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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bath Uni 25-09-2013

To say the weather was changeable over the last few days which I’ve posted about is a bit of an understatement. Following on from cold, wet and windy weather and only a soaked Common Blue the next day got warmer and drier as the morning progressed. I had to drive to Bath Uni for work and somehow I managed to get through both Devizes and Bath city centre without the usual delays or Snails’ pace. So I arrived 10 minutes earlier than planned and with knocking off 5 minutes of my lunch that meant 15 minutes to walk up to the golf course to see what was about. This is a risky business as the route takes you past the where students dwell :lol:
I had literally just set foot onto the woodland path when I spied a Peacock basking in a sunbeam. It had landed perfectly so that it was being picked out by a ray shining through the canopy. It was as if it was hogging the spotlight. As I crept up on it I noticed that one of its antennae appeared to be missing. It always surprises me the wounds that butterflies seem to suffer.
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Up near the top of the path where it is more wooded I stumbled across a pair of Specklies. They were very flighty, so much so in fact that I only one shot of one and three of the other. The first shot was a write off as when I checked it on the screen it just showed a brown blur that is a Specklie mid take off. Luckily one of the others was in focus as it rested on a nettle leaf. However it too was long gone in a very short space of time.
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Up on the golf course there were a few Whites in the distance bombing along but I didn’t want to risk concussion from golf balls so I didn’t stray from the path. In the end I’d walked a good couple of hundred metres round the edge of the course so with time ticking ever onwards and a distinct lack of activity I decided to retrace my steps. This proved to be a good move as on the way back I encountered another pair of Specklies (not in the wood unusually) and a Red Admiral. Frustratingly the Admiral wouldn’t close its wings entirely so I couldn’t get a nice closed wing shot that I was after. The best I could do was three quarters shut.
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Nice stuff Wurzel, I'm glad it wasn't the end, great shots and shows just what butterflies can endure :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D It's always a bit hit or miss during this time of year isn't it and when you do see butterflies it's always a little bit more special.

Larkhill 27-09-2013

Another naughty stop off but as the weather was on the turn (again :roll: ) I thought that it had to be this afternoon else I might not get the chance over the weekend. It felt like the end of an era as I could only find one Blue remaining on the Golden Rod. As if to make up for it he was very obliging, moving slowly from one pose to another, letting me get the shots before trying another with a gentle transition between the two. Despite this amicable showing he was well past his best definitely a case of substance over a style. I was also upset that I couldn’t find my aberrant mate and set to wondering whether it was the weather from a few days previously that had seen him shuffle off his mortal coil?
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However my sombre musings were cut short as there was a beautifully fresh Small Copper amongst the Golden Rods. It moved at one point to a dead twig which seemed to show it off to better effect as it held its wings open wide to catch the afternoon sun. I think it’s a she judging by the swollen, more rounded abdomen? I can’t explain why or how but I felt uplifted by this tiny little insect, dressed in its finest livery persevering on when all others have given up.
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So gone are the blue skies of summer to replaced with the coppers of Autumn...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Five Rivers 29-09-2013

Over the last of September I managed a quick trip out on the Sunday before another hectic week at work was upon me. It feels like this year we have hit the ground sprinting and there doesn’t seem to be any let up in the near future. Despite the sun there was a nip in the air and it felt like the year was past its prime. There were a few whites around as well as Specklies but nothing was stopping. So it wasn’t until I got round to the approach of the banks that I connected with my target species for the day - an autumnal Comma. It was very obliging and as I didn’t know whether this would be the last of the year I made the most of the opportunity it presented to me with open and closed wing shots.
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After a brief flight having been spooked by a passing White it settled back down but was now quite fitful so I only managed a few snatched shots as it worked along the brambles at the edge of the copse. This provided me with some different shots including one that shows the wings half in shade and half not and a cracking camo shot which I should have saved for my “Hunt the...” posting.
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Further along the banks the Buddleia seemed the best bet and so I set up camp for a bit there, every now and again raising myself up onto the balls of my feet so I could crane my neck towards the back of the bush. My vigil paid off with 3 more Comma, a Large and Small White and a Small Tort. However whilst stretching enabled me to see the butterflies I couldn’t get any decent shots as they were too far away and in order to see them I lost all stability. Next time I’ll have to remember to approach from below, though the cutting in the hedge so I can creep up on the bush more.

