Nick Broomer

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

A rarity for 2012....basking in the warmth of the sun...
15.7.2012 Gatekeeper, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey.jpg
1.7.2012 Dark-Green fritillary, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey.jpg

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Males hanging out...
15.7.2012 Small Skipper, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey 081.jpg
1.7.2012 Dark-Green Fritillary, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey 101.jpg

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Another butterfly that was hampered by the wet summer of 2012 was the Marbled White, finding one, especially females in good condition proved to be difficult at the best of times.
15.7.2012 C.W. 085_1.jpg
12.7.2012 Marbled White, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey 041.jpg

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

On Hazel........come rain.......or not.........
1.7.2012 C.W. 277-1_1.jpg
15.7.2012 C.W. 042-1_1.jpg

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Mark Colvin
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Mark Colvin »

Nice work Nick.

Keep the pictures coming :D :D :D

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Re: hideandseek

Post by David M »

Superb images, Nick.

These are amongst the best posted on this site and I look forward to many more.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Thank you for your kind comments Mark, as always appreciated. :D

Hi David, a big thank you for your very generous and kind comment on my photography, very much appreciated. :D

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Today was my first outing this year foraging for butterflies. I went to my favourite spot for butterflies that have just emerged from hibernation and an excellent area for the Orange-tip, knowing i had no chance of seeing one, but to also see how well advanced the Cuckoo Flower was. Trying to find the flower proved difficult, but i did manage to find a few plants, mostly between 50-75mm high, well behind schedule. But whilst i was trying to photograph a Comma, and i was really trying, as the butterfly would`nt keep still, not like the one i photographed earlier which was so thoughtful, and posed for me forever, anyway as i was saying, i was trying to get a picture of this particular Comma when i noticed a single Cuckoo plant tucked right under some Blackthorn with two flower heads, and about 250mm in height, well protected from the cold weather we have been experiencing of late.
14.4.2013 down by the river 068-1_1.jpg
Earlier on my excursion into the countryside i saw 3 male and one female Brimstone, 3 Peacock, 3 Comma, one Small White and one Small Tortoiseshell.
14.4.2013 down by the river 014-1_1.jpg
14.4.2013 down by the river 018-1_1.jpg

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Wurzel »

Nice to see a Peacock shot :D :mrgreen: I saw my first today but it was gone in a flash :(

Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

You will get a photo sooner or later Wurzel, this is the only time of year i am likely to see a Peacock let alone photograph one. I have`nt seen a summer brood Peacock for a number of years now, so i have to take my chances when they are presented. I only photograpged to individuals last year, both in March, so i have had to wait until now for another photo. I have already taken pictures of two different Peacocks this year, so that looks like it for this year. But heres hoping for a lovely shot later this year of a summer Peacock in pristine condition, well i can always dream......................... :)

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

This afternoon i visited Chiddingfold Wood for the first time this year hoping for a Wood White, but it was not to be. I still had a very enjoyable few hours here, photographing my 3rd and 4th Peacocks of the year , twice as many as last year and, seeing four in total for the day. Also seen were three Commas which were really obliging, and gave me a great end to the afternoon, and a further ten Brimstones, so now i have seen more in number of this butterfly in two sorties into the countryside than the whole of last year, brilliant. Earlier in the day whilst working, two Small Tortoiseshell were also seen, so all in all a great day.
20.4.2013 C.W. 004_1.jpg
20.4.2013 C.W. 040-1_1.jpg

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Nick,

Good to see you are seeing Peacocks. They were out in abundance around my neck of the woods in the Midlands today. I saw good numbers last year as well, it was Brimstones I struggling with last year, took ages to see my first last spring.

Neil F.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Thanks Neil, the Peacocks are doing much better than normal this year in my neck of the woods, which is really pleasing, so i hope to get a picture of a summer brood Peacock this year, keeping fingers crossed, maybe one as good as yours and some of the others who posted some lovely shots last summer.

The Brimstones are also doing really well in my area, not like last year, when i only saw half a dozen in the spring, plus two in the summer on the North-downs. I have already exceeded that number,[16 seen so far] so i hope they do well in your neighbourhood, and everywhere else this year, as well as all our other native butterflies.

Oh yes, forgot to mention in my post yesterday that i saw my first Cuckoo and, Nightingales yesterday.

All the best, Nick.

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Wurzel »

I finally got some shots of a Peacock yesterday so now I can enjoy your photos without the side order of envy :lol: Geat news about the Nightingale - it's Blackcaps and Whitethroats round our way at the moment.

Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Wurzel, glad you finally got yourself a photo of a Peacock. I still have`nt seen a Whitethroat around here, and they are rather common in the area. Last year they did`nt turn up until May, just a few years ago i found a Whitethroat`s nest, fully built and ready for the laying of eggs by the 21st April. I know of a pair of Swallows that returned to their nest site by the 17th April, [this year] and also saw another Nightingale [sunday] at the back of my house, singing right out in the open, trying to drum up some business, which was lovely to see so close to home, also i managed to photograph my 5th Peacock of the year, but this time an aberration. :D

All the best, Nick.

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Wurzel »

You're smashing last years record Nick! 8) When do we get to see the aberrant Peacock, was it "blind"?

Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

I am certainly breaking all my Peacock records for getting photos of this butterfly Wurzel, even though the numbers are small compared to a lot of other peoples. I think that this years quota beats all the previous years since i started butterfly photography put together. I hope to post the photo of the aberration tomorrow. I have so much trouble resizing for some reason, [distortion of the butterfly, flower stem etc, basically screwing up my photos] sometimes it can take hours to resize a picture. So thats why i don`t post a lot of photos until a much later date, i get so frustrated with the whole process, giving it a go for a couple of hours, then giving up and, trying again another night. Here are two photos from sat. 20th April, the Comma on the Honeysuckle stem was the photo i had all the trouble resizing, the other one on the branch took no time at all.

I found this Comma plus two more of his mates, and a couple of Peacocks fighting it out for the best sun spots, for a bit of sun bathing. So all i did was stand and wait for the best photo opportunity, [a couple of hours] i was actually standing three feet from the Honeysuckle stem when the Comma landed on it, posing beautifully, i could`nt of asked for more, [must have trod in something] and it just shows you that patience is a must in this game.
20.4.2013 Comma, male, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey.jpg
20.4.2013 male Comma, Chiddingfold Wood, Surrey.jpg

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Mark Colvin
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Mark Colvin »

Great work Nick.

Have you purchased a Lumix? :wink:

Must get together soon.

Kindest regards. Mark

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Thanks Mark, appreciated. Did`nt you know i`m a secret Lumix user. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Butterflies just seen, Large White, Small White, male Orange-tip, Comma.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Last sunday afternoon i visited a small piece of waste-land close to my home to see what butterflies it would produce. Small Tortoiseshell were seen on arrival along with a couple of Comma and, then three Peacock, one of them in particular caught my eye with its beautiful colours, more so than usual, it was this one that i would focus my attention on. Seeing something unusual with its wing pattern, with closer inspection i saw that my suspicions were well founded, as it turned out to be an aberration. But getting a photo was`nt that easy, frequently patroling his territory, being disturbed by other butterflies, and then there is always the intruding vegitation. So it was just a case of binding my time, and waiting for a opportunity, so wait i did. Eventually my patience paid off and, i got the three pictures i was after......
21.4.2013 down by the river 007-2_1.jpg
21.4.2013 down by the river 006-3_3.jpg

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