Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

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Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Willrow »

I've just read a news report in Wildlife Extra (Webzine) that children in the Nelson/Tasman area of New Zealand are being paid a $10 bounty for every Large White they can kill during a defined period that happens to coincide with the school holidays. The Large White is known as the Great White in NZ and has only recently been identified as a potential pest species in an area that grows cress and other brassicas. In the event of anyone killing a Small White by mistake, that's okay because their pests as well, but there's no $10 bounty, instead all 'killers' of Small Whites will be entered into a 'bonus' prize draw :shock:

Just use your search engine and check out this shocking topic in the News section of Wildlife Extra. I'm utterly astounded that any civilised country could pay it's kids to kill butterflies...even pest species.

Bill :(

PS. Apologies if this story has already been reported on UK Butterflies I've not had time to keep up with the Forum threads recently.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Padfield »

I agree with you Willrow - pest control by paying children to go on killing sprees is a pretty desperate measure. It would have upset me when I was a child. Whether it will work seems highly questionable too - you don't need many large whites to escape the net (just one would do the trick ...) for the population to live and fight another year. And you can't do this every year, or canny kids will be setting up large white farms for cash!

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

Well, just when you thought reality couldn't be perverted any more: ... r-for-kids

My butterflying interests aside, I find it incredulous that a government body in one of the world's top 30 developed countries could offer financial inducements for children to go out and slaughter wildlife.

God knows, kids these days (mainly as a result of video games) are desensitised to killing far, far more than is healthy, and the worrying aspect is that if they see their supposed role models actually advocating it sufficiently enthusiastically in the REAL WORLD to the point where they're prepared to effectively EMPLOY them to indulge in such slaughter as a LEISURE pastime, then one can only conclude that if, when these kids become adults several years down the line, the incidence of violent crime rises significantly, then society as a whole will have to reflect on the wholly irresponsible messages sent out when these people were infinitely more impressionable.

I know Large Whites can be a pest, but these measures are stoking up potentially serious problems for the future.


PS - Guy, as ever, is spot on in his analysis. If kids KNOW they can make easy money out of killing defenceless insects, then the last thing they're going to do is kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

There's bound to be some who actually start BREEDING Large Whites and selling the newly emerged adults either to their friends for a cut of the bounty, or merely killing these creatures themselves to claim the full amount.

Christ, a savvy child with an interest in rearing could make thousands here! WTF are these government officials doing? They actually risk making the situation WORSE, and if that will indeed be the case, then they've only themselves to blame for their folly.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Willrow »

Valid points gentlemen.

I see that this is a 2.6 million dollar 'initiative' spread over two years, this is a directive from the New Zealand governments Department of Conservation...yep, that's right they actually use the conservation word to describe themselves.

Incidentally I have some very close friends living in NZ and I've just had some feedback from them on this appalling initiative and it appears that the opposition to it has already started, whether this is only money motivated opposition or conservation or morally driven remains to be seen. You can read some of the early comments from New Zealanders on the link that David has given above.

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Rogerdodge »

How bonkers - next thing we know we will have our government paying people to kill badgers!

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by badgerbob »

I'll have to keep my head down!!!
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

badgerbob wrote:I'll have to keep my head down!!!
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Wurzel »

Isn't this an introduced species anyway? I think I read somewhere that it was first "found" in 2010 and so has reached pest proportions in only three years. As well as eating commercial crops it is also a threat to native species as well so in order to conserve the natural ecosystems shouldn't this be allowed (the control of an invasive introduced species, not paying kids to kill wildlife). Another musing - more home grown food in New Zealand means less imports so less emissions - surely a good thing? Just wondering so please don't bite my head off...

However I'm not sure about the credentials of the small white so am concerned with the deaths caused by misidentification and I totally disagree with the methods used.

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

If they wish to eradicate them, then I have no problem with that. It's just the means that I object to.

Personally, I'd love to wipe Himalayan Balsam from the British landscape, but in reality it has now established itself and there is practically no hope of getting rid of it (rather like rabbits in Australia - bounties were paid but here we are years later and there are STILL millions of them).
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Willrow »

We've managed to live with the 'summer snowflake' ad-infinitum in the UK and we also grow the same (or similar) brassica species that our Pieris need, I have allotment owning mates that go to great lengths to cage off their plants from our whites, but I've asked them if they would like to live in a country without our 'summer snowflakes' and they begrudgingly answer nay. I understand the New Zealand governments concerns about this introduced species and the associated problems it poses, but I believe their answer to the problem is abhorrent and utterly ill conceived, it could do for New Zealand conservation credulity what Attila the Hun did for world peace credulity :twisted:

Wurzel we are a community of friends here on UK Butterflies and I would never 'bite your head off'...'pull your leg' certainly :lol:...but 'bite your head off' never, I respect your views, they appear well considered.