A Brimstone passed me by later as a wandered as well as a few more whites, a Red Admiral and a Peacock but nothing was settling. It felt like everything was in a rush to get things done before it was too late. Finally just as I was about to leave a White actually stopped long enough for me to fire off 2 shots. Then it was gone again and so I made my way home. I’m not sure if I’ll get back to this site this year and I feel like I’ve neglected it slightly however I wasn’t able to make my weekly call in as my older daughter doesn’t attend Rainbows anymore and I suppose I’ve shifted my attentions to Larkhill. Still I’ll try a little harder here next year.
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Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Nick Broomer »

Lovely report and photos as usual Wurzel. :D Would you like to borrow my stilts?, to get some of those shots just out of reach. :wink: :roll: But whats with the photo of deadish Blackberries. :wink:

All the best Nick.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by essexbuzzard »

Dead blackberries? There is a closed wing Comma on there!

Shows how good the camoflage is though!

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzal great photo's once again. :mrgreen:

I've just been looking at your GK in Abberations and I find I've one very like it which I took a photo of in August, my shot's not as good as yours but what do think of the comparison I'd like to know please.

I'd be interested in knowing what it's called as well because I'm still learning :D

I'm going to London though for the weekend (wedding reception) so may not be able to answer you right a way but if you take the trouble thank you.

I won't clutter you with photo's mine 's in Identifiction section Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Nick :D And thank you for the offer of your stilts but I will have to decline as my wife is already thoroughly embarrassed by me and they could be the final straw :shock: :lol:
Cheers Essex :D I'll be doing some Where's the Grayling over the winter so keep those eyes peeled :wink:
Cheers Goldie :D It think you ab is an "excessa" hope that helps (and that it was a great Wedding) :D

11 Calendar 2013 Nov.jpg
Missed these this year, hoping for them next...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Morning Wurzel - just seen your Comma on dead leaves. What a great shot! I have to tell you that in this years BBC Wildlife photographer of the year (or was it the British Wildlife photography awards? - one or t'other anyway) there is a photo not dissimilar to yours and a very effective photo it makes too. For anyone interested in such books I can also strongly recommend The Masters of Nature Photography containing portfolios from masters such as Jim Brandenburg, Frans Lanting and many others. Worth putting on your Xmas list :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Pauline :D I'll have to look up some of those photographers to nick ide... ahem, get some "inspiration" :wink: :lol:

Larkhill 04-10-2013 (Only a month behind :roll: )

After a great week with the blues and the Small Copper previously I was hoping for some more productive stop offs but it didn’t get off to a good start as I didn’t get to stop until the Thursday morning which was dire – wet and windy. I managed to find a sole white low down in the clinging on in there.
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When I stopped off on the way home things were slightly better but only just. There was more light though which meant that finding the butterflies would be easier. I didn’t have to look hard as a Small Copper flew across the Northbound path almost as soon as I’d stepped out of the car. A little bit more searching yielded a second Copper slightly further along the path. So now I’d found something to photograph I thought that it would be a good idea to have a go starting with the first that I’d found. It was the smaller of the two but what it lacked in size it made up for in charisma. It put on a lovely show both on the ground and when it took to the Golden Rod close to the car park.
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Like the Brown Argus before it displayed the same feeding pattern – walking in a circular motion over the tops of the Golden Rod. As it did so I managed to bend my back in just such a way to bring myself level with it to get some nice shots with its legs all over the place.
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As I was starting to make my way back to the car everything happened at once a RA shot by, a LW settled within view and a/another Small Copper appeared/reappeared. For approximately 15 seconds I dithered as I didn’t know which to go for. In the end the Small Copper won out of course! So I approached it carefully as it perched awkwardly amongst the grass. I’d not seen them like this before as normally they have their wings wide open when on a leaf or twig or when they’re flat to the ground. This one was in the same posture by vertical giving it the appearance of standing on the edges of its hind wings, like it was on tip toes.
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It was great to catch up again with this species on what must be its third brood of the year. Now to try and find them roosting, or even better, covered in dew!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

I keep forgetting you're a few weeks behind with your postings, Wurzel.

