If only ...

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Simon C
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If only ...

Post by Simon C »

Whilst trying to confirm a vague memory I had for a forum posting elsewhere, a google search through up this random link, which has a startling revelation in the fourth paragraph:

http://www.btcv.org.uk/cgi-bin/office_o ... newregion=

What's more, it has (as is the way with such things) found it's way onto that fount of all knowledge, a Wikipedia page (accessed 30-viii-12).

If only it were true. That really would be something to sing about.


Last edited by Simon C on Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If only ...

Post by Rogerdodge »

and I went all the way to France to see this when it was virtually on my doorstep :wink:
I guess someone has confused it with Marsh?
Nice to hear Peter Gabriel again though......

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Re: If only ...

Post by m_galathea »

Not sure where that came from but I noticed earlier this year that it is written on the reserve sign too. Nice place to watch sunset from : ) Alex
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Re: If only ...

Post by Matsukaze »

Hi Simon,

Do Chalkhill Blues really occur there? I know they used to be just along the ridge at Bannerdown but have never heard of them on Solsbury Hill.

As for the fritillary it occurs on the chalk just south of Dieppe so might actually be capable of surviving on Solsbury Hill, if it could ever get there...not that it will happen in our lifetimes of course!
Simon C
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Re: If only ...

Post by Simon C »

Hi Chris,
Do Chalkhill Blues really occur there? I know they used to be just along the ridge at Bannerdown but have never heard of them on Solsbury Hill.
Not as far as I know, although I admit I haven't been up there for a couple of years. I'm not sure if they are still at Bannerdown either - there were only ever a (suspiciously?) small number, I think. Remember the singleton we saw in the old quarry off the golf course? Incidentally, I spotted grizzled skipper and green hairstreak there for the first time this year - just one of each.

I am off to a Bath Natural History Society meeting this week - someone there might know more. If so, I'll fill you in.

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Re: If only ...

Post by Matsukaze »

Nice finds at the quarry, I have never seen either species there. There were a few dingy skippers about earlier in the year but I have yet to see some of the smaller and scarcer species locally there this year - common blue, small copper, small heath.

As for Solsbury Hill, I have always meant to look there for the spring skippers but never quite found the time. It is a good spot for marbled whites and for some reason it has always struck me as being the kind of place where the large blue might do well - of course it would take a lot of work to get the site in condition...
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