Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzal for your comments but it looks like we're not going to be so lucky up here with the weather this week-end, we'll be under a blanket of cloud according to the local forcast, I've been busy getting things I'd to do out of the way as well, anyway, can't grumble i've had a good year, I got three knew BF to add to my photo's this year and what a pleasure it was to see so many after the dismal weather we've had for the last two years, I hope you get more Pic's to show us Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by MikeOxon »

Goldie M wrote:it's going to be great trying it out on the birds this winter
You seem to be having a good time with the lens already - those Small Tort photos are pretty good :)

Having a new piece of kit can be a great stimulus, so I hope you enjoy your photography this Winter.


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Mike sorry I've not answered sooner but I've had no time for computing I've been in the garden with the new len's taking shots of Small Tortoiseshell's, we've had loads every day this week even in the dull weather, as soon as the sun came out so did the Speckled wood Comma's and STS it's been great :D

I'm glad you think I'm improving , coming from you that's fantastic, you've made my day :lol:

This winter I'm going to Pennington Flash, you can always be sure of some thing different there Bird wise, also in my garden we get loads of birds so I wouldn't exactly say roll on Winter, but our pastime certainly helps to get through it .Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

What a week this as been, I've just got through recording my photo's of Butterflies in my garden also at Martin Mere when to my delight the Red Admiral's started to appear in my garden, It's been great :D

Yesterday we decided to go to Fleetwood , the weather was great 20c. We arrived at Wyre Valley CP and took the longer walk towards Fleetwood along the banks of the Wyre, I thought at first that we'd see very little, then a small patch of Yellow flowers caught my eye and there was a Small Copper, just off the car park on the way back a small wall with loads of Autumn Glory was covered in Small Tortoiseshells's , Red Admiral's, Comma's even a few white's , those photo's I've still to process but I've put My Speckled Wood shot taken at MM and my Comma's from the Back Garden, also a shot of a Tortoiseshell I liked because of the way it's wings caught the light Goldie :D
Speckled Wood MM 21st Sept 2013 IMG_3062.JPG
Comma BG 27th Sept 2013 IMG_3240.JPG
Comma BG 24th Sept 2013 IMG_3181.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell 22nd Sept 2013 IMG_3126.JPG

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

I like that Small Tortoiseshell too, it's great as it has lots of interest - close-up, you can see the hairs and the glimpse of stained glass windows :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I can see what you mean Wurzal about Stained Glass windows :D

I must be strange because I tend to like the things in photo's that are differant, I have enjoyed the Red Admiral's over the last few days' today being the exception weather wise not many butterflies seen.

About March this year I bought a perennial Wall flower, in April I thought I'd lost it but there it was when the Snow went, it's turned out to be one of the best Plants I've had in the garden for Butterflies, not only that but it's still in flower, May to Oct is very good I'd say.

It's attracted butterflies of all kinds even the Red Admirals like it . :D

I thought I'd put one are two shot's of my garden on it makes a change, also my Tortoiseshell taking off for the evening.

My First shot is a RA on my Wall Flower Goldie :D
Red Admiral BG 29th Sept 2013 IMG_3374.JPG
Red Admiral BG 29th Sept 2013 IMG_3384.JPG
BG 24th September 2013 IMG_3174.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell taking off BG 28th Sept 2013 IMG_3310.JPG
Red Admiral BG 28th Sept 2013 IMG_3303.JPG
Red Admiral BG 29th Sept 2013 IMG_3383.JPG

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Re: Goldie M

Post by MikeOxon »

I agree with Wurzel; that Small Tort shot is very striking. It's a tricky type of shot to achieve but the back-lighting on the hairs has worked really well and made for an unusual and interesting shot.

I like several of your garden shots too - especially that Red Admiral on the pink flower head. The strong colours and the contrast between the red on the butterfly and the pink of the flower is very effective.

Please keep showing your 'different' pics :D


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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

I like that last photo of the Tortoiseshell taking off - you can see it hasn't even had time to wind its proboscis back in again! You really get a feeling of movement from the shot.


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Hoggers »

Hi Goldie, smashing photographs. You're lucky to be seeing Red Admirals - they've been very thin on the ground all year down in Kent. And I really love those big yellow and black flowers in your garden: can you tell me what they are please?

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Debbie »

Great pictures :)


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your comments everybody it's really great to get some feed back like that, makes you think ,"May be,just may be, your on the right track" :D

Debbie, I saw your photo in the Comp for Summer, I wondered why although the photo was good you didn't put in your one of the Silver Studded Blue with the Ants all over it ? I loved that. keep in touch :)

Hogger's those yellow flowers are called" Rudabeckers " I could be wrong on the spelling, they flower usually late August Sept ,Oct, just in time for the late Butterflies RA love them, as do all the other late Butterflies.

