August 2013

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Re: August 2013

Post by dilettante »

Jack Harrison wrote: Other software no doubt offers similar functions,
I use Lightroom, which does make it easy, but I find it so hard to press that delete button :D
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Re: August 2013

Post by MikeOxon »

dilettante wrote: I find it so hard to press that delete button :D
Like most things, it's a matter of practice ........ I get lots! :) :) :)

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Re: August 2013

Post by Matsukaze »

Back from a week on Exmoor. Much of my time was spent moth-trapping and looking for dragonflies on the high mires, which are not good butterfly habitat with just Green-veined Whites and the occasional wandering vanessid. Loads of Small Tortoiseshells in the cottage garden though, along with a very worn Silver-washed Fritillary and a confused/depraved male Small Copper which was continually trying to mate with Small Tortoiseshells.

On a walk to Bossington beach we came across Grayling, Dark Green Fritillary and very surprisingly a male Large Skipper, which was in quite a worn state. Records of Large Skipper at the end of August must surely be pretty unusual.
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David M
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Re: August 2013

Post by David M »

Matsukaze wrote:Records of Large Skipper at the end of August must surely be pretty unusual.
At that latitude I'd say they were almost unheard of!
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Jack Harrison
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Re: August 2013

Post by Jack Harrison »

dilettante wrote: I find it so hard to press that delete button :D
I presume you are reluctant to lose forever in case you subsequently change your mind.

I copy the originals. It is from those copies that I delete as appropriate so if I do change my mind later (or make a mistake), all is not lost.

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Ian Pratt
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Re: August 2013

Post by Ian Pratt »

New butterfly seen on the Isle of Wight today- you have heard of the silver Y moth, well here is the blue Z butterfly! :lol:
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Re: August 2013

Post by andy brown »

Here Are few from Wednesday in the New Forrest and Old Winchester Hill

Buff Tip
Buff Tip
Buff Tip
Peppered Moth
Peppered Moth
Peppered Moth
Clouded Yellow
Clouded Yellow
Clouded Yellow
Adonis Blue
Adonis Blue
Adonis Blue
Silver-spotted Skipper
Silver-spotted Skipper
Silver-spotted Skipper

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Re: August 2013

Post by dilettante »

Ian Pratt wrote:New butterfly seen on the Isle of Wight today- you have heard of the silver Y moth, well here is the blue Z butterfly! :lol:
You didn't see a masked Spanish-looking gentleman with a sword in the vicinity, did you? :D
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Re: August 2013

Post by Susie »

Took the girls to Horsham for a pre-going back to school haircut and spotted a brown hairstreak in the Bishopric! :)
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Re: August 2013

Post by millerd »

Lulworth Skippers, though worn now, are still around in numbers at Durlston Country Park near Swanage. Also one or two very late Marbled Whites, lots of Adonis Blues and the odd Wall.

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Re: August 2013

Post by aeshna5 »

Pleased to find 3 female Brown Hairstreaks on Bookham Common today- all intent on egg laying on low Blackthorn shoots.Also 1 faded Purple Hairstreak, 3 Small Coppers + Brown Argus. Apart from butterflies a very long (in excess of 4 ft) grass Snake swimming in the pond was a real highlight.
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Re: August 2013

Post by Catteraxe »

Very pleasant walk around the Oxwich area on Gower today. Plenty of Large and Small Whites, Small Torts, Speckled Woods, the odd GVW and Meadow Brown, a few Common Blues, a Peacock and a Painted Lady plus 2 Clouded Yellows in excellent condition on the coastal path between Port Einon and Oxwich.
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David M
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Re: August 2013

Post by David M »

millerd wrote:Also one or two very late Marbled Whites
That's surprising, given that they've disappeared from almost every other locality.
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Re: August 2013

Post by millerd »

Indeed. I saw a worn one first, then one that was surprisingly fresh. Must be the sea air on the Dorset coast - perhaps Wurzel knows the secret...

There's a pic of the second one in my personal diary.

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Re: August 2013

Post by Rosalyn »

I had a few days off last week so we visited Strumpshaw Fen Wednesday in search of Swallowtails. We were not disappointed. We saw 2 where the broad joins the river, all be it on the opposite bank, we wandered further along and on our return presumably the same 2 were flying around a large buddleia.
With the met office reporting cloudy conditions we decided not to venture too far on Saturday, I still needed Silver Spotted Skipper and Adonis Blue to match Phil's tally, SSS seemed the best at Aston Rowant (north side). Turned out to be a lovely sunny afternoon and my first butterfly was an Adonis Blue!! Clouded Yellow, lots of Brown Argus and SSS. It was rather windy so photo Opportunities were restricted. Not the most peaceful of reserves lots of noise from the road but a lovely day out never the less
Adonis Blue F101.jpg
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