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Neil Freeman
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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Pauline, some great photos in the last few posts. I particularly like the Painted Ladies and Clouded Yellows with the blurred yet obviously natural backgrounds :D

All the best,

Neil F.

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Thank you Neil - not sure you are going to like this one but personally I quite like the effect with the complementary colour scheme:

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

Yes, I do like it :D

I don't dislike the 'butterfly on a stick against a pastel background' type of photo. It is just that there does seem a tendency for a lot of photos to end up looking the same when you keep seeing the same pose against the same background.
There is sometimes a fine line between a photo looking like it was taken in the natural world and one that looks like it was taken in a studio. In my opinion Pauline, your photos always have the natural look to them.
Just my humble opinion of course and I am well aware that others tastes are totally different to mine. Its the differences that keeps things interesting :D

All the best,

Neil F.

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Bless you Neil, I appreciate your comments. I really needed cheering up today and you have done it. My tortoise (Houdini) whom I have had for 30 years has been diagnosed with a diffuse pneumonia. He is currently on antibiotics and come Tuesday will have blood tests and a lung wash :shock: :?: to try to determine the underlying cause which will in turn inform the prognosis.

The end of August is upon us and as such it is time for me to take my leave for another season. I had hoped to bow out in a blaze of Brown Hairstreak shots but it wasn't to be so instead I shall leave with some washed out clouded yellows. I shall still be out and about, eyes open for migrants (honestly Mark, I shall find one and pay my dues :lol: :lol: ). I will be watching your diaries keenly and checking PM periodically - some of you locals have my email and phone no so please don't hesitate to use it and if you are in the Liphook area call in for a cuppa or something a little stronger :D . Back again in May.

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Re: Pauline

Post by MikeOxon »

Cheerio Pauline and I look forward to picking up the thread again in May :) I hope that if you are fortunate to see more rare migrants in the coming few weeks, you will break silence to let us know.

All the best and I hope you get a good prognosis for Houdini. His name suggests he is good at getting out of trouble.


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Re: Pauline

Post by Mark Tutton »

Hi Pauline - hope the tortoise pulls through.
I will still be looking hard for those migrants for the next six weeks and still lots of Clouded Yellows are showing everywhere i look, I have been touring the local lanes looking for Lucerne fields :D
You know I will keep you posted when Pale Clouded Yellow shows up - i'll leave the swallowtail for you.
Best Wishes
Mark :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

Blimey Pauline, I can't believe that this year is passing so quickly, it only seems like yesterday that I read your first post of this year.

All the best for the coming months and I hope Houdini pulls through ok.

Neil F.

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Re: Pauline

Post by David M »

The way things are developing, I think all of us will have to stick around for longer than usual this year.

Normally, my butterfly instinct dissipates quite rapidly during September, but right now I have primed it to remain alert till October at least, as I feel there are exciting things round the corner!

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Re: Pauline

Post by Wurzel »

See you next season Pauline, probably in Bentley for Pearls? I'm sure you'll have to come out of "hibernation" when you get one of those migrants :wink: All the best to Houdini.

Have a goodun


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Paul Harfield
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Re: Pauline

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Pauline

Thanks for all your help and encouragement this year, particularly with getting out in bad weather. Perhaps next year we will actually bump into each other at some point. I look forward to reading your diary again in May. I have always seemed one step behind you this year, hopefully I will have caught up a bit by next year.

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Re: Pauline

Post by Maximus »

Hi Pauline, some great Clouded Yellow shots to 'finish' up with. I've noticed that some out there are begining to fade, but they have been around a while now :D It only seems five minutes ago you posted your first 'Dukes' of the year, time moves along so fast :( but its been fun :D Hope Houdini is OK?

Mike and Cathy

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Wow! I hadn't seen all of these replies. Thank you so much guys and I am pleased to report that Houdini is still with us :D . Now, I have heard it said that it is a female’s prerogative to change her mind so on that basis (and the fact that I now have a bit of spare time) I have decided to continue with my diary for a while at least.

24 September .......

It was such a fantastic summer and the excitement of so many rare migrants in the South East later in the season really took hold. I could not help but to be caught up in it and although I was not able to see the original LTB migrants sighted at St Margaret’s, I could not resist the lure of a subsequent generation emerging. The journey there should have taken a little over 2 hours but due to heavy fog, road accidents, traffic jams and diversion signs, it was actually some 3.5 hours later that I arrived in the car park. Thanks to excellent directions from Mark Joy I was able to reach the vicinity much more easily than I would otherwise have been able to, and as I set off on the walk along the cliff tops I was joined by 2 locals who were making a second visit to view these migrants.
As we reached Kingsdown Leas one of them pointed to a particular spot and said ‘that’s where we saw the original butterflies’ and lo and behold, there was a male LTB nectaring on one of the few everlasting pea plants that was still flowering. Well, I thought this was going to be easy and wondered what all the fuss was about, with so many folk not being able to find them. However, I only managed a couple of record shots from a distance before the butterfly took off.
I was to learn later from Kipper that the males of this species are particularly skittish and with the temperature now quite warm (11.30am) they were certainly very active. As I looked up I could see Matthew (Oates) approaching, notebook in hand, keeping meticulous records of the LTB’s which were seen on the day. As I explored the site more widely I bumped into Kipper who introduced me to Dave Brown and Trev Sawyer (nice to meet you guys). I returned to where I saw the initial LTB and my attention was immediately caught by a further sighting of a LTB, also nectaring on Everlasting Pea flowers. Until Matthew shouted over to me for confirmation that the butterfly I was looking at was indeed a LTB, I was unaware that there was now a second individual a short distance away – 2 different males being photographed simultaneously only yards apart!