Dave that was a lucky shot, I was filming it when it decided to fly , lets hope I can get a few more shots like it. :lol:

Thanks a lot Mike for your comments and hope fully I'll get the chance to set up more pic;s if we've got the weather this week end :D

It's got to rain today some time, but I was in the garden this morning and back came the Comma, STS and the RA, I'd to go out but did manage a couple of shots :D Thanks again every one Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

In the garden this morning it was bright yet cloudy, that's how it's been all day on and off, I did see the comma again and couldn't resist taking a couple of shots which I've posted. :D

I couldn't help but compare the weather to what it was like in July, lovely Sun sets at night and the warmth which seemed to wrap itself around you, ah! it's no good thinking about it at least I took some shots of the STS sitting in the garden with the Sun lighting up their wings, has for now I suppose we're lucky to still be getting 16c with tomorrow a little better at 19c, hope that's not accompanied by rain or cloud like today Goldie :D
Small Tortoiseshell BG 25th July 2013 IMG_2308.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell BG 25th July 2013 IMG_2309.JPG
Comma BG 5th Oct 2013 IMG_3431.JPG
Comma BG 5th Oct 2013 IMG_3438.JPG

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That shot of the ST taking off is a cracker :D :mrgreen: and your Commas from today are pretty lush as well Goldie :D Hope the weather is conducive tomorrow.

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzal for your comments I like that one too :D Let's hope I get some more flukes like that Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

We've been lucky so far this week, although it's been much colder we've still had the Butterflies mostly RA and TSs but also a Small White .

I've been wondering a bout a Red Admiral I saw on Tuesday in the back garden, at first I thought because of it's size it was a Tortoiseshell , I was amazed when I saw it was a RA. It was similar in every way to the Admiral but much ,much smaller in size, when a another Admiral arrived you could see the difference right a way and when the larger one went after the small one and chased it off ,I was more intrigued , it didn't take too long to arrive back but avoided the larger one.

I took a few shots to try to show the difference in there size needless to say they didn't stay put very long too near each other so it turned out to be a real pantomime trying to get the shots :D

I've checked my BF books and they all say the Admiral's Male and Female are the same size, I'm wondering now if this could be some thing do with the weather we seem to blame the weather for every thing it was bad in April though so you never know Goldie :D
Red Admiral's BG 8th Oct 2013 IMG_3571.JPG
Red Admiral's BG 8th Oct 2013 IMG_3569.JPG
Red Admiral's BG 8th Oct 2013 IMG_3558.JPG

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I was hoping I'd see some more Butterflies this weekend but it looks like the cold weather has finally got them to hibernate so these may be my last photo's for 2013, of course you never know, I'm for ever the optimist :D

I took all the photo's in my back garden , butterflies at this time of year has every one knows come mostly to gardens to refuel for Winter, not much left in the fields etc . ( I'm speaking about my neck of the woods) Goldie :D
Small White BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3609.JPG
Small White BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3606.JPG
Red Admiral BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3595.JPG
Red Admiral BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3597.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3605.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell BG 10th Oct 2013 IMG_3603.JPG

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie,

Glad to see that you are still seeing some butterflies :D

Wet and windy and downright dark and gloomy around by me this weekend :(

All the best,


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Neil, I took the photo's on the 10th Oct nothing since then though. I've being seeing some every day since Oct came in, feels funny to look out and there's nothing, still that's what the seasons are all about, :D Take care Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I said in my last posting I was optomistic, about seeing more BF, so I was thrilled when on Tuesday the 15th of Oct I looked out and saw movement once more in the flower beds :D

The STS were back again not in too good a condition except for one which was a little darker than the other's and the yellow you usually see was not there it looked in decent shape though.

I was taking shot's of the the Torortoiseshell's when this Peacock arrived he was slightly faded but very active I thought all the PC had dissapeared in Sept , we'd not seen a single one the whole of Sept , so I was pleased to see this one faded or not :D

Since then although we've had lots of rain the weather's remained mild, so you never know, :D Goldie
Small Tortoiseshell BG 15th Oct 2013 IMG_3681.JPG
Small Tortoiseshell BG 15th Oct 2013 IMG_3629.JPG
Peacock&Small Tortoiseshell BG 15th Oct 2013 IMG_3643.JPG
Peacock BG 15th Oct 2013 IMG_3645.JPG

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Hoggers »

Goldie, the colours in your photographs just blow me away (especially on yet another wet,dull miserable day!) They're a real treat!

Thanks for letting me know the name of your gorgeous yellow flowers. I Googled "Rudebaker" and got something about a " Rude Baker" (the things a Google search can turn up can be rather alarming!) But I eventually got to "Rudbeckia" which is otherwise called "Black Eyed Susan" and it seems to be the flower you've got so I've ordered some. They really are a joy to behold at this time of year when my garden at least is looking a bit drab.

Best Wishes


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