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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by JKT »

David M wrote:God knows, kids these days (mainly as a result of video games) are desensitised to killing far, far more than is healthy, and the worrying aspect is that if they see their supposed role models actually advocating it sufficiently enthusiastically in the REAL WORLD to the point where they're prepared to effectively EMPLOY them to indulge in such slaughter as a LEISURE pastime, then one can only conclude that if, when these kids become adults several years down the line, the incidence of violent crime rises significantly, then society as a whole will have to reflect on the wholly irresponsible messages sent out when these people were infinitely more impressionable.
Somehow I find this rather far-fetched. The part about farming I DO believe. :lol:
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by hilary »

Back in the 60s when I was a child my friend's grandad used to pay a happenny for every squashed White delivered to him. I vaguely remember my dad trying to point out the differences between whites to them but to no avail. Female Orange Tips and GVWs must have been among the casualties as any White was quarry and only looked at after being squashed.

Back then I was a butterfly fan and my friend (an otherwise lovely child who was, as far as she was concerned, only helping her Granddad) and her siblings probably did a lot more when I wasn't with her but obviously didn't dent the White population. In hindsight I hope there wasn't a Wood White population around.

Its a hopeless way to control Whites and I hope NZealand has no native Whites as they will suffer too.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

hilary wrote:Back in the 60s when I was a child my friend's grandad used to pay a happenny for every squashed White delivered to him. I vaguely remember my dad trying to point out the differences between whites to them but to no avail. Female Orange Tips and GVWs must have been among the casualties as any White was quarry and only looked at after being squashed.
That's a pertinent point, Hilary. Were such a scheme launched in the UK just think how many innocents would be culled - Small White, Green Veined White, Wood White, female Orange Tip mainly but probably a few males thrown in as well, female Brimstones too in all likelihood.

My real objection though remains people in positions of responsibility leading impressionable youngsters to believe that killing is not only right, but also 'fun'.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Wurzel »

No worries Willrow - I just wanted to be clear that I am in favour of the principle but not the method used (is vile to harsh a word to describe it?). I think it smacks if desperation as they only have 17species of butterfly in New Zealand one of which is the (Small) White. This was first recorded in 1930 and with possibly 6 generations a year on North Island has run riot. Biological control using wasps hasn't helped and is causing problems for the native Red and Yelliw Admirals so I think they haven't a clue what to do about this new "invasion".

I was talking about this at work and one of my colleagues said that she used to get paid per caterpillar collected by her Gran. She didn't kill them though- just sprinkled them over the neighbours fence as she didn't like her and "her hoity toity garden" :shock: :lol:

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

Wurzel wrote:they only have 17species of butterfly in New Zealand
That's a staggering statistic, Wurzel.

Where did this information come from?
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by millerd »

David M wrote:
Wurzel wrote:they only have 17species of butterfly in New Zealand
That's a staggering statistic, Wurzel.

Where did this information come from?
Wikipedia has this info, David:
Not necessarily the definitive source of this sort of thing, but a start.

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by Padfield »

There's also a nice site here:

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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

That's as fascinating as it is unexpected.

I had NO idea New Zealand had so few butterflies.

If ever there was concrete evidence for a recent ice age, then this is it.

I'd honestly have expected NZ to have 100+ species.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by JohnR »

New Zealand has had to contend with a garden escape namely Yellow Ragwort, Senecio jacobaea and one of the early controls, which gave small boys pocket money, was grubbing or hand pulling. Some parts of the islands now use a plume moth, Platyptilia isodactyla as well as the flea beetle as a biological control. When the "Cabbage White" arrived it would not have been unnatural to regard it as a pest and again encourage school children to do their worst.
When I was in my early teens in Kent I was paid by fruit farmers to shoot Bullfinches which were then considered to be a pest in orchards. This year I am delighted to see a pair of the birds regularly visiting a feeder in my garden.
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Re: Children paid bounty to kill Large Whites!!!

Post by David M »

JohnR wrote:When I was in my early teens in Kent I was paid by fruit farmers to shoot Bullfinches which were then considered to be a pest in orchards.
Oh, the folly of humankind. :(
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