By now there were about 15 enthusiasts scouring the site for this elusive butterfly but subsequent sightings were few and far between, despite the ideal weather conditions. Matthew commented that he had recorded 6 individuals the previous day and expressed some concern that they might have dispersed. However, there were plenty of other butterflies to admire , in particular some very fresh Adonis - and the scenery was simply stunning. At around 2.15pm another male put in an appearance, albeit briefly.
Although this male did not settle for many seconds he repeatedly returned to the same area, on and around a Blackberry bush, giving everyone the chance of some record shots and the opportunity to see just how strong and fast this butterfly is in flight. As far as I am aware there were no females seen whilst I was at this site. However, my other commitments together with a long drive back, meant that I had to start my return journey at 3.15 so it is possible that it may have been recorded later as the weather had become increasingly hot. I had left a bottle of Coke in my car and it was almost too hot to drink so I stopped briefly at the delightful little Tea Rooms at the top of the cliffs for a nice cold drink before starting the long journey back. What a great way to end the season, or so I thought, but there was more to come .........

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

4 October 2013

Made my first ever visit to Fort Cumberland today for a couple of hours to check out the wild fennel for possible Swallowtail larva. Mark (Tuts) had given me excellent directions to this tiny, tucked away place labelled as a nature reserve and indeed it seemed like a little haven amongst a very built up area. I had a little chuckle to myself as I remembered that I'd asked Mark whether he had checked the fennel there for eggs – there was loads of it!!!! I Had a good look for larva but all the plants seemed to be covered in anything but - snails, earwigs, spiders etc etc. With so many potential predators I decided that the possibility of finding anything interesting was quite slim. I searched next for the Everlasting Pea that I’m told was there (somewhere) but I'm not much good with plants when they're alive let alone brown and dying off! Starving by now so got some fish and chips at a little chip shop at the end of the lane (surprisingly good actually) and walked down to the waters edge to share some with the gulls. My heart skipped a beat as a blue butterfly flew past me and landed a couple of feet in front on a yellow flower. It opened its wings to show the pristine upperside of a male Common Blue, presumably a third brood ! The only butterfly I saw all day and I couldn’t even take a photo as my hands were full of fish and chips :roll: .

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Pauline,

Great LTB report and photos, good to see you managed to join the ranks of those that caught up with them :D

All the best,

Neil F.

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Really appreciate your comment Neil - great to hear from you again.

Whilst waiting in for a delivery, what better way to pass the time than to update my diary.

6 October 2013

This morning I made a snap decision to risk a second and final trip to Kingsdown Leas in the hope of seeing a female LTB. Despite setting off over an hour later than my initial visit, I arrived 30 minutes sooner than before, thanks to little traffic and good driving conditions. The sun was shining as I arrived just after 10.00a.m. and as I made my way down to the Leas from the Bokhill monument a small beetle caught my eye as it shone a golden colour in the early sun. Closer inspection revealed the attractive green, red and gold stripes, reminding me of a Christmas decoration. I now know that this is a Rosemary beetle and it is considered a pest.
I continued along the track and noticed huge numbers of birds on the fence and in the fields to my left. I am fairly certain that these were Goldfinches but what astonished me was the size of the flock(s). There must have been about 300-500 birds in the air as they circled around before landing again, something they did each time they were disturbed. I tried to take a photo from a distance to capture this phenomenon but could only manage to get a small section of the flock in the viewfinder:
I arrived on site to find that there were 2 LTB being photographed within yards of each other – a somewhat tatty female and a male in very good condition indeed. I was able to get some shots of the male before turning my attention to the female, which had flown, unnoticed by all, as we waited for some open-winged shots.