For a few moments, I thought you were living inside some kind of warm bubble where Small Coppers still thrive!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Nice to see you're still posting great photos Wurzel, the Golden Rod shows the Small Coppers off well.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry David didn't mean to catch you out :oops: Blooming work keeps getting in the way :( Hopefully I'll have caught upby March :lol:

Cheers for your kind comments Mike :D Small Coppers are great value butterflies and this is the first time I've seen them into October :)

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bolderwood 06-10-2013

It was time for my little niece to have her first major outing so both families headed into the Forest and towards Bolderwood. I didn’t expect much as it felt quite cool and autumnal but I took my camera anyway just in case and on the way saw a few Whites and a Red Admiral. So when I pulled into the car park I was feeling quite hopeful and eager to get out and seek out some late butterflies. Almost immediately I spied a pale, creamy orange butterfly fluttering across the small field directly in front of the car park. So while the others wandered over to the picnic area I took a quick stroll in the opposite direction. I had an inkling that it would be a Painted Lady and so it turned out to be. However due to the paucity of nectaring plants it was very flighty and didn’t hang anywhere long. After a few grabbed shots it was not looking good as it had moved off twice so I was on my last chance of getting some shots as I generally follow the “three and leave rule”. Luckily it decided to settle down for a brief bask and after I taken a few shots and noted the slightly ragged appearance I moved off to get back to the others while it remained settled.
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Feeling chuffed with my initial find I joined the others and sat back and enjoyed a picnic lunch. As I was coming to the end of my I poured a coffee and as if by magic a butterfly appeared (I’ve never getting rid of this flask). It was an aged Specklie who was intent on watching me almost as much as I was of watching him. He had the signs of wear on him, looking paler with a few ragged edges. Also he had a fine showing of bluey green hair on his thorax like an aging punk.
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We then started into the wood itself and I noticed lots of great fungi and also a Brimstone, a few whites and at least four more Specklies in one little area. Further along the path I found a neat Peacock. It flew over my head and back up the path that we had taken but a quick jog and then a stalk saw me relocating it. I don’t know if it’s the light at this time of year or whether it’s the wear but Peacocks seem redder in the autumn whereas in the spring they have a slight purplish tinge, almost maroon? After leaving the Peacock in peace I carried on round stopping every now and again to point something out to my girls and their cousin; a fungus here, a Common Darter and another pair of Specklies.
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Having passed the half way mark of the circular route on the sun went in so I focused on the fungi again but also came across a luminous larva – possibly Pale Tussock Moth? Among some nice fungal fruits there were some Fly Agarics with their perfect fairy tale hats. One of them reminded me of Fenella the witch from Chorlton and the Wheelies as it perfectly shaped to be her hat.
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At our final stop off when we were almost round sun came back out as did another couple of Specklies. A Red Admiral bombed by not stopping for anyone let alone a butterfly photographer. However another, or possibly the same Peacock (?) from earlier was much more patient hunkered down on some Bracken. I’d actually headed over to this particular clump in the hope of getting some shots of the Hornets that were flying around in good numbers here but also they were too quick for me, a bit like the blooming Red Admiral that refused to stop for even a milli-second. The Peacock however drifted lazily along and then flopped down in the weak sun, extended its wings and soaked up the last rays of sun.
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It was a great autumnal family walk and in the end not bad for a day for butterflies, especially when I was expecting so little. By the end of the day after checking on Bob I had 9 species which I think is quite respectable for this time of year. At least that’s what I was thinking as I drove home before I started wondering what would be at Larkhill...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Some excellent images of fungi there, Wurzel. Those Fly Agaric are particularly impressive.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David :D Even though I've got a backlog of reports the species count is falling drastically and it's getting to that time if year when I photograph anything :shock: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Wow! Wurzel just had to login to comment on some of your shots which I missed when Houdini and Stanleigh were both very ill. Some of your Small Coppers are really lovely and the aberrant Common Blue with the dew/rain is amazing. I have to tell you tho Wurzel, I have just spotted another of your photos which is just so similar to one in the books previously mentioned. Great minds think alike eh? :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Susie »

Really enjoying your diary, wurzel :)

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Nick Broomer
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Nick Broomer »

Excellent photos of both butterflies and the fungi/toadstools etc, Wurzel. Keep them coming. :D As always an enjoyable read.

Your ID of the Pale Tussock larva is correct.

All the best, Nick.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Just catching up on your past couple of posts Wurzel, great reads as usual and love the Small Coppers :D



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