BBC Inside Out - High Brown Fritillary Report

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BBC Inside Out - High Brown Fritillary Report

Post by kevling »

For those that may not be aware, BBC's Inside Out (South West Region) have featured the plight of the High Brown Fritillary on their 16th Sept edition of the show.
I found this on BBC iplayer tonight. Well worth a view. (On line for next 3 days only). ... des/player.

Kev Ling
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David M
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Re: BBC Inside Out - High Brown Fritillary Report

Post by David M »

Thanks for posting that link, Kevling. I enjoyed every minute (apart from the "High Brown Fritillary's last stand" remarks).
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Re: BBC Inside Out - High Brown Fritillary Report

Post by selbypaul »

Yes, cheers for posting Kevling.

It's sad but true that the High Brown Fritillary really does appear to be on its way out in the South West. So glad I saw them at Dunsford nearby in 2008, two years before that colony died out :-(
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