I made my way back the way I had come and met Phil Smith who had found a very co-operative pristine male LTB. (Nice to meet you Phil if you happen to read this). Phil generously allowed me to get in close for some shots and we took turns to photograph the butterfly in different positions and on different plants. It frequently moved around but didn’t go far and continued to return to a few favourite places. Consequently, the photos Phil has posted on his web-site are almost identical to mine.
By now we had been joined by several other enthusiasts and the butterfly was becoming restless, flying over the hedge into a private garden before returning a short while later. At one point it flew up onto the only flowering pea plant but stayed only for about a nanosecond as a spider shot out from amongst the petals. The butterfly made his escape but I only had a split second to capture the drama. It is not a good photo but it serves to illustrate well the very good camouflage of both the spider and the butterfly whose wing mimics the dead petal.
The temperature was quite hot by now and folk were joking about the temperatures being good for the end of July! However, the butterflies were now becoming very active and at one point 2 male LTB’s which were involved in a tussle appeared to be joined by a third, but this turned out to be a pristine Adonis.
There were a lot of butterflies around including 2 lovely fresh Clouded Yellow, neither of which stopped and still the LTB continued to chase, this time a Small Copper. I decided to walk to the other end of the site and on the way saw some lovely autumnal Commas and Speckled Wood as well as a few more Adonis:
I walked further along than I had done on the previous occasion and came across a very nice gentleman and his son who had found a pristine female LTB in the grass and although it wasn’t a very photogenic pose I was pleased to get some close-up shots as she sat patiently for perhaps 15 minutes whilst we clicked away. This was a particularly beautiful specimen - she looked like she had just been sprinkled with gold dust.
In an endeavour to coax her to open her wings we agreed to put some shadow over her but this didn’t persuade her to show her upper side. Quite suddenly she flew but I was convinced she hadn’t gone far and I was able to locate her again. As before, she allowed us to take numerous shots but ........ there is always a bit of grass in the way, whichever direction the camera is angled.
At last, in frustration and impatience, some of those present used scissors to snip away some of the grass stems. The butterfly decided enough was enough. She opened her wings for a split second allowing me a glimpse of her immaculate upper side and then flew over a bramble bush so it was impossible to see where she had landed. I did not think she had gone far so the search continued. As we were looking for the LTB I came across several spiders and felt sorry for the creature parceled up in this web.
Scrutinising every blade of grass in an attempt to once again locate the LTB I managed to find and photograph several of these moths which I was informed was a migrant, a Vestral moth, and so attractive with the red stripe.
Whilst waiting for the female LTB to open her wings I chatted to a really nice couple who I now know to be Paul Wetton and Helen. I hope your cat made a speedy recovery Helen – I can certainly empathise as my old cat has had numerous problems including a broken pelvis. I am so pleased that after all the mileage you did you eventually managed to film the LTB Paul.
I had been on site for just over 4 hours by now and regrettably my time was up so I started to make my way slowly towards the monument, keeping my eyes peeled, just in case! I did not see another LTB but I did see this cricket and an interesting caterpillar, neither of which I have been able to identify.
As I took my leave, for what would probably be the last time, I said a reluctant farewell to a site which has provided many folk with great deal of pleasure.

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Paul Wetton
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Re: Pauline

Post by Paul Wetton »

Some fabulous photos of the LTBs Pauline. I'm quite jealous of them.

Shame I didn't recognise you as I think I was standing directly behind you when the shadow was put on the female LTB. I guess I was too transfixed by the LTBs. Shame she didn't open her wings as I didn't get a shot of an open winged female. Didn't get any real decent video of any to be honest.

I was just glad to see the LTBs after several attempts.

Nice to see some more of your diary.

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Cheers Paul
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Re: Pauline

Post by MikeOxon »

I'm very pleased that you decided to 'break silence' to share these splendid photos. That shot of the spider attack is really quite remarkable!


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Paul Wetton
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Re: Pauline

Post by Paul Wetton »

Hi again Pauline

Just to let you know I think your Cricket is probably a female Long-winged Conehead. Cone shaped head and long wings surprisingly. The ovipositor is also fairly straight. This is much more scimitar shaped in the Short-winged Conehead.

Flossie (the cat) is doing quite well at the moment, thanks for asking, she may need a hip replacement in the future though, so time to start saving up I guess.

Hope to hear some more from you if you have any more photos to show us.

All the best.

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Cheers Paul
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Re: Pauline

Post by mud-puddling »

Some excellent LTB shots here Pauline. Looks like you found some in pristine condition. I think we met briefly at Southwick? Regards, Leigh

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

I'm really pleased to hear that Flossie is making good progress Paul and thank you very much for the id - much appreciated. I'm pleased you like my photos too but sorry to hear you didn't get the footage you had hoped for. It was great seeing them tho' wasn't it and just being part of the atmosphere and excitement made it a very special day. Now that I know who you are Paul, when our paths next cross (perhaps Chiddingfold?) we shall be able to have a proper chat :D .

Great to hear from you Mike and pleased you liked that particular photo. It is a pity it is not all in focus but I was really lucky to get anything at all as it was over in a split second so I am well pleased.

I was astonished to read your comment Leigh as only minutes before I was admiring your LTB photos in the gallery and wondering who 'mud-puddling' was! The open-winged shot with the black berries complimenting the butterfly's markings has to be one of my favourites - so beautifully composed, but I also like the shot with the twirly bit of pea in the background.This idea of name badges is really beginning to grow on me as I would have loved to have chatted with you at Southwick (there were several folk there I didn't recognise). I noticed MO was wearing a badge at Kingsdown but perhaps that was because it was NT land and he was there in an official capacity. Anyway Leigh, thank you so much for the compliment and if you should see me again please let me know who you are. Report from Southwick a bit later.

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