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Paul Harfield
Posts: 854
Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:48 pm
Location: Hampshire


Post by Paul Harfield »

As we are now in the throws of 'The Big Butterfly Count' , I have a question :?:

I always try and do a count when I am out and about, logging my findings with the relevant Butterfly Conservation branch (mainly Hampshire). This is obviously much easier out of the main season, when the counts barely get into double figures. My main reason for being out is purely to enjoy the butterflies and find counting detracts from the pleasure, although I appreciate the importance of it :D I am of course familiar with the counting guidelines, but find that once numbers get above the 40-50 mark it is difficult to be accurate and approximations are more likely. My own counts are likely to be underapproximations when numbers are high.

I always browse through the BC Hants & IOW sightings page to see what is about. I notice that in peak season, ie now, I see very high counts recorded. One particular entry drew my attention 5000 :!: :shock: Meadow Brown recorded for Martin Down recently. This, as well as other counts in the region of 400-1000, has me slightly perplexed :? It is obviously not possible to be accurate at these sort of numbers, but I also am struggling to understand how it is possible to estimate. Or could it be a typo :?: Estimates of 100-200 I could cope with as being a reasonable estimation if I were out, but I would struggle to even contemplate logging a sighting of 5000.

Comments please
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