Brockham Limeworks

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Simon C
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Brockham Limeworks

Post by Simon C »

I visited this site last Saturday, whilst walking the North Downs Way from Dorking towards Reigate [if anyone heads that way by train from Bath, ticket-splitting at Didcot saves ~£25 :?]. It is an industrial heritage site now managed for wildlife by Surrey Wildlife Trust, about 20 minutes walk from Box Hill, but doesn’t seem to have registered on UKB. That surprises, as it was outstanding :D. I don’t know this part of the country well, but I walked the North Downs Way from Guildford to Dorking a couple of weeks ago, detouring to promising downlands along the way, and walked in the Box Hill/Ranmore Common/Denbies area around this time last year, and of all the locations visited, Brockham had by some way the greatest concentration of Silver Spotted Skippers. [For the record, from what I have seen, the south east corner of Box Hill just above the Pilgrim's Way is the next best location for SSS]. Also seen at Brockham were good numbers of ChB, CB, BA, SH, B, P, RA, ST, C, MB, G, SpW, LW, SW, GVW, SC, and SS, and enough somewhat tired looking DGF to think a visit earlier in the summer would be worthwhile. The flora is herb-rich and contains great variety, and the area looks like a good location for orchids, although I certainly can’t put a name to them when they are going to seed :? .

The first image below is taken from the floor of the old quarry where SSS abounded. Right of center you can see an opening in the trees which is on a steep slope above some of the diggings. I scrambled up there to have my lunch, and had the pleasure of also being surrounded by SSS (amongst other species). The second photo is a less-good-than-hoped-for :( photo-stitch of the view from there, extending over Surrey [I think :oops: – this is not my part of the world! ].




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Re: Brockham Limeworks

Post by RobS »

thanks for the info,
good photos too :D
Under canvas. Just the wild woods for company.
Simon C
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Re: Brockham Limeworks

Post by Simon C »

Hi Rob,

My pleasure!

I was slightly disappointed with the photos I got given the number of SSS around, although the main aim of the day was the walk. The Surrey Wildlife Trust information board states the site is good for silver spotted skipper's because the quarry walls reflect heat and mean the temperature is a couple of degrees higher than the surrounding area - which meant that day it must have been in the low 30s, it being the hottest day of the year. The SSS were very skittish. If the weather had been a bit cooler I would have been far more successful (or at least I like to think so).

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Re: Brockham Limeworks

Post by millerd »

I think I will have to have a look at this, being a frequent visitor to Box Hill as it is. I would concur with the assessment of part of the Box Hill area being good for SSS, too.

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Re: Brockham Limeworks

Post by MrSp0ck »

Purple Emperor females are often seen in the quarry, they lay on the sallows. We have had them 2 years on the Surrey Butterfly Great Train Journey East walk.
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Re: Brockham Limeworks

Post by MrSp0ck »

On the Great Train Journey East walk in 2018 we had a Brown Hairstreak too.
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