, which wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for but was better than nothing.
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As we walked out of the entrance/exit I noticed a hurdle fence on the bank behind the kiosk. As I looked closer at it something took off as my eyes landed on it but I did see another Red Admiral which landed on the corner of the guest house just long enough for me to raise my camera. When I focused it was gone too. I always thought that butterflies in the autumn were supposed to be more approachable!
After lunch we headed back to the grounds and whilst the rest headed off to climb the hill to Apollo’s Tower I checked out the area by the entrance. I asked the lady in the booth and she said I could have a closer look so I climbed up to examine the hurdle fence. There were 3 Commas basking but it was hard work steadying my camera with one hand whilst the other held onto an exposed root – the only thing stopping my going with gravity back down the slope. In the end I managed a few shots of one of the Commas the best of which below.
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Then we went to the house and went through the walled garden to get there. At the top terrace I was stopped in my tracks by a gorgeous Small Tortoiseshell, gloriously capturing the afternoon sun as it pirouetted around a lemon coloured flower. I went a bit snap mad as I didn’t know when I’d see the like again – possibly not for another 5 months, Bob aside that is.
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After an animal search, dressing up, some piano playing and art admiring in the house we headed back to the cars and went our separate ways after a fantastic day :D .
Last shot of the day
Last shot of the day
Have a goodun


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False Apollo
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Re: Wurzel

Post by False Apollo »

Hi Wurzel,
Particularly loved the Small Tortoiseshell on the lemon yellow flower, nice contrast, and the brown Fungus. That fungus looked so real I thought I could have touched it. Stourhead looks like a great place for a family day out, nice variety of wildlife. Perhaps I can get my family to go there as it is not that far from where I live.


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Nick Broomer
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Nick Broomer »

Lovely photos again Wurzel, especially the Small Torts on the yellow flowers, which totally compliments the butterfly. :D

All the best, Nick.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D I can heartily recommend it for a visit as well as Kingston Lacey (a lot nearer to you).
Cheers Nick, I was dead chuffed with those shots, very serendipitous they were, the light was just right and the butterfly was so fresh :D

What with the Social yesterday I got slightly behind and totally missed my December posting...so here it is now, whilst it's still the 1st, Happy Advent!
12 Calendar 2013 Dec.jpg
Have a goodun


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False Apollo
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Re: Wurzel

Post by False Apollo »

Hi Wurzel,
Yes Kingston Lacey is very near to where I live. I used to warden on the estate a few years ago when I did a summer stint for the National Trust while I was studying countryside management at Kingston Maurward college. Nice to walk around and explore Badbury Rings in the summer, but I spent a lot of time on a Kubota cutting the grass in the main house grounds. Hopefully I can make the next social and meet yourself and other UK Butterflies contributors.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,

I am also loving the series of the Small Tortoiseshell on the yellow flower, great images :D



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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Keep 'em coming, Wurzel. I'm interested to know what you saw in November!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Neil - that shot still cheers me up now :D
Cheers David but not really that much to tell from November and with this posting I've now caught up :( But then there is the retrospectives, the lost posts,Bob, some Moths and Exotics :wink:

Quick stop in old garden 30-10-2013

The day before Halloween all the other Sisters In-laws had headed home leaving just my wife’s twin and my new niece so we headed round for a visit as my girls wanted to see her now that she was out of hospital and well on the mend. After a catch-up chat and a quick coffee I made my way out to the garden to check the damage wrecked from the storm. Once at the top there was surprisingly little with just the odd twig and what was even more surprising was how many of the apples were still on the tree I’d expected the gales to have stripped it bare. While I was looking over my handiwork from a few weeks previously I saw a Red Admiral basking on the topsoil. It let me approach it and after a few shots it angled itself to catch the sun just right, turning the black wing margins a stunning electric blue.
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As I left this individual to bask in peace I watched another Red Admiral fly by and land promptly where it started feeding on the windfall apples. This was something I was aware of but I’d not seen for myself before so instead of trying to get closer for some shots I knelt down and watched. It would flutter around about 30 cm high until it caught sight of or smelt a likely apple. Then it would land and with wings open it would tip toe over the top the apple occasionally uncoiling its proboscis and lowering it to the skin of the apple. Eventually it would reach one that had a bruise or a tear and it would settle and start feeding. I took a few shots just as a reminder of the behaviour.
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While I was enthralled by this a Brimstone fluttered by, circled and landed in the tree at head height. I couldn’t believe my luck. It did seem tired with slightly torn wings but a late October Brimstone isn’t to be sneezed at.
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While I left yet another butterfly in peace I was visited by another, the third Red Admiral. This one had obviously noted the basking behaviour on the ground of the first, the taking of rotting apples by the second so had decided to do something different. It invited me to a game of hide and seek, never moving from within the branches of the Apple tree, hiding behind leaves and peering out at me every now and again, flying from one branch to another.
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Finally as I made my way back down the garden and inside for a coffee the original was still there, basking where I’d left it so I thought I better take a few more shots as this could be my last butterfly of the year.
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Despite this nice collection of butterflies it wasn’t as good as last year when I recorded a maximum of seven Red Admirals in the garden compared to the three this year. And as it turned out this was the penultimate butterfly of the year (to date) so that final photograph was justified. What to do now for the next four months? I’ll have to have a look back over the year I guess... :wink:

Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Nick Broomer »

Lovely report and photos Wurzel. :D I especially like your behaiour shots of the Red Admirals feeding on the windfallen apples, always nice to see something different, great. :D

All the best, Nick.

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David M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Must admit, I'm still caught up in the maelstrom caused by the passage of time.

Momentarily, my pupils dilate when I see Wurzel's images until I realise they were taken over a month ago!